Quotes and Memes

Love thy neighbour as thyself!" - Kurt Cobain
Love myself better than you, I know it's wrong, what can I do?

Will Google the others tomorrow, lol

Meantime I like some of the non-chocolate box quotes:

When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surley
Marcus Aurelius

Some things take longer than you think they will, and there's some kinds of things you can never kill
Bob Dylan
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When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surley
Marcus Aurelius
I was away from my apartment for months..seasons even. I was hitchhiking around the country and ended up wintering on the beach in key West. As I was returning "home" on a plane. I say home but this is the days before cellphones I had zero communication with the house for months. I left a roommate there and asking him to make sure the rent and utilities got paid. I really did not know what I was rolling into. So on the redeye going west I visualized the front of my apartment building....there is my door, bedroom and living room windows...all broken out, with black scorch marks above them.

I figured anything I encountered would be better than that...and if I was prepared for that I could deal with anything.

I found the same tool beneficial in business meetings, walking into a weekly progress meeting, a budget analysis, called to a jobsite for a problem...

On the way I would visualize the worst. Not solve it, not prepare solutions, rebuttals, or responses. Simply sit in the turmoil, experience the stress level of an imaginary situation...and be able to stay calm and be able to think when presented with issues that needed attention.

I hitched from the airport into town. It was about 9am on a Sunday morning. There were bodies in every chair, scattered around on the floor, coffee table full of beer cans. Some groaning some stirring most passed out. There had been a party...but looking around it was only a party...other than the jackets and bodies and beer cans the place was rarely clean...stepping over folks with my backpack and duffle was fun and as I entered the kitchen...it was mostly.clean too...just party remnants. There was juice and eggs and bacon in the fridge. I let the bacon start sizzling and the house start stinking before I dropped the needle and cranked up Willie and Waylon.
hitched from the airport into town. It was about 9am on a Sunday morning. There were bodies in every chair, scattered around on the floor, coffee table full of beer cans. Some groaning some stirring most passed out. There had been a party...but looking around it was only a party...other than the jackets and bodies and beer cans the place was rarely clean...stepping over folks with my backpack and duffle was fun and as I entered the kitchen...it was mostly.clean too...just party remnants. There was juice and eggs and bacon in the fridge. I let the bacon start sizzling and the house start stinking before I dropped the needle and cranked up Willie and Waylon.
I recall this story, but you didn't mention the prior visualization of a smoking ruin, lol. I used to own that Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings tape. I can smell that bacon cooking from here :)
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I hope that this is okay to post here:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

The personality of a person, the ways of a person, the thoughts, the deeds, the actions, it’s all based around his heart. For what is a man? A man is his heart. A lying heart, a cheating heart, means a lying cheating man. A loving heart, a merciful heart, means a loving, merciful man. A living heart means a living man. A dead heart means a dead man.

Regardless to man’s title, regardless to man’s wealth or position, if the heart is not great, then he cannot be great. But if the heart is great, that man remains great under all circumstances, rich or poor, large or small -- so does the heart that makes one large or small
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The personality of a person, the ways of a person, the thoughts, the deeds, the actions, it’s all based around his heart. For what is a man? A man is his heart..
Mmm .. I don't think I would be happy with having it replaced by a pig's heart. :eek:
"Whatever it is you're seeking, won't come in the form you're expecting"
Haruki Murakami
„A goal can only be reached if the means are in consonance with its essential nature. One will never attain non-violence through violence.“

— Gustav Landauer
Carl Sagan and Richard Feynman are filled with great quotes. One of my favorites;

"It is not unscientific to make a guess, although many people who are not in science think it is" - Richard Feynman
Only 1% of the worlds populations are geniuses, and 99% of the people believe they are in that one percent.

Not sure who to give credit to.

Only 1% of the worlds populations are geniuses, and 99% of the people believe they are in that one percent.

Not sure who to give credit to.


I have actually had my IQ tested twice by diagnosticians, though. I don't remember the exact number but I remember that it was around the supergenius mark (eta: at the time I think that was 160 and above, but I don't know how far above I was)

Personally, I think people give too much merit to IQ. In the gifted and talented program, I met a lot of very intelligent people that had absolutely no common sense, were slaves to their emotions, or were just too arrogant or selfish to really make the best of any scenario they were put in. Many capable people in that program ended up dropping out of high school because they felt like they were above our education system.

I was offered a full scholarship in middle school but I turned it down because I knew that I still had to emotionally mature before I was ready for the responsibilities of adulthood. The opportunity went to another girl I knew, Ellie, who seems to have made the most of it from what I heard of her last. Like many other geniuses in the program, she had this nasty habit of just assuming she was right and the smartest person in the room at all times to the point where she didn't put in the effort to learn to harness that. I ended up out-thinking her a few times when we had to compete because of it. I still don't know if that's because I was more intelligent than her or just because I was depressed at the time so I had a lot less blind faith in myself.

I guess my point is, IQ isn't everything. Nobody should feel bad about having a lower IQ and nobody should assume that people with high IQs are necessarily better than them in some way. Intelligence is a gift that's wasted on some people. I hope to use mine to help the world.
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I have actually had my IQ tested twice by diagnosticians, though. I don't remember the exact number but I remember that it was around the supergenius mark (eta: at the time I think that was 160 and above, but I don't know how far above I was)

Personally, I think people give too much merit to IQ. In the gifted and talented program, I met a lot of very intelligent people that had absolutely no common sense, were slaves to their emotions, or were just too arrogant or selfish to really make the best of any scenario they were put in. Many capable people in that program ended up dropping out of high school because they felt like they were above our education system.

I was offered a full scholarship in middle school but I turned it down because I knew that I still had to emotionally mature before I was ready for the responsibilities of adulthood. The opportunity went to another girl I knew, Ellie, who seems to have made the most of it from what I heard of her last. Like many other geniuses in the program, she had this nasty habit of just assuming she was right and the smartest person in the room at all times to the point where she didn't put in the effort to learn to harness that. I ended up out-thinking her a few times when we had to compete because of it. I still don't know if that's because I was more intelligent than her or just because I was depressed at the time so I had a lot less blind faith in myself.

I guess my point is, IQ isn't everything. Nobody should feel bad about having a lower IQ and nobody should assume that people with high IQs are necessarily better than them in some way. Intelligence is a gift that's wasted on some people. I hope to use mine to help the world.

I already understand how intelligent you are, you are very gifted. I took an IQ test back in my early twenties and scored just over 120, all my answers were correct just ran out of time.

I find that when I think I am right without a shadow of doubt, this is when I am wrong most often.

I hope all the right doors open for you and you get the chance to use your intelligence to help this world, it needs it.

We dont see the world as it is, we see the world as we are
-- Anaïs Nin