I am of the opinion that 'truth' where religion is concerned is very elusive, there is no verifiable evidence any god exists.
I agree that there is no evidence that "God" exists - scientific evidence. I am a Believer in "God" (Allah specifically).

Existence - from the perspective of Quranic language - is creation, not Creator.

In fact, based upon the Quranic usage of forms of the Arabic word "Kaana" (to exist, to be) and other derivatives of "Kaana", such as "kawn" (cosmos), "kaynunah" (existence), and "ka'in" (being), it could said, from an Islamic point of view, that Allah does not "exist"!

Can "non-existence" be proven? Is there evidence of non-existence?

If Allah does not exists, in this sense, can it be said that Allah is non-existence?

Not - if fully examined - from the Islamic point of view. Allah is "beyond" the duality of existence & non-existence / being & non-being.

I have read some things that seem to indicate that Ayn Soph - Hebrew - "nothingness" and/or "limitlessness" is deified by some.

"Signs in creation", as mentioned in Quran, are not proof/evidence in that context.
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