Theist... G!d exists
Atheist...G!d does not exist.
Agnostic...I don't know, I need more proof.
Who has the open mind?
Atheist...G!d does not exist.
Agnostic...I don't know, I need more proof.
Who has the open mind?
I seem to understand @Cino presents the BB as analogous to a point on a sphere; the sphere does not actually originate from that point, the point is really just a conceptual device to measure the sphere -- the measurement has to start somewhere.
Ok, so wherever I stand on the sphere, the furthest point from me will be 13.8 billion years away.
I think?
It sounds quite convincing, in the sense that the sphere was always there, but if we try to measure it will always appear to be 13.8 billion years old.
But I don't like it because it sounds like a cop-out. If we look at far away stars, we see them as they were back billions of years ago. It's like trying to have your cake and eat it: time/space (+energy and the four forces) are a necessary condition for nature to exist -- but they had no beginning? They always existed, but yet they originated exactly 13.8 billion years ago?
Paradox or pathetic? Which is it?
It's like the anthropic principle which states that we are here because we are here. Now this is the crowning discovery that is used as a definite principle in serious textbooks.
Because they cannot allow even the possibility of a greater directing intelligence they are forced to come up with the sort of answer an irritated mother gives to a child's persistent questioning.
No negative criticism intended to anyone here, unless they want to wear the cap, lol.
It doesnt work for me.
edited ...
I know. The strong one necessitates infinite other universes.The Anthropic Principle comes in two variants, by the way. You might actually enjoy the strong one. Just saying.
Theist... G!d exists
Atheist...G!d does not exist.
Agnostic...I don't know, I need more proof.
Who has the open mind?
Except here we are trying to push beyond 'belief' into scientific reality.I don't ask people around here to admit that yes, it is possible that God does not exist. That's for everyone to believe, or not, as they
Not even the extreme, but even centrist liberalism is unable to mount a sufficient challenge in the face of an emerging right-wing nationalism – the US and Europe, even Russia and China in their own way.But you know, as the extreme left wing loony fringe is in a way responsible for the swing toward the nationalistic right in politics --
Also Bolsanaro cutting down the Amazon forest. "Brazil is our country, we can do what we like with it." So at a time global solutions are needed for such things, instead we get increasing nationalism.what is so disturbing is not just the phenomena of Trump and Johnson, but the inability of the opposition to find its voice ...
If by "beginning", you don't actually mean "causal origin outside the universe", then yes.
It feels weird to talk about someone else in the same room. If RJM wanted to discuss something with me, I'm sure he'd do so himself.
That would be what I call "universe" - the totality of all that exists. It cannot be contingent on anything else, otherwise there would be something more than everything.
If something causes something else, then both are part of the same system.