Why Christians fear Islam


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Texas, USA

Its been weighing heavily on my mind why some Christians fear Islam. In my research of this I found an article that was disturbing to me and I would like to share it in hopes of clearing up the question of apostacy in Islam. I would like our forums Muslims to please read the article and respond if you can find the time.

Thank you
Faithful Servant

http://www.bibletopics.com/biblestudy/96.htm Part 1

http://www.bibletopics.com/biblestudy/96a.htm Part 2
Faithfulservant said:

Its been weighing heavily on my mind why some Christians fear Islam. In my research of this I found an article that was disturbing to me and I would like to share it in hopes of clearing up the question of apostacy in Islam. I would like our forums Muslims to please read the article and respond if you can find the time.

Thank you
Faithful Servant
Al Salaamu Alyckum

Faithfulservant,I think this needs deep research to clarify the truth ,because not everything you read about Islam specially stories about Islam after Mohameed (PUH) death actually right. however ,Christians are not related to this issue the rejecting of Islam after believing in it ,it is related to those whom believe in Islam that no one can force them to inter it according to Quraan and Islamic rules ,so why Christians will fear from Islam because of this?? .

The other fact is that Islam never declared the concept of converting others into the faith as part of the Muslims' duties. On the contrary, Islam limited the Muslims' duties in this respect to the balagh (conveyance): If then they turn away, We have not sent thee as a guard over them. Thy duty is but to convey (the Message(

The words of God in the Quran advocates the absolute freedom of religion. Any society or nation which claims to be Islamic must have fundamental freedom of religion. The right to preach any religion, the right to assembly and worship would be the basic tenants. Tolerance of other religions and civility would be the hallmarks of such a society. It will be the duty of the state to preserve and protect the right of any citizen to practice their religion in freedom.

GOD does not enjoin you from befriendingthose who do not fight you because of religion, and do not evict you from your homes. You may befriend them and be equitable towards them. GOD loves the equitable. GOD enjoins you only from befriending those who fight you because of religion, evict you from your homes, and band together with others to banish you. You shall not befriend them. Those who befriend them are the transgressors”.[60:8-9]

Let us look at Noble Verse 2:217 "They ask thee (Mohammed) Concerning fighting In the Prohibited Month. Say: Fighting therein Is a grave (offence); but graver is it In the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the sacred Mosque, and drive out its members. Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you turn back from their faith (Islam) and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the hereafter; they will be companions of the fire and will abide therein." Here in this Holy Verse we see that Allah Almighty talks about those who leave Islam, and promises them punishment in the day of judgment. Allah Almighty doesn't order the death of those people.

Let also look at Noble Verse 5:54 "O ye who believe! If any from among you turn back from his faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He (Allah) will love as they will love Him lowly with the believers, Mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of Allah, and never afraid of the reproachers of such as find fault. That is the Grace of Allah which He will bestow on whom He (Allah) pleaseth. And Allah encompasseth all, and He knoweth all things." Here in this Holy Verse we see again Allah Almighty strengthening the faith of the Muslims in Islam by assuring them that whenever they see Muslims leaving Islam they will also see those who join Islam with strong faith and love to Allah Almighty.

"As most men are rebellious." (5:49), it is inevitable that there should be apostates even from such a religion of reason and common-sense as Islam. In Verse 5:54 above there is a warning to the Muslims that they should not repeat the history of the Jews, and become so self-satisfied or arrogant as to depart from the spirit of Allah's teaching. If they do, the loss will be their own. Allah's bounty is not confined to one group or section of humanity. He can always raise up people who will follow the true spirit of Islam. That spirit is defined in two ways:

1- They will love Allah Almighty and Allah Almighty will love them.

2- Amongst the Brethren, their attitude will be that of humility, but to wrongdoers they will offer no compromises, and they will always strive and fight for the truth and right. They will know no fear, either physical, or that more insidious form. They are too great in mind to be haunted by any such thought.

Let us look at Noble Verse 5:55 "(O Muslims) Your (real) friends are (No less than) Allah, His Messenger, and the (Fellowship Of) Believers, those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly (in worship)." Here we see Allah Almighty telling Muslims after he warned them from apostates in (5:54) that their real friends are: Allah Almighty, Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him, and the good Muslims who keep up with their prayers and charity, and who humbly worship their God.

Let us look at Noble Verse 3:90 "But those who reject faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of faith never will their repentance be accepted; for they are those who have (of set purpose) gone astray." Here in this holy verse we see Allah Almighty rejecting the faith of those who keep coming back and forth to Islam. In order for a human being to accept Islam as his religion, he must be certain about it first. Allah Almighty's path is wide open, and his mercy is greater than this universe. This Holy Verse also does not order the death of those who leave Islam.

The path to Allah Almighty is always open and Allah Almighty will be your friend as in verse (5:55) above, and he will forgive your sins for you once you repent as in the following verse: "Except for those that repent (Even) after that, And make amends; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful." (3:89).

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Thanks to all
Wow Muslims twist our scripture as much as we do them I guess.

for example.. there was a link to bible verses showing God as angry and hateful in the new testament

This verse was sent to me by Yusif 65; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him: 2 Chronicles 15:13 "All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman."

this is actually what it was

Then they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord God of their ancestors with all their mind and all their heart. 13 Whoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel would be put to death, young or old, man or woman. 14 They took an oath to the Lord in a loud voice, with shouting, with trumpets, and with rams' horns. 15 All Judah rejoiced over the oath, for they had sworn it with all their mind. They had sought Him with all their heart, and He was found by them. So the Lord gave them rest on every side.

The jews were promising God that if they followed them with all their heart would allow rest for them.

THE JEWISH PEOPLE made THAT oath to GOD that they would put to death people who did not except him.. THAT WAS NOT GOD. Its horrible that this is posted on a muslim website showing Christianity falsly.. Im disappointed.

Wow Im reading more and Im just disgusted with how its being taken out of context. I cant even begin to tell you how sad this makes me to think that muslims believe this because they read it on a page thats supposed to be a source of reference for people seeking faith. I now believe that everything muslims think of christianity is ALL lies. Then again I guess it goes both ways. Christians believe everything your religion teaches is lies. Let me give you another site to read.. this is what Christians believe about Islam.


I want you to know dear Friend.. that my anger is not directed at you or Islam my anger is directed at people that misquote the scriptures of my faith in order to give FALSE TEACHINGS about God.

How can we ever find peace between our two faiths if someone gives the blessing of Allah on those that twist and contort the scriptures in order to prove the invalidity of our beliefs. How can we ever find peace if someone misquotes The Koran in order to twist and contort your scriptures to prove the invalidity of your beliefs. I am truly in despair right now.

Faithful Servant
There are hate Mongers both way.... and they twist and quote out of context.... material from any faith....be that Jewism, Chritanity, or Islam or any other religion.

..In My Humble understanding..... Most of the Monethiest religion have a common beggining From ADAM then upto their prophet be it (Ibrahim, Musa, Isa or Mohammed ).....So that is the common ground....
All religion teach goodness, ... No religion teaches hate..... Its only ..... those who want to exploit it for their own personal gains report or quote out of context....
Faithfulservant said:
Wow Muslims twist our scripture as much as we do them I guess.

for example.. there was a link to bible verses showing God as angry and hateful in the new testament

This verse was sent to me by Yusif 65; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him: 2 Chronicles 15:13 "All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman."

this is actually what it was

Then they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord God of their ancestors with all their mind and all their heart. 13 Whoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel would be put to death, young or old, man or woman. 14 They took an oath to the Lord in a loud voice, with shouting, with trumpets, and with rams' horns. 15 All Judah rejoiced over the oath, for they had sworn it with all their mind. They had sought Him with all their heart, and He was found by them. So the Lord gave them rest on every side.

The jews were promising God that if they followed them with all their heart would allow rest for them.

THE JEWISH PEOPLE made THAT oath to GOD that they would put to death people who did not except him.. THAT WAS NOT GOD. Its horrible that this is posted on a muslim website showing Christianity falsly.. Im disappointed.

Wow Im reading more and Im just disgusted with how its being taken out of context. I cant even begin to tell you how sad this makes me to think that muslims believe this because they read it on a page thats supposed to be a source of reference for people seeking faith. I now believe that everything muslims think of christianity is ALL lies. Then again I guess it goes both ways. Christians believe everything your religion teaches is lies. Let me give you another site to read.. this is what Christians believe about Islam.


I want you to know dear Friend.. that my anger is not directed at you or Islam my anger is directed at people that misquote the scriptures of my faith in order to give FALSE TEACHINGS about God.

How can we ever find peace between our two faiths if someone gives the blessing of Allah on those that twist and contort the scriptures in order to prove the invalidity of our beliefs. How can we ever find peace if someone misquotes The Koran in order to twist and contort your scriptures to prove the invalidity of your beliefs. I am truly in despair right now.

Faithful Servant

Salaam to all

Faithfulservant,I'm sorry if you understand that I believe in everything I read about your religion ,but I want you and all Christians here to feel how we are Muslims also feel when you refers to some of antiislamic site to understand Islam .
Dear Friend.

My whole desire in wanting to know your faith is so that I can teach Christian brothers and sisters that Islam is not the horrible hate and war and violence that its believed to be. I am advocating for Islam because I see the peacefulness of you and Thipps and I know that what we have come to believe about Islam is NOT true . I would like to share this with my fellow Christians. You have been very patient in your discourse with me and I very much appreciate it. I would like for you to ask me questions when something sounds wrong about Christianity so you can share with YOUR brothers and sisters that we should not always believe what is written.

In believing that Islam is evil we are losing out on a wonderful friendship between our faiths. I believe that we can ALL learn something from each other. I hope to be a teacher of religious tolerance.. I can try. With the help of you and others that are willing to discuss it with me.

Thank you
Faithful Servant
Dear Friend.

I also wanted to add that the reason I posted that anti-islamic site was so that you could see for yourself that its being done about Islam .. and I was hoping you would understand how it felt for me to see you using that anti-christian site as a reference for your thoughts. I wanted you to know that EVERYTHING on that site was wrong. Just like everything on the site I linked was wrong.

Faithful Servant
Faithfulservant said:
Dear Friend.

I also wanted to add that the reason I posted that anti-islamic site was so that you could see for yourself that its being done about Islam .. and I was hoping you would understand how it felt for me to see you using that anti-christian site as a reference for your thoughts. I wanted you to know that EVERYTHING on that site was wrong. Just like everything on the site I linked was wrong.

Faithful Servant
Al Salaamu Alyckum

My Friend Faithfulservant,I respect and appreciate your perceptions about Islam,and I'm happy that you received my idea . my best wishes for you.
The original links look like a particularly nasty piece of anti-Islamic spin, but are unfortunately common and reciprocated.

My basic understanding is that the Qur'an calls on Muslims to respect Jews and Christians as "people of the book".

In fact, Christians and Jews were apparently very well treated up until the 11th century on the Gregorian calendar, when things went awry between Christianity and Islam because of the crusades.

Jews continued to be well respected in part of Islam - Bagdad used to have a large and flourishing Jewish community whom I believe were particularly well remarked up by Arab scholars. However, the whole Israel-Palestine issue has completely soured Jewish and Islamic relations, with a lot of nasty politics being involved.

For the time being, it seems a big mixture of politics and personal fears have been stirred up in strictly religious lines, creating extreme animosities. There has been a nasty anti-Semiticism in Islam that has been growing louder in recent years, and 9/11 made "Muslim" synonymous with "terrorist" in the eyes of many Christians.
It's not just christians that fear Muslims...

some reasons;

Culture shock/difference.
Different religion.

For me it is the the culture difference....

The world is currently on a muslim detox attempt.... :/ You can't put that 'all' on the christians lol.
The original links look like a particularly nasty piece of anti-Islamic spin, but are unfortunately common and reciprocated.

My basic understanding is that the Qur'an calls on Muslims to respect Jews and Christians as "people of the book".

In fact, Christians and Jews were apparently very well treated up until the 11th century on the Gregorian calendar, when things went awry between Christianity and Islam because of the crusades.

Jews continued to be well respected in part of Islam - Bagdad used to have a large and flourishing Jewish community whom I believe were particularly well remarked up by Arab scholars. However, the whole Israel-Palestine issue has completely soured Jewish and Islamic relations, with a lot of nasty politics being involved.

For the time being, it seems a big mixture of politics and personal fears have been stirred up in strictly religious lines, creating extreme animosities. There has been a nasty anti-Semiticism in Islam that has been growing louder in recent years, and 9/11 made "Muslim" synonymous with "terrorist" in the eyes of many Christians.

Anti semitism is common amongst muslims in my experience anyway, the prophet Mohamed PBUH was always fighting with them which also gives to fuel to fire as it were.
Namaste Faithful,

Another thread for MuslimWoman to show up at.

I'm sure you've been around and read her history. In a nutshell, raised a Christian, served in the British Military, and was climbing the corporate ladder when she red the Koran to prove someone wrong about their beliefs on the treatment of women.

She fell directly into that seek to understand stuff, and came out understanding that she appreciated Islam, converted, migrated to Egypt and found her a hubby. The story in itself of an intelligent, aspiring liberated female deciding to go from slit skirts and cleavage and pant suits western lifestyle and money to what we would consider impovershed and covered in a hajib tells me so much more about the people and the religion she's encountered than all the crap the media and the net portray.
Hey Wil

I hope you have a sense of humour, cause this reminds me of you :rolleyes:

Interesting, G2G,

I guess you'll have to expound as to how a sense of humour would benefit from your opinion.

Now me not taking anything personal...or just considering the source and discounting it all together, that assists.
Locally, the university here has a "free thinkers" club--an atheist society. It has a neopagan society. How well would these groups fare in a Muslim country?
Locally, the university here has a "free thinkers" club--an atheist society. It has a neopagan society. How well would these groups fare in a Muslim country?

I was thinking... But one of the cogs in my head brokes.... I saw a documentary on the history of Jerusalem.... And I recall that the christians, actually had it easier and better when the muslims controlled it.... Sorry I'll have to watch the show again I can't recall the details... But they allocated areas/buildings for the jews and christians.... Unlike previous rulers. Sure they still were biased to their own faith and got better deals and front of queues and whatnot... But *shrugs* That is natural and expected... But, the point is, other faiths were accepted around the dome and such... Hmm I am going to have re-watch it, I can't remember much at all lol.
Quran,Christmas and Religious Pluralism

Quran,Christmas and Religious Pluralism

Oleh: M. Guntur Romli

All religions must be positioned equally to create a free dialog without any subordination. The objective of this pluralism as Quran described is this:to know and learn one another (li ta’ârafû),and not to fight each other (li takhâshamû),or to regard one another infidel (li takâfarû),or to kill each other (li taqâtalû)!

This article published in Koran Tempo,Saturday,24 December 2005

As a Muslim,I would like to wish the Christians a merry Christmas. While Christmas is a celebration of the birth of prophet Isa (Jesus Christ),Qur’an congratulates on three important moments of his life:his birthday,death and day of resurrection. “Peace on me (Isa:Jesus) the day I was born,and the day I die,and the day I shall be raised alive!” (Surah Maryam:33). I think,Quran does not merely “celebrate” Christmas,but also celebrates “religious pluralism”.

I simply understand plurality as diversity,whereas pluralism is the positive attitude and perception upon plurality. Plurality must stand on the principle of equality and the absence of superior feeling among plural entities. Tolerance,particularly the passive tolerance from majority toward minority,is not enough for nurturing plurality. In this case,dialog is more appropriate therefore those plural parties may know,learn, respect and honor one another.

In this context,religious pluralism that means as recognition on the equal right of all religions is correct. All religions must be positioned equally to create a free dialog without any subordination. The objective of this pluralism as Quran described is this:to know and learn one another (li ta’ârafû),and not to fight each other (li takhâshamû),or to regard one another infidel (li takâfarû),or to kill each other (li taqâtalû)!

How does Quran recognize pluralism? First,Quran regards plurality as a given matter and part of the will of God (masyî’atullah). Surah al-Hujarat 13 explained that Allah has created humans male and female and has made them nations and tribes (sya’b wa qabîlah) that they may know and learn one another. In surah al-Rum 22,Allah said about the difference of languages (al-sinah) and colors (al-alwân) and compared them to the creation of heavens and earth. In addition,Allah wanted human to cherish and nurture this plurality.

As regards religious plurality,Quran gives human the right to believe or disbelieve. Allah is the one who has the right to determine whether one is a true believer or disbeliever. Anyone who wants to call people toward faith should avoid compulsion. Surah Yunus 99 affirms:And if thy Lord willed,all who are in the earth would have believed together. Would thou (Muhammad) compel men until they are believers? It is not for any soul to believe except by the permission of Allah. He had set uncleanness upon those who have no sense.

Here,Abd Aziz Sachedina (2003) elucidated that religious pluralism leads to double meanings:first, that faith is a private matter (non-interventionist) therefore no one has the right to come into this area,which is out of his authority. Second,this generates co-existence where freedom of religion is maintained in order to keep peace. Compulsion will destroy religious harmony.

Quran recognizes the power of salvation within other religions. Surah al-Baqarah 62 mentioned four religions namely Islam,Jewish,Christian,and Sabians. Most of the experts of tafseer interpret Sabians as ancient people who worship stars,as a symbol of God as their highest devotion. Ibn Jarir al-Thabarî in his book of tafseer,Jâmi’ al-Bayân quoted:Sabians are people who change their faith to another for seeking truth. Here,I conclude that if only those worshippers of stars were given salvation,other religions with the belief in God deserved the salvation more.

The verse says:Lo! Those who believe (in that which is revealed unto thee,Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and Christians,and Sabians –whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day and did right-surely their reward is with their Lord,and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.

belief in the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (Islam) leads to the belief in the teaching of the preceding prophets. Prophet Muhammad said ‘The parable of me in relation to the Prophets who came before me is that of a man who built a house beautifully and well,except that one brick in its corner was missing. The people went around it and wondered at its beauty, but said: “If only that brick were put in its place!” I am that brick,and I am the last of the Prophets.’ Quran affirms the faith upon former Prophets and Holy Scriptures in surah al-Baqarah 285:The messenger believed in that which had been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) the believers. Each one believed in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers- We make no distinction between any of His messengers-and they say:We hear,and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness,our Lord! Unto Thee is the journeying.

Fourth,Quran gives constitutional recognition upon prior Holy Scriptures. Quran in this case does not “abrogate” the preceding books,but it is “confirming” (mushaddiq) whatever Scripture was before it and a “watcher” over it (muhaymin) (surah al-Ma’idah:48). Quran asserted Torah as “guidance” and “light” (hudan wa nûr) which consist of “laws of Allah” (fîhâ hukm Allâh),and also affirmed Gospel as “guidance” and “light” (hudan wa nûr) and “confirmer” (mushaddiq) of the teaching of Torah. (surah al-Ma’idah:43,44,46).

In fact,not only that Quran recognizes the laws in Torah and Gospel but also it commands us to implement it. Nowadays,many Muslim fundamentalist are supporting the enforcement of Islamic law or “God’s law” and rejecting “human’s law” based on the verses of Quran “Who judge not by that which Allah had revealed:such are disbelievers (5:44); such are wrong-doers (5:45);such are evil-livers (5: 47). In fact,these verses were God’s criticism upon people of the books who do not implement the law of Torah and Gospel!

Allah had refused Jewish community who visited the prophet Muhammad to decide their case based on Quranic laws as narrated in surah al-Maidah 43:How come they unto thee for judgment when they have the Torah,wherein Allah had delivered judgment (for them)? Indeed, the law of qishâsh (equal retaliation:life for life,eye for eye,nose for nose etc which is the penal code of classical Islam) in surah al-Maidah 45,was derived from the law of Torah. In the meantime,God commanded the Christians to implement the law of Gospel as recited in surah al-Baqarah 47:Let the people of the Gospel judge by that which Allah had revealed therein.

I think,this is the Quranic way to celebrate Christmas and furthermore, religious pluralism.

How would an outspokenly atheist organization fare in the real world of Saudi Arabia or Iran? How would a religious organization that explicitly rejected the God of Abraham as even existing in the first place and worshipped a "goddess" fare in such countries?
I was thinking... But one of the cogs in my head brokes.... I saw a documentary on the history of Jerusalem.... And I recall that the christians, actually had it easier and better when the muslims controlled it.... Sorry I'll have to watch the show again I can't recall the details... But they allocated areas/buildings for the jews and christians.... Unlike previous rulers. Sure they still were biased to their own faith and got better deals and front of queues and whatnot... But *shrugs* That is natural and expected... But, the point is, other faiths were accepted around the dome and such... Hmm I am going to have re-watch it, I can't remember much at all lol.

Well, that's special.

Now, let's compare how things are done in the modern day, shall we? I will be very happy to admit that MEDIEVAL Muslim countries may have been more tolerant than MEDIEVAL Western countries when it came to religion. But let's compare some modern countries a bit and see where we land. Let's see, some folks like to keep bawling about how the USA is nothing but a "theocracy", so let's compare how, for example, the Baha'i are treated in the USA vs. how they are treated in Iran.