Quran,Christmas and Religious Pluralism
Quran,Christmas and Religious Pluralism
Oleh: M. Guntur Romli
All religions must be positioned equally to create a free dialog without any subordination. The objective of this pluralism as Quran described is this:to know and learn one another (li ta’ârafû),and not to fight each other (li takhâshamû),or to regard one another infidel (li takâfarû),or to kill each other (li taqâtalû)!
This article published in Koran Tempo,Saturday,24 December 2005
As a Muslim,I would like to wish the Christians a merry Christmas. While Christmas is a celebration of the birth of prophet Isa (Jesus Christ),Qur’an congratulates on three important moments of his life:his birthday,death and day of resurrection. “Peace on me (Isa:Jesus) the day I was born,and the day I die,and the day I shall be raised alive!” (Surah Maryam:33). I think,Quran does not merely “celebrate” Christmas,but also celebrates “religious pluralism”.
I simply understand plurality as diversity,whereas pluralism is the positive attitude and perception upon plurality. Plurality must stand on the principle of equality and the absence of superior feeling among plural entities. Tolerance,particularly the passive tolerance from majority toward minority,is not enough for nurturing plurality. In this case,dialog is more appropriate therefore those plural parties may know,learn, respect and honor one another.
In this context,religious pluralism that means as recognition on the equal right of all religions is correct. All religions must be positioned equally to create a free dialog without any subordination. The objective of this pluralism as Quran described is this:to know and learn one another (li ta’ârafû),and not to fight each other (li takhâshamû),or to regard one another infidel (li takâfarû),or to kill each other (li taqâtalû)!
How does Quran recognize pluralism? First,Quran regards plurality as a given matter and part of the will of God (masyî’atullah). Surah al-Hujarat 13 explained that Allah has created humans male and female and has made them nations and tribes (sya’b wa qabîlah) that they may know and learn one another. In surah al-Rum 22,Allah said about the difference of languages (al-sinah) and colors (al-alwân) and compared them to the creation of heavens and earth. In addition,Allah wanted human to cherish and nurture this plurality.
As regards religious plurality,Quran gives human the right to believe or disbelieve. Allah is the one who has the right to determine whether one is a true believer or disbeliever. Anyone who wants to call people toward faith should avoid compulsion. Surah Yunus 99 affirms:And if thy Lord willed,all who are in the earth would have believed together. Would thou (Muhammad) compel men until they are believers? It is not for any soul to believe except by the permission of Allah. He had set uncleanness upon those who have no sense.
Here,Abd Aziz Sachedina (2003) elucidated that religious pluralism leads to double meanings:first, that faith is a private matter (non-interventionist) therefore no one has the right to come into this area,which is out of his authority. Second,this generates co-existence where freedom of religion is maintained in order to keep peace. Compulsion will destroy religious harmony.
Second,Quran recognizes the power of salvation within other religions. Surah al-Baqarah 62 mentioned four religions namely Islam,Jewish,Christian,and Sabians. Most of the experts of tafseer interpret Sabians as ancient people who worship stars,as a symbol of God as their highest devotion. Ibn Jarir al-Thabarî in his book of tafseer,Jâmi’ al-Bayân quoted:Sabians are people who change their faith to another for seeking truth. Here,I conclude that if only those worshippers of stars were given salvation,other religions with the belief in God deserved the salvation more.
The verse says:Lo! Those who believe (in that which is revealed unto thee,Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and Christians,and Sabians –whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day and did right-surely their reward is with their Lord,and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.
Third,belief in the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (Islam) leads to the belief in the teaching of the preceding prophets. Prophet Muhammad said ‘The parable of me in relation to the Prophets who came before me is that of a man who built a house beautifully and well,except that one brick in its corner was missing. The people went around it and wondered at its beauty, but said: “If only that brick were put in its place!” I am that brick,and I am the last of the Prophets.’ Quran affirms the faith upon former Prophets and Holy Scriptures in surah al-Baqarah 285:The messenger believed in that which had been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) the believers. Each one believed in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers- We make no distinction between any of His messengers-and they say:We hear,and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness,our Lord! Unto Thee is the journeying.
Fourth,Quran gives constitutional recognition upon prior Holy Scriptures. Quran in this case does not “abrogate” the preceding books,but it is “confirming” (mushaddiq) whatever Scripture was before it and a “watcher” over it (muhaymin) (surah al-Ma’idah:48). Quran asserted Torah as “guidance” and “light” (hudan wa nûr) which consist of “laws of Allah” (fîhâ hukm Allâh),and also affirmed Gospel as “guidance” and “light” (hudan wa nûr) and “confirmer” (mushaddiq) of the teaching of Torah. (surah al-Ma’idah:43,44,46).
In fact,not only that Quran recognizes the laws in Torah and Gospel but also it commands us to implement it. Nowadays,many Muslim fundamentalist are supporting the enforcement of Islamic law or “God’s law” and rejecting “human’s law” based on the verses of Quran “Who judge not by that which Allah had revealed:such are disbelievers (5:44); such are wrong-doers (5:45);such are evil-livers (5: 47). In fact,these verses were God’s criticism upon people of the books who do not implement the law of Torah and Gospel!
Allah had refused Jewish community who visited the prophet Muhammad to decide their case based on Quranic laws as narrated in surah al-Maidah 43:How come they unto thee for judgment when they have the Torah,wherein Allah had delivered judgment (for them)? Indeed, the law of qishâsh (equal retaliation:life for life,eye for eye,nose for nose etc which is the penal code of classical Islam) in surah al-Maidah 45,was derived from the law of Torah. In the meantime,God commanded the Christians to implement the law of Gospel as recited in surah al-Baqarah 47:Let the people of the Gospel judge by that which Allah had revealed therein.
I think,this is the Quranic way to celebrate Christmas and furthermore, religious pluralism.