Let me guess you also think he is racist(him and Maher both)
No, I was referring to him chumming with Bill Murray in a long podcast, as a well-known exmple.
I know that the term "race" is a very complex one over in the US, a very important category. My wife always laughs out loud when she reads a psychological paper by US writers who obsessively categorize "caucasian", etc. Anyway, I know this idea is more real both subjectively and socially over the pond than where I live.
To me, and much of the rest of the world, theterm "race" as applied to human persons is poorly defined, and not a scientific term. We do have our racists, and have to engage with them, and know how they pull in this and that and the other - misunderstood genetics, mainly, but also vague rambling ideas about culture, social contexts, diet, developmental traits, whatever.
Building on top of this shaky foundation, a racist then claims that it, race, is the fundamental factor determining a human person's abilities, and derives a hierarchy of such races from it, with themselves in a position to look down on others.
And that's exactly what Harris does, all the while coyly lamenting how he's practically forced by his scientific approach (the numbers! The statistics! The sheer correlations!) to admit to the existence of race.
So ok, he fell to circular reasoning. Happens to all of us one time or another. Luckily, we have peers, who can point these errors out to us, giving us a chance to realize we screwed up, react appropriately, and move on.
Cue Harris: He's still, to this day, accusing people of wanting to destroy his reputation. Has he acknowledged his unscientific racist nonsense? No, not Harris! Someone who meditates as much as he does, he will point out, can't be deigned to take criticism from less enlightened persons.
Now, tell me what your understanding of race and racism is. Then, let's move on, shall we? There are plenty of faith related topics for you to be contrarian about.