Metaphysics of abundance

While we have doctors,.lawyers, real estate agents in our church, material wealth is not why folks come to our church, it is to exist in our society comfortably spiritually, to learn a different understanding then the one we rejected in our youth.

If it weren't for Butch and Unity most of us would not be attending spiritual study anywhere...
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You saying it only works for churches? Notre
I do wish you'd stop trying to deflect the question... (If you want to discuss the church, we can do so in a separate thread.)

I believe it is all G!d and all good...this mortal just.doesn't have the intelligence to see.the whole picture.
Then should I read that to mean you take no moral stand on anything, because there might be a good that you can't discern?

And to make this statement, with your history of criticism, complaint and accusation, you will excuse me if I simply roll my eyes and FOMCL ...
While we have doctors,.lawyers, real estate agents in our church, material wealth is not why folks come to our church, it is to exist in our society comfortably spiritually, to learn a different understanding then the one we rejected in our youth.
Yes, that's the understanding I get.

If it weren't for Butch and Unity most of us would not be attending spiritual study anywhere...
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What is it, your question that troubles you so?
If everything is for the good, where does that leave one in terms of moral values?

As I did say at the time, your response: "You think for a minute ... with all my immoral everything is permissible ways?" was not what I was asking, and I said so.

If you want context, it's the idea of 'wrong' or 'suffering' — if one cannot see the greater good, then how can one draw moral values, or indeed any value, regarding suffering?
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... it's the idea of 'wrong' or 'suffering' ... how can one draw moral values, or indeed any value, regarding suffering?
Yes. It's the stick Christopher Hitchens and others have used to beat Mother Teresa.

The fact she said "suffering can be holy" obviously means she was the most evil woman on the planet, who spent her whole life picking up the dying human detritus from the worst streets in the world, and washed them and fed them and provided a bed for them to die in her hospices -- because she enjoyed watching them suffer.

That is how the devil lies, imo.
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But I don't think that's what Butch is saying. He is talking about peace/equanimity (even) in midst of crisis/suffering, imo.
If everything is for the good, where does that leave one in terms of moral values?
Wherever your moral values are. Do I help an injured animal or person when I can? Yes. Do I give money or the homeless when I can? Yes.

I haven't murdered anyone in the last 6 decades.

This thought that it is all good and all G!d has not affected my moral values one iota.
OK. I can see I'm not going to get anywhere with this line of inquiry.
Yesterdays talk.

You can comment on what resonates and what you like about the talk, or focus on what you disagree with, however yet again you'll find very little focus on material wealth...
Shell of the nut.
I do like this guy.
But Jesus said it all a long time ago ...
Shell of the nut.
Idk the reference
I do like this guy.
Me too
But Jesus said it all a long time ago ...
Nature of a protestant church. He takes what is written (or said a long time ago) and assists folks in understanding how it is applicable to their lives today.

Without the fire and brimstone of some of the protestant churches. The talk (sermon) is followed by a meditation, and the rest of the service consists of instrumental music, congregational song and choir, camaraderie, snacks, mingling like ya do.
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