Shades of Reason
Nature above all promotes procreation of the species, therefore the instinct to procreation is very strong, and sex is pleasurable.
Once in existence the organism needs to live long enough to reproduce, therefore the instinct to self-survival is very strong, and eating is pleasurable.
Once reproduction is achieved, survival of the offspring becomes paramount; a chicken will fight for its chicks and a little mother fish in a tank will herd her cloud of pinhead sized offspring by taking wanderers into her mouth and moving them back to safety of the shoal.
But would I expect a well-fed house dog to give up its food to a hungry stray? Or a cat to forgo the pleasure of playing with its mouse, instead to kill it quickly and humanely?
Self-sactifice, empathy and compassion etc, serve no evolutionary purpose. They may even work against natural 'advancement' of the species.
So why do such virtues exist? From whence do they originate?
May I jump in? I'm loving the discussion. Compassion, empathy, survival ... who what is the strongest, fittest and why? It may be a collective as it has always been. From the beginning stages of life all the way up through each level and organism and creature on through to atmosphere conditions and which adapt or evolve enough to survive the changes. My guess is we're fairly resilient creatures as are many other life forms. Then there's always a circle of life type of reality ... to keep it simple "Food". Who eats who and then who eats you and so forth. So, where does compassion come into play? families and those who are needed to further propagate the unit. It's like this with damn near everything. How can I help you help me sort of reality. Does it matter who can beat their breast the hardest of bite the hardest or make the quickest kill? No, but cooperation within a unit will always make the unit more capable effective and efficient. If it's just dog eat dog then there may end up being a last dog standing who ends up all alone and without a way to survive at all. Lions and prides and civilization (when hierarchy has been established) tend to work out decent enough, but what if there were a better balance within the hierarchy? Ever hear the phrase too many chiefs not enough indians? What if the paradigm shift in mentality shifted towards balance, equality, and knowing our strengths and the strength's of others and respecting them? It might would turn out umm ... pretty good.
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