Freedom of Speech


Shades of Reason
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Here! Where else?
Again, this is more of a Christian themed question and statement. It concerns the Word (Logos) in relation to the freedom of Speech here in the U.S. Some would like to censor free speech and to be honest, it's typically the more religious among us. If you look up the term Word (Logos) the meaning is clear and the parallel to freedom of speech becomes more evident. The Word involves communication and the freedom to communicate is a basic human right in America. From music, to movies, to books, to radio shows, to evangelical gatherings, to religion, science, philosophy, etc. There seems to be a direct attack against the freedom of speech in America. My question is this: If religious groups are doing this and many typically stand firm on John 1 where the bible speaks or communicates what the Word (logos) is, then how do they justify the censorship? It seems they prefer darkness over the light, and to hide and hinder communication rather than stand on truth and a freedom to express ourselves truthfully.

The truth makes us free ... according to the scriptures, so if this is true ... and I certainly believe it to be, then why hide from it?
I don't live in the US, so I have no sense of the situation you describe.

In very general terms, it is my opinion that information control is a symptom of the fear of loss of power and influence. The symptom can be observed on many levels, from personal relationships through groups and organizations to governments.

Example of censorship, or a attack against freedom of speech and/or expression? O.k, we see it on radio, t.v. ... church groups come against adult toy stores, etc. Then on to anger issues over terms like shit, ass, fuck and what not. Then on to, attempts to stifle other views on certain religions, and sometimes art, history, monuments, hell ... the list goes on. Christians attacking the very thing they claim to hold most dear in life. It goes both ways: " don't like what you're saying so .... I'll make sure you can't be heard. Ever see the movie Forest Gump when he made the speech thing? they silenced his voice for the crowd, yet freedom of speech is claimed to be a basic right here in America. It's all the same. Word/logos ... Freedom of speech, expression, communication, etc.
Ah, I see what you are referring too.

Yes religion likes to control the mores of society, they feel that is their preview. And yes one religion complaining about another religion is fairly common and normal.

Idk what really can be done about any of it. Overall like today's old white men, churches feel they are losing their grip where they've had centuries of control.
Freedom of speech if you're Woke. Otherwise you're no-platformed?
There was a radio discussion on no-platforming at UK universities, and I heard this: 'Speaking at a university gives the speaker credibility, but some ideas should not be presented as credible.'

The gist: 'You are stupid, believe everything you hear, therefore it is our job to decide what you hear.'

I'm sick of the lot of them.
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we need the powers that be to make appropriate choices for ourselves primarily because they are obviously more qualified than ourselves in all manners of righteous living. No wonder the internet is monitored. Religiosity has relied upon the threat of persecution and damnation for nothing more than creating fear from an angry god.

Perhaps the blame falls on us for recognizing the problem and doing nothing about it, or maybe just plain ignorance
Point is hypocrisy is not confined to right wing religious or conservative groups. It is part of the essential make-up of the (essentially secular humanist) WOKE crowd too. I sometimes think Americans need to know there is the whole rest of the world out there ...
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It's like 'people are wonderful' the human race is so good and so perfect.

As in ... not.

Sorry, it's easy to be misunderstood on internet texting, lol ...
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Collectively "we" are responsible for the state of the world
We are responsible for the condition of our world.

I think that's the way it has always been. Even states as much in Genesis ... Subdue the the earth, be fruitful ... multiply etc. With that said, can we accomplish anything or have any real or legitimate degree of success without freedom to speak truthfully and honestly? I mean if there's confusion or lack of honesty in how we communicate can we really achieve much of anything real or good or lasting?