I believe they separately describle exactly the same truth.I don't think so, its comparing apples and oranges. To me Western and Eastern thought are fundamentally different. I don't need get the need to make them equivalent or parallel, why not just understand and respect the differences?
There are a lot of differences. There are also many parallels. As someone observed earlier: God is one and people try to split him up?
The alternative is many gods?
I am prepared to understand that the Gods of worlds may change -- or move on or be promoted, say -- to become gods of groups of worlds and arcs of space -- ever onward and upward -- and so the God of Abraham may indeed be different from the God of now -- impossible for us to know -- but that would still be the arm and manifestation of the One God?
We wouldn't know the difference?
To us it wouldn't make any difference? The difference between the Archangels Gabriel and Michael would not mean much to us? Unless they told us? They are both 'the arm of God'?
Then there is the timelessness of any existence beyond the natural -- beyond/outside of time and space?
Religions may be different, but there can only be One God, imo?
There can be discussions about it: 'My religion alone identifies the true God, or the only way to God.' We know that's not the case? Still we defend our own religions?
It goes on?
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