Corona virus vs religious tradition..

@ Contrarian Deist Look, you're new here so we've allowed you to have your say. However, I.O. is not a platform for grandstanding. Kindly follow our COC, for which you were sent a link, in regard to appropriate behavior. That goes for vulgar language as well!

Consider this a warning!

I apologize for the swearing. It's an outcome of dealing with frustration(which I'm sure everyone who is an adult on this site can understand).
I will try not to swear anymore.(though I wonder, unless their are small children here, why is using expletive for affect considers so bad?.
I do though wish to apologize for the error of being insulting/ad hominem a couple times here. I usually do not debate/argue in that way. I'm not making excuses for it except to give a reason that I have just been lacking alot of sleep lately and i guess i was just lashing out a little from stress...i do apologize for that and will try better going forward.

But I do not apologize for saying the ideas and opinions I'm expressing nor for speaking truth,

*in times of universal deceit speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act*George Orwell
No one is stopping you from expressing your opinions, but when you repeat the same thing over and over on multiple threads, it becomes grandstanding and that's not what I.O. is here for. State your case, back it up if you can and move on.
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I would agree, no need to fear Covid 19 or panic over it. At the same time however, I think it is quite foolhardy to deny it even exists and encourage others to ignore safeguards.

God charged us with looking out for one another. So, while Covid 19 does not worry me in the least, I'm more than willing to do my part to protect my fellow man.

Mat 21:21 ...if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done...

God didn't say ignore that mountain or the mountain isn't really there. He said it is within us to remove it. The way I see it, Covid 19 is like that mountain and by doing our part, we can remove it.

Of course, like with ANY disease or virus. I wouldn't want people with the common cold or flu to be coughing in my face, so I would treat this virus in the same manner.
Why dont we allow rude language?

Because it is our sandbox....wanna play with us...we speak English here, and try to be aint that hard.

A thousand dead a day...a million more infected the last 4 days...the states have one of the worst records in the world for handling this virus...we should be proud....and it aint all the blame of the is also stubbornness and ignorance.

One of the negative outcomes is the loss of nurses and health care workers...dead by the virus...or suicides...or just fed up with long hours and lack of respect.
Wil, good to hear from you!
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Why dont we allow rude language?

Because it is our sandbox....wanna play with us...we speak English here, and try to be aint that hard.

A thousand dead a day...a million more infected the last 4 days...the states have one of the worst records in the world for handling this virus...we should be proud....and it aint all the blame of the is also stubbornness and ignorance.

One of the negative outcomes is the loss of nurses and health care workers...dead by the virus...or suicides...or just fed up with long hours and lack of respect.

Will, did you read or consider any of the points I made, questions I brought up, or information/facts pointed out about this? And about those alledged numbers? How they are misleading us with inflated numbers and statistics? About how many of these alleged infections and deaths are just a mandate to the hospitals and MSM and govt officials and celeb *top doctors* to tell people that anyone with any flu/pneumonia type symptoms(and indeed symptoms of alot of other things) are *covid* infections and anyone who dies from other causes...but just so happened to also have the covid virus in their bodies at the same time(or to display any of those symptoms which are also the same symptoms of flus/pneumonia/etc) as *covid deaths*?
Or any of the other points and questions and information I brought up?

If this virus does indeed exist, which I'm skeptical of(as are alot of people, including some medical professionals and scientists...who lose their jobs and are effectively silenced for expressing any skepticism of it or even just if they acknowledge its existence but express skepticism about the narrative and hysteria, about the misleading numbers/stats or about the effectiveness of masks/mask mandates or obsessive hand sanitizing and mandated arbitrary social distancing edicts and about the effectiveness or dubious reasoning of mass global shutdowns/lockdowns, etc).
Let's say for sake of argument that it does indeed exist.
Even so, you cannot deny the shadynesss of all these measures and of the daily reported narrative and shady numbers/stats about it. Or the questions about the Orwellian and totalitarian nature of these measures being enforced upon the global population and the questionable motives of this global *big brother* machine(see Orwells 1984, and understand).
Even if the virus is real, they are still misleading us and exploiting it towards manifestly totalitarian ends/agendas.

Alot more peoples lives are being alot more harmed...not just in the short term...but for the long term of the entire global population by these measures and the destruction of the economy(and the massive transfer and co concentration of wealth to major corporations at the expense of the middle class and smaller businesses, not mention a serious concentration of power...on a level never before seen in world history)...and the outcomes of such economic destruction which inevitably follow such occurrences...mass scarcity, food lines, spy stats on a level never before seen, starvation, isolation breeding mass depression and suicide...and chaotic understandable but still deadly outbursts of rightful rebellion...turning violent on a mass level...chaos and desperate violent mobs, huge rise in crime...including violent crime rates and murders.

These consequences of what they are imposing in response to a virus that is a slightly worse flu(both being coronavirus of the same viral family tree) with a 99.7% survival rate and the majority who catch it either not getting sick or getting mildly I'll for a few days-week and then getting better, with a small percentage needing temporary hospitalization and an even smaller percentage mostly of limited demographic dying.
This is the same thing that happens every flu and pneumonia season.
In the past other Corona viruses...such as the flu and pneumonia in their early incarnations were(they still technically ARE) pandemics...which at first seemed pretty bad, and people sick...some seriously...some died, but the majority gained herd immunity and did so w/out resorting to such insane hysterics and absurd counter productive measures. And now we have hers immunity, humanity went on and learned to assimilate the viruses, and if we are allowed to do the same with this one...we will get herd immunity and move on(but they won't allow this).
Ya know Sweden got the virus too early on...and they didn't put all these insane measures imposed in place, they didn't go into panic mode, the only thing they did was temporarily stop mass gatherings like concerts or sports games(temporarily)...and let their citizens decide free choice as individuals as to whether to wear masks/etc...some did, most didn't, and by late spring they'd already attained hers immunity with relatively small numbers of serious hospitalizations and deaths.

The only way to overcome such inevitable minor-moderate in severity disease/virus outbreaks is to allow people to catch it and gain herd immunity thereby. All the hysteria and the draconian measures on a global level are irrational and absurdly counter productive.
This is NOT like the black bubonic plague, not even close.
This is all MUCH more harmful to the human life population than the virus, MUCH more.

The hysteria, the measures and totalitarian impositions and destroying lives and livelihoods and freedom/liberty and mental health and physical health and destruction of economies(which will inevitably lead to horrors not seen on such a scale in history...only temporarily in communist ussr and Mao's china and hitkers Germany and mass starvation in africa in the 80s, and the great depression a century ago. Except this...the outcome of all this will make all of those...individually and collectively look like a picnic).
This is all...utter insane MADNESS! And it is also global mind control on a scale never before seen in history.
We must wake up! We must resist and stop this absolute madness before it is too late!
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Why dont we allow rude language?

Because it is our sandbox....wanna play with us...we speak English here, and try to be aint that hard.
@wil :)
Succinct as always. Bingo, lol!
*if you want to know what the future holds/looks like. Just imagine a boot stomping on a human face.....forever*-George Orwell, 1984

Research *agenda 21*.
...and wake up from the matrix
Just finally figured out how to copy/paste links on the tablet leant me by my cousin.(yes I'm not very tech savvy, lol!)

I've mentioned and reccomended this important video and 8 it a couple times, it is relevant to this topic and the crisis we are currently going through.
It's by a couple who operate a popular YouTube channel called TRUTHSTREAM MEDIA.
The video is named -Is Now the Time to *Do what we're told?*-

Where did you get those numbers from?
The MSM? Other ESTABLISHMENT sources?
From Today's figures:

1 USA 6,706,369, 2 France 2,141,94, 3 Brazil 737,61, 4 Italy 686,031, 5 Belgium 546,47, 6 Russia 500,752, 7 Ukraine 377,497, 8 India 353,715, 9 Germany 348,177
But unfortunately, many people have replaced God with CNN and the like, so I don't talk much about the virus at all anymore. If people want to be afraid, live in hysterical fear, or live just in fear, that is their choice in life, that is their preferred path in life, so I let them be.
Good advice.

Death count today (same source): 1,618,908
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So...*official* or *establishment* sources then.
Got it.
Proving my point.
The numbers are inflated and misrepresented by those sources, towards and for a very dark agenda.
I reccomend watching that video I linked to above, least checking it it a chance(its 54 minutes, maybe at least watch the first 10-15 and see if it is compelling enough to you to watch further?).

Be well, ....stay FREE
CD, I did not say 'official' or 'from establishment'. 220 countries listed, of all kinds. Democratic, totalitarian, theocratic, etc. Many hiding facts or blowing up or belittling them according to their interests, but this is what we have.
I checked the link you shared. It's an official establishment site, or uses stats directly from official establishment sources.
Therefore it, or at least the numbers(which are the same numbers official establishment and their MSM are reporting) ...the sources the site is getting the numbers from(official establishment sources) cannot be trusted.
It's by a couple who operate a popular YouTube channel called TRUTHSTREAM MEDIA.
The video is named -Is Now the Time to *Do what we're told?*
Have you checked out the credentials of Truthstream? Seems like a Conspiracy Theorist/Pseodo-science source to me ...
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I checked the link you shared. It's an official establishment site, or uses stats directly from official establishment sources.
Therefore it, or at least the numbers(which are the same numbers official establishment and their MSM are reporting) ...the sources the site is getting the numbers from(official establishment sources) cannot be trusted.
Worldometers is only an news aggregator. It does not become an official site by claiming that it has used official sources. Such information is at the most very roughly approximate. Some people will accept it as that, some will not.
Have you checked out the credentials of Truthstream? Seems like a Conspiracy Theorist/Pseodo-science source to me ...
What is there to check? Everyone needs to earn his/her living.
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And, consider this.
We have soooooo many politicians and power players and celebs and technocrats and *top doctors* and corporations CEOs, MSM talking head propagandists, etc ,telling us al we are not allowed to open our small middle class businesses or go to work at them(but....the monopoly/crony corporations...well they can stay open and their slave workers can work...there), that we MUST wear masks and obey social distancing rules and obsessively sanitize our hands(and there are cases now where they are forcibly spraying people with God knows what when they go into big businesses/stores,etc)....OR ELSE...hefty fines, arrests, prison,etc.
Meanwhile the same people forcing this all on we the serfs...most of them are not actually following their own least not as consistently. So many stories coming out of these same people going to fancy restaurants...with crowds of people of their family and friends...spending 15000 dollars on dinner....lower thousands or higher hundreds on wine or booze alone...w/out wearing masks or social distancing while they do it, going to salons to get their hair or nails done...and not wearing masks, allowing Hollywood film companies to film in public....with tents set up for cast and crew to eat and meet....w/out wearing masks or much social distancing....acrossec the street from small businesses they've forced to shut down. We have them and the MSM allowing antifa and BLM rioters to violently protest and riot and loot and attack people in the streets and in vehicles....for months and months on end....many w/out proper masks or masks at all...and w/out much social distancing....and these elites giving cops(who they are defunding/etc.) Standdown orders and not do much about it(unless the protesters are people peacefully protesting draconian lockdowns and totalitarian rules or peacefully protesting election fraud or peacefully protesting conservatives and libertarians/classical liberals/centrists...then they are ordered to fine, arrest, and punish them....even if they are actually also wearing masks and social distancing.

This is rules for thee(the lowly serfs)...not for me(us...the elite class). But it's more than even that.
If this virus is real....or is as dangerous as they claim, why would they willingly put themselves and their family/friends at risk this way ...unless they know something we don't....that we are being misled by them about it, that they arent scared of it because they know darned well it's either complete bollocks or at least not as bad as they keep propagandizing us the serfs to believe it is...because I don't know...because they are rich and powerful elite class psychopaths that want to retain their freedom but don't care about ours, or our lives or feelings or about all, and just want to enslave and abuse us intentionally and make us get stockholmes syndrome love for them...or kings...our gods on earth that must be obeyed w/out question and must be feared...and they use fear of a pandemic virus that either doesn't exist...or at least is not NEARLY as bad and harmful as they want us to believe so we will be to afraid to disobey them and their narratives ...while they hypocritically flaunt their unafraid double standards for themselves and against us...right in our faces...rubbing our noses in their b,s....and conditioning us to like it and love them and trust them

How can anyone be blind to this? To what they are actually doing? To what their actual agenda is here? How can anyone see all this and yet remain so blind to what's right in front of their faces? And why would any sensible, logical, same, moral person go willingly along with it?

Wake up! Use your brains! Use your spiritual discernment. Stop believing them and legitimizing them and being dooped and obeying their totalitarian edicts and their false narratives and allowing them to get away with it.
Slaves....wake up...and RISE UP!
You dismiss conspiratology and the very notion of conspiracy being a reality w/out even examining the evidence or even looking at it.
Even with all the historical precedent for all of global history...including recently...and all the whistleblowers that have exposed in recent decades various real conspiracies...not to mention all the once classified documents kept hidden for years and decades while *conspiracy theorists* spoke of the cover ups...were mocked for it...and years later vindicated by documents being declassified or leaked to the all the pseudiskeptical had to admit...oh ok maybe the conspiratologists were right on this one(MKULTRA for one glaring example).
Conspiracy has been a feature of our world at various levels of societies and power structures in all countries, nations, and cultures forever. Pseudiskeptical will even admit to this when push to comes to shove...but the will naively claim or act as if it suddenly stopped in the last few decades..because ..oh muhhippie movement....muhelites became suddenly less evil and corrupt and muhpeople suddenly became better and more *informed*(read disinformed, more intensely brainwashed...its as if they never read 1984 or animal farm or studied world history or paid any attention when the CIA and govts and intelligence agencies actually admitted to various psyops or when leakers and whistleblowers leaked things. Or how high level conspiracies got and kept Hitler and nazis and stalin and the communists in power and they were able to first secretly ...devise mass genocides. Oooh...but that could never happen here or now

Pseudiskeptical think they are sooooo rationalistic and that conspiratologists...who have been proven correct so many times in the past...are yet just crazy tinfoil hat nutjobs. Conspiratologists...who've actually done years, decades of in depth, cross references research. But pseudo skeptics who by and large do little to none and refuse to even LOOK AT any evidence presented them...let alone analyze or weigh and consider it....this is Orwellian inversion of logic and reality by them. To them 2 plus 2 equals 5, and we can keep presenting them with evidence that 2 plus 2 equals 4...and they just keep up the blatant denial of the evidence and logic. Because...muhscientism...muhscientifuc establishment authorities and muhfauxrationalism and muhskepticism(really irrational, willingly naive obedience to corrupt power hierarchies and their indoctrination propoganda, and pseudo skepticism...really just a priori DISbelief and DEbunker attitudes and faith in not science...but the religion of scientism and it's high priest class. This is a form of faith that refuses to admit it is a faith. A form of unscience....calling itself science and claiming monopoly on science and on rationality and on socratic willingly not applying socratic method. Just blindly trusting in authority...which has proven itself time and time again for not vs trustworthy. That is the actual conspiracy theory in the pejorative...trusting that...while denying and willfully ignoring the evidence presented by those engaged in the real science of conspiratology. And labeling anyone who dares challenge *official* narratives as crackpot *conspiracy theorists*. Did you know that that term was invented..well not invented...but popularized in the 60s by the CIA as a term to discredit a priori anyone that looked into or tried expose the CIA MKULTRA and others of their psyops...many of which the world now knows those conspiracies were actually being perpetrated...and the CIA and others have since pretty much acknowledged it. Yet....*skeptics* who mock *conspiracy theorism(or more accurately conspiratologists and the science of conspiratology and the field of research)* actually still trust the strawman and trust the creators of the strawman,
It boggles the mind. It defies actual rationality and common sense, it defies real science and spits in real skepticism.

Anyways, it's your choice, check out the video or don't. But don't pretend that your refusal to even LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE and hear out the arguments PRESENTED justifies your mockery of it(and of us)when you won't even look at it or hear it out first. Don't pretend you stand on the righteous throne of reason and socratic method when you ignore and deny reason and mock those who actually enthroned reason and socratic method.

Your choice. Choose wisely.
Be well, be enlightened, stay free.