Why dont we allow rude language?
Because it is our sandbox....wanna play with us...we speak English here, and try to be civil...it aint that hard.
A thousand dead a day...a million more infected the last 4 days...the states have one of the worst records in the world for handling this virus...we should be proud....and it aint all the blame of the government....it is also stubbornness and ignorance.
One of the negative outcomes is the loss of nurses and health care workers...dead by the virus...or suicides...or just fed up with long hours and lack of respect.
Will, did you read or consider any of the points I made, questions I brought up, or information/facts pointed out about this? And about those alledged numbers? How they are misleading us with inflated numbers and statistics? About how many of these alleged infections and deaths are just a mandate to the hospitals and MSM and govt officials and celeb *top doctors* to tell people that anyone with any flu/pneumonia type symptoms(and indeed symptoms of alot of other things) are *covid* infections and anyone who dies from other causes...but just so happened to also have the covid virus in their bodies at the same time(or to display any of those symptoms which are also the same symptoms of flus/pneumonia/etc) as *covid deaths*?
Or any of the other points and questions and information I brought up?
If this virus does indeed exist, which I'm skeptical of(as are alot of people, including some medical professionals and scientists...who lose their jobs and are effectively silenced for expressing any skepticism of it or even just if they acknowledge its existence but express skepticism about the narrative and hysteria, about the misleading numbers/stats or about the effectiveness of masks/mask mandates or obsessive hand sanitizing and mandated arbitrary social distancing edicts and about the effectiveness or dubious reasoning of mass global shutdowns/lockdowns, etc).
Let's say for sake of argument that it does indeed exist.
Even so, you cannot deny the shadynesss of all these measures and of the daily reported narrative and shady numbers/stats about it. Or the questions about the Orwellian and totalitarian nature of these measures being enforced upon the global population and the questionable motives of this global *big brother* machine(see Orwells 1984, and understand).
Even if the virus is real, they are still misleading us and exploiting it towards manifestly totalitarian ends/agendas.
Alot more peoples lives are being alot more harmed...not just in the short term...but for the long term of the entire global population by these measures and the destruction of the economy(and the massive transfer and co concentration of wealth to major corporations at the expense of the middle class and smaller businesses, not mention a serious concentration of power...on a level never before seen in world history)...and the outcomes of such economic destruction which inevitably follow such occurrences...mass scarcity, food lines, spy stats on a level never before seen, starvation, isolation breeding mass depression and suicide...and chaotic understandable but still deadly outbursts of rightful rebellion...turning violent on a mass level...chaos and desperate violent mobs, huge rise in crime...including violent crime rates and murders.
These consequences of what they are imposing in response to a virus that is a slightly worse flu(both being coronavirus of the same viral family tree) with a 99.7% survival rate and the majority who catch it either not getting sick or getting mildly I'll for a few days-week and then getting better, with a small percentage needing temporary hospitalization and an even smaller percentage mostly of limited demographic dying.
This is the same thing that happens every flu and pneumonia season.
In the past other Corona viruses...such as the flu and pneumonia in their early incarnations were(they still technically ARE) pandemics...which at first seemed pretty bad, and people sick...some seriously...some died, but the majority gained herd immunity and did so w/out resorting to such insane hysterics and absurd counter productive measures. And now we have hers immunity, humanity went on and learned to assimilate the viruses, and if we are allowed to do the same with this one...we will get herd immunity and move on(but they won't allow this).
Ya know Sweden got the virus too early on...and they didn't put all these insane measures imposed in place, they didn't go into panic mode, the only thing they did was temporarily stop mass gatherings like concerts or sports games(temporarily)...and let their citizens decide free choice as individuals as to whether to wear masks/etc...some did, most didn't, and by late spring they'd already attained hers immunity with relatively small numbers of serious hospitalizations and deaths.
The only way to overcome such inevitable minor-moderate in severity disease/virus outbreaks is to allow people to catch it and gain herd immunity thereby. All the hysteria and the draconian measures on a global level are irrational and absurdly counter productive.
This is NOT like the black bubonic plague, not even close.
This is all MUCH more harmful to the human life population than the virus, MUCH more.
The hysteria, the measures and totalitarian impositions and destroying lives and livelihoods and freedom/liberty and mental health and physical health and destruction of economies(which will inevitably lead to horrors not seen on such a scale in history...only temporarily in communist ussr and Mao's china and hitkers Germany and mass starvation in africa in the 80s, and the great depression a century ago. Except this...the outcome of all this will make all of those...individually and collectively look like a picnic).
This is all...utter insane MADNESS! And it is also global mind control on a scale never before seen in history.
We must wake up! We must resist and stop this absolute madness before it is too late!