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Yeah, India is a small country, we have one time zone, Asia/Kolkata (GMT -5:30). :)

Though it is generally listed as Asia/Kolkata, It the longitude actually passes through Mirzapur, a city of 230 thousand people situated on the banks of river Ganges, in our state of Uttar Pradesh.
"Indian Standard Time is calculated on the basis of 82.5′ E longitude in the city of Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, which is situated approximately on the corresponding longitude reference line."

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We did not know what was coming up. Narendra Modi announced it today. Where do I get my cigarettes? :(

21 day Lock-down for 90% of India.
We did not know what was coming up. Narendra Modi announced it today. Where do I get my cigarettes? :(

21 day Lock-down for 90% of India.

I can trade you some flour for cigarettes...
Just spoke with a colleague who's elderly parents both have the virus. Says they were right bad off, but have responded well to that malaria drug and should be released from hospital in a day or two!
Thanks for sharing this! Nice to hear some positive news for a change. Seems like all you hear these days is the total number of reported cases and the number of deaths while news of those no longer active and those recovering is all but ignored.
news of those no longer active and those recovering is all but ignored.
It is one of the top three stats, confirmed infected, dead, and recovered. The recovery rate, understanding of the bug, and medical testing advances are highlites of every day.

Duplicating "miracle" results and making them commonplace is what we strive
Nothing without the doctor's advice. A person died of quinoline in USA.
Yeah, big difference between poisoning yourself with fish tank cleaner and taking medical grade chloroquine prescribed by a physician. -o_O
Thanks for sharing this! Nice to hear some positive news for a change. Seems like all you hear these days is the total number of reported cases and the number of deaths while news of those no longer active and those recovering is all but ignored.
Precisely why I posted, mate. Stats are out there, but that's not what makes the headlines most people see.
Read something interesting today. Basically it said that, social distancing, to use the latest catchphrase, may actually be making us more vulnerable to this virus. Reason being, one of the ways the virus is transmitted is through droplets of saliva produced when we speak and that the number, size and speed of these droplets increases the louder we talk. Which apparently, many now feel compelled to do because of the greater distance folks are maintaining between themselves and others. -o_O

Any road, say it, don't spray it folks! -:)
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... Which apparently, many now feel compelled to do because of the greater distance folks are maintaining between themselves and others. -o_O

We have an active family WhatsAp group, and my daughter who works in comms for a stroke charity spent a fair bit of time putting false information to bed in the early days. Basically don't trust anything that doesn't come from the WHO or suchlike, and especially not anecdotal information from people like 'my sister's friend's husband's colleague who knows someone who heard ...'

In London we're on lockdown. People have been asked to exercise locally, once a day, and I reckon there's gonna be a dog strike soon, because dogs are getting the •••• walked out of them. I've never seen so many dog-walkers in the park. We do our walk in the local cemetery, it's nigh-on deserted, and everyone there is keeping the statutory six foot distance, albeit under :D.
This shows how China was able to contain the virus:

Hey, Aussie —

The word now is mask up because of sneezing.