don't agree with "a brave new world"
that will last until doomsday.
I agree.

But although I hope and pray plain normal human common sense will outweigh the zealots, nothing of recent evidence suggests the likelihood of it happening
Though I hope and pray plain normal human common sense will outweigh the zealots, nothing of recent evidence suggests the likelihood of it happening

Mmm .. it is very worrying, I agree.
It seems to me that the scenario described in Book of Revelation is very near :(

15 And he said to me, ‘The waters that you saw, where the whore is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages.
16And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the whore; they will make her desolate and naked; they will devour her flesh and burn her up with fire.
17For God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by agreeing to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God will be fulfilled.
18The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.’

- The Bible - Revelation 17

Hmm .. US and China .. hmm :(
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Mmm .. it is very worrying, I agree.
It seems to me that the scenario described in Book of Revelation is very near :(
The worshippers of this world want God gone. They hate mortal humility. They hate the bended knee. They want angels to be ordinary just as they are. But they cannot stain the light.
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The culprits here are sick people?

What culprits?
As far as I'm aware, this is a discussion site,
and again, as far as I'm aware, it is not intended to be politically moderated.
Yet that is not a licence to criticise unjustifiably.

I hope I'm not guilty of that. Peace is most surely the "main mission".
From my religious viewpoint, war is only justified in defence of oppression.
..and even then, patience is often the best alternative.
..and God knows best.
"Don't kill Granny" is the new slogan
This ends our little exchange here. See you in another thread! Take care.

Fair enough..
It seems that people are becoming polarised on this issue, with strong views on both sides.
I prefer to take a "step back", and be objective .. I try to see both sides point of view.
I'm aware of the protests in Berlin, and don't feel that these western style gatherings are
particularly helpful .. particularly when they seem to ignore social distancing and so on.

I'm not firmly on ANY particular side, but I do understand people's concern on BOTH sides.
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Eradicate the source = meaningful control of ports to prevent recurring infections.
As well as monitoring the domestic situation, of course. The virus has crossed all borders now, it's there.

We should isolate the culprits ...
Oops, unfortunate choice of word, there. A 'culprit' is someone responsible for a criminal act. People who have caught the virus are not criminally responsible for becoming infected?

While 'patient zero' (as the popular media has it) was a British holiday maker who contracted the virus while skiing in Austria, the stats now seem to say that the virus came to the UK by at least 1,300 other 'patient zeros'.

The Covid-19 Genomics UK consortium quashed the idea of a single "patient zero" source of origin, and that China had a negligible impact – less than 0.1% — on cases in the UK.

The UK epidemic was brought on by travel from Italy in late February, Spain in early-to-mid-March and then France in mid-to-late-March.
Re. my post about Revelation 17 and world v China..

Latest News
Hong Kong elections: UK and allies condemn moves to 'undermine democracy'

A Chinese court has sentenced a second Canadian citizen to death on charges of producing illegal drugs

Hong Kong: US imposes sanctions on chief executive Carrie Lam

UK and China relationship 'seriously poisoned', says Beijing's ambassador to London

India and China race to build along a tense frontier

India gets new jets amid border tension with China

South China Sea dispute: China's pursuit of resources 'unlawful', says US, the situation is escalating, and I can't see any nation siding with China.

They are becoming increasingly isolated, and their response is the goose-step :(
It seems that people are becoming polarised on this issue, with strong views on both sides.
Always the case in any argument, really. It's a shame, especially now, where social media is enabling the angry-about-everything to have a voice.

Especially now 'The Cummings Effect' has so undermined British faith and trust in the political establishment and the resultant "I'll do my own thing" attitude.

I prefer to take a "step back", and be objective .. I try to see both sides point of view.
Again, admirable, but increasingly difficult as media manipulators work very hard to skew the objective viewpoint.

I think there will be a new 'COVID Golden Rule' that could underpin a Code of Chivalry:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you;
1: Keep a social distance – the best way to limit cross-infection;
2: Wash your hands – the best way to limit picking up infections from surfaces;
3: Wear a mask – the best way (along with 1 & 2) of not infecting others if you are inadvertently carrying the virus.

I think point 3 is a key — currently often viewed as an infringement of personal liberty, rather it should be viewed as an act of noble self-discipline for the benefit of others.
A 'culprit' is someone responsible for a criminal act..

Well, it appears that China was irresponsible in allowing global travel
when they were aware of a major SARS outbreak..
Were they negligent, or was it an understandable error?

I personally feel that China tried to cover-up the severity of their public-health..
..just as I feel that they are covering up their systematic oppression of Muslims
..who constitute 20 - 30 % of their nation I might add.
Well, it appears that China was irresponsible in allowing global travel
Ah, you mean China! I thought you meant anyone with COVID was a culprit!

Yes, sadly we see what we always see with totalitarian regimes — not only a state that refuses to admit or acknowledge any fault or flaw, but a bureaucracy that denies and suppresses any and every ill.

when they were aware of a major SARS outbreak.. Were they negligent, or was it an understandable error?
Didn't the doctor who made them aware die of COVID-19? Yes, they knew, and yes, they kept quiet, because to declare the fact would be to declare that somehow the state was not perfect ...

I listened to a discussion on the radio about 'positive futures' and everyone was banging on about the need for 'greater dialogue' with China. All went well until a very liberal ex-diplomat said their words were airy-fairy nonsense. Places like Russian, China, N Korea, etc., respond to nothing but strength.

I personally feel that China tried to cover-up the severity of their public-health..
..just as I feel that they are covering up their systematic oppression of Muslims ..who constitute 20 - 30 % of their nation I might add.
Absolutely agree.
Re. my post about Revelation 17 and world v China...

Yes, this is interesting. Just five years ago, the UK was the most China-friendly nation in Europe. We couldn't get enough of them: property portfolios, students, tourists, trade.

The UK's change reflects a shift in regard to Beijing’s aggressive global posturing, but it highlights the UK’s position as a declining middle power struggling to discover its sense of strategic direction once its break with Europe is complete.

As ever, PM Boris Johnson’s shift underlines his inconsistent ideology. An opportunist and populist, his enthusiasm for a post-Brexit 'global Britain' was tied to hitching the UK to fast-growing Asian economies. "I’m a Sinophile and believe we should continue to work with this great and rising power," said Bojo, even as he was preparing to reverse his position on Huawei.

Bojo's shift can be traced to an internal party revolt.

Old school anti-Europe tories are anti-China (with one or two rare exceptions). The China Research Group, young, centrist Conservatives, are also anti-China. The Labour Party, in jettisoning the legacy of Jeremy Corbyn, is anti-China.

For them, focusing on China allows Labour to paint itself as the party serious about 'national security' (a populist touchpoint), while attacking BoJo for selling off the UK to Chinese investors, and undermining out broadband infrastructure. It's a no-brainer.

But Bojo is not to be out-done. His capacity to adopt whatever ideology makes him popular is as unrivalled as it is shameless.
What culprits?
As far as I'm aware, this is a discussion site,
and again, as far as I'm aware, it is not intended to be politically moderated.
Yet that is not a licence to criticise unjustifiably.

I hope I'm not guilty of that. Peace is most surely the "main mission".
From my religious viewpoint, war is only justified in defence of oppression.
..and even then, patience is often the best alternative.
..and God knows best.
I don't follow at all, I just wanted to know who you were referring to. You might have made it clear in other threads I haven't read?

I'll make some assumptions and you can tell me how close I am. 1. The Chinese state is willfully spreading the virus in an attempt to sabotage other economies? 2. Getting at the source is the possibility of war with China?

The first is just an unfounded conspiracy theory, the other is of course much more serious.
I don't follow at all
1. The Chinese state is willfully spreading the virus in an attempt to sabotage other economies?

Well, I don't know .. I wouldn't of thought they did it on purpose, but who knows?

2. Getting at the source is the possibility of war with China?

No .. I'm saying that "the source" needs to be controlled .. meaning any future SARS/swine flu strains etc.
should be isolated using strict port control
i.e. who can enter the country and who can't!

As China becomes more isolated, they may well become more aggressive.
I assume that, as they seem to have made it there "religion" to become the richest, most powerful nation on earth, by outdoing all others in world trade etc.

China is a big country. They can survive with the resources that they have.
However, I'm not so sure that they would be satisfied with that.
They are becoming accustomed to wealth, and have an authoritarian govt. etc.

I most certainly don't think that the rest of the world should seek war with China!
..but it could well be inevitable.
As ever, PM Boris Johnson’s shift underlines his inconsistent ideology. An opportunist and populist, his enthusiasm for a post-Brexit 'global Britain' was tied to hitching the UK to fast-growing Asian economies. "I’m a Sinophile and believe we should continue to work with this great and rising power," said Bojo, even as he was preparing to reverse his position on Huawei.

I get what you are saying. His political views have changed considerably over the last few months.
..but then so has the world.

He didn't know that covid was coming, and that has changed "the playing field".
He is by no means a fool, and has a well achieved, good academic background.
Can that be said about Trump? .. Probably not ;)

He is not my favourite poilitician, and as I've stated elsewhere, I do not support either of the
main 2 parties.
So we are faced with brexit, and as Europe is not going to look so favourably upon us, we don't really have
any choice as to "whose side we are on". We cannot depend on "Brittania rules the waves", because they obviously don't :)
To put it your way .. "it's a no brainer" .. we are effectively in alliance with US & its partners.
But the majority of the Chinese people do not feel opressed within their own country. They don't feel they are living a life of fear under the authoritarian jackboot. The opposite is true. They are happy with new free market economic opportunities and with the leadership.

China is China and will never be a western country. It's an important point. Most Chinese themselves are not unhappy with their government. On the contrary most emphatically support it. They really do; that's not Chinese propaganda.

Of course the democratic Western world has the right to protest against the treatment of the Uigar Muslims, and to refuse extradition to the new Hong Kong. I'm very pleased that Britain has decided not to allow Huawei involvement in Britain's 5G network.

But the west does not have a right to interfere with China's own government and politics, or to agitate efforts to bring down the CCP. It would be a fatal misjudgement. China is a sovereign state. They don't want to be western.

They despise many things about the West, especially America. Especially Trump America. They don't want to be like Americans. The Chinese people don't want to be freed from their own government. China is not like North Korea.

It would be a very big mistake for the west to start trying to get involved 'liberating' the people of China. In general the people of China are satisfied with their government.
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Well, I don't know .. I wouldn't of thought they did it on purpose, but who knows?

No .. I'm saying that "the source" needs to be controlled .. meaning any future SARS/swine flu strains etc.
should be isolated using strict port control
i.e. who can enter the country and who can't!

As China becomes more isolated, they may well become more aggressive.
I assume that, as they seem to have made it there "religion" to become the richest, most powerful nation on earth, by outdoing all others in world trade etc.

China is a big country. They can survive with the resources that they have.
However, I'm not so sure that they would be satisfied with that.
They are becoming accustomed to wealth, and have an authoritarian govt. etc.

I most certainly don't think that the rest of the world should seek war with China!
..but it could well be inevitable.
I'm glad war isn't on the agenda.
How do you propose we lock down the ports? No travel at all or would there be exceptions?