Well, the Genesis description (at the source of four rivers, two of them Euphrates and Tigris) already are incompatible with an Out of Africa hypothesis.
Norse legend places the first human couple on a sea shore, not the Anatolian highlands or the African Rift valley. Greek texts are unspecific as to the geography, but mention a plain at the foot of a mountain. Finnic myth has a duck pull up solid earth from the bottom of the sea.
Very divergent points to start out from...
pretty much everyone has a primeval freshwater sea where alot of the action takes place. okeanos [apsorroos], vourukasha, abzu, neserser.
tafsir traditions say the Ka`bah was fashioned and sent down by God while his Throne was still “upon the waters”. we know exactly where okeanos potamos was. if it is everyones primeval sea then there is alot of archaeology on its shores that should be pretty distinctive and probably mythically huge [worthy of the gods and giants]
the norse have left us with asgard to find. its pretty well described. a huge round [unfinished] earthwork with an odd piece of fill in wall.