Here's a list of the 18 gods and goddesses of this religion:
The first two in the list, Omnibeing and No-Thing, are not part or the 18. They remind me a little of Thelema's Nuit and Hadit, or the Nothing, Limitless, and Light without End of Qabalah. The 18 are parts or emanations of the Omnibeing.
Then there are the Almighty Six, the most powerful sub-set of the 18, headed by Khaos. Again, I get reminded of the supernal triad of the qabalistic tree of life. And indeed, there are two more sets of six, further down the list.
But these are just my thoughts, which occurred to me while skimming the material.
@Old Faith, it would be nice to learn your take on these apparent parallels.
Hi, the Omnibeing is the collection of everything we are all part of the Omnibeing, you view this as in macro form it is the collection of everything so nothing specific but everything ever changing, in micro form we everything is parts of the Omnibeing thus everything is divine. KHAOS doesn't head the first tier the six are equal, KHAOS represents all possibilities but none realized, GAIA represents Creation, she manifests possibilities from KHAOS into reality, TARTAROS creates the force of divide basically creating dimension and providing a means to separate creation from not clumping together constantly, EROS acts in reverse she actively attracts things together so that you can actually have structures ext. whilst TARTAROS keeps that structure ext. separate from everything else, KHRONOS is time and movement, and ANANKE' is order and necessity. These 6 beings are not created they are 6 parts of the OMNIBEING, as when in the bible GOD said he created the multiverse in 6 days, in the Old Faith it means GOD being the OMNIBEING separated itself into 6 distinct parts so that it will no longer be singular and alone, and also that clear parts of creation can work separately but also together to create all of existence, thus from these six beings, all of creation manifested, they are like the operating system of the Omnibeing, they run the entirety of it, keeps it from spiraling out of control, establishes rules and destroys and creates as is necessary, destruction simply means absorbing the undesired and recreating it later as something else. They then from themselves created the Elemental Six, they represent the 6 Elements Darkness, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Light, they determine what the elements behave like, they aren't the atoms they determine how atoms behave, below them are the Divine Six, they are the overseers of the lower realm they work together to ensure that balance is kept in the lower realm of which we are a part of, The Almighty Six are the creators and maintainers of everything as such they have no equal, the Elemental Six is below them ensuring that the Elemental world is stable and constantly behaves as it should, they are below the Almighty Six but above the Divine Six. They also don't have any protagonist as such, as they mostly deal with the Quantum realm, the Divine six being both physical and ethereal, like us operate with much more emotion than say the two tiers above, not as much as humanity as they are not frail like mortals are, but they do have more of an emotional side than the other two tiers. They have an enemy, the Old Faith calls them the Corruptors they are headed by the Titan Prometheus he wasn't send to Tartarus when many of his family went, in this case not to be confused with the Almighty Six member Tartaros, Tartarus is created by Tartaros as a means of removing unwanted elements from creation and keeping it away from creation, black holes would be like the doors to Tartarus. Prometheus actively seeks to make trouble for the Divine Six, he wants to ruin the lower realm, disconnect its inhabitants as much as possible and destroy as much as he can, he is a formidable foe, as he can see the future or possible futures, his brother who is a sometime ally him Epimetheus can see into the past, together this makes them formidable enemies, they never act directly because this would violate the rules and that would give them a trip to Tartarus themselves, instead they act through others corrupting and deceiving wherever they can, so that ultimately it wasn't them that did anything wrong it was you for making the choice to listen and act. The only way to get rid of them is to banish them to Tartarus but if they are banished without direct evidence the ones who banished them will be banished themselves, thus if the GODS banished him to Tartarus they will in fact banish themselves as well, this is why evil is allowed to continue and why the GODS act through people instead of intervening directly with each other. This is a very brief description of the Old Faith Religion, you will know that the reason for having mars as an option has nothing much to do with me being conservative and hating liberals, but much more to do with removing pressure from planet earth, so that one can send corrupted souls off world be that far right or far left doesn't matter, because other worlds has been destroyed in the past due to this corruption and conflict between the Gods and the Corruptors think Asgard with Ragnarok, why mars because if they die eventually on planet Earth they will most likely just be re-incarnated back on planet Earth and the corruption continues, Mars needs to be a livable planet so that if they die on Mars they will most likely re-incarnate back on mars. Eliminating corruption, corruption is like a virus once it infects it spreads and destroys wherever it goes.