Wow!Citing the New York Catechism – actually the Catechism of Anti-Catholicism!
There's too many catechisms. They are basically formal declarations of creed.
We have the Baltimore Catechism, the Dutch Catechism etc. etc.
Wow!Citing the New York Catechism – actually the Catechism of Anti-Catholicism!
The Baltimore Catechism was a childrens' catechismThere's too many catechisms. They are basically formal declarations of creed.
We have the Baltimore Catechism, the Dutch Catechism etc. etc.
I believe there is only one Vatican approved Catholic Catechism
One of the changes to the 1997 update consisted of the inclusion of the position on the death penalty that is defended in John Paul II's encyclical Evangelium vitae of 1995.
The paragraph dealing with the death penalty (2267) was revised again by Pope Francis in 2018.
The present recension of the catechism now reads:
Recourse to the death penalty on the part of legitimate authority, following a fair trial, was long considered an appropriate response to the gravity of certain crimes and an acceptable, albeit extreme, means of safeguarding the common good.
Today, however, there is an increasing awareness that the dignity of the person is not lost even after the commission of very serious crimes. In addition, a new understanding has emerged of the significance of penal sanctions imposed by the state. Lastly, more effective systems of detention have been developed, which ensure the due protection of citizens but, at the same time, do not definitively deprive the guilty of the possibility of redemption.
Consequently, the Church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that "the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person", and the Catholic Church works with determination for its abolition worldwide.
The Church interprets the teachings in light of new knowledge. The church does not deny science to support dogma. First you have a problem with dogma and creeds, and then you have a problem with progress when those fail in the real world.I think you're right..
However, it is constantly under review,
which means to me that it is NOT a very good representation of "what Jesus believed".
This might be the current official position, but should "the teachings" keep changing in order to appease modern society?
Did Jesus demand the death penalty?
In past centuries, the teaching of the Catholic Church generally categorized capital punishment as a form of "lawful slaying".
This was the view defended by theological authorities such as Augustine and Thomas Aquinas.
..papal claims of spiritual authority have been increasingly firmly expressed over time, culminating in 1870 with the proclamation of the dogma of papal infallibility for rare occasions when the pope speaks ex cathedra—literally "from the chair (of Saint Peter)"—to issue a formal definition of faith or morals..
The whole problem is you don't know or understand the religion and the scripture that you have made it your whole mission on this website to try to disprove and dismiss
I do knowdon't know, do you?
As always there's a little more to it. It's 'buck stops here' scenario with God's guidance, after exhaustive debate. Why don't you ask wiki?thought the Pope was supposed to be infallible..
Why do you not?don't think that this sort of conversation should be encouraged.
You can continue displaying your ignorance if that's what you like doingdon't see why I shouldn't participate if others do.
I will tell you one thing: you will not find a single line in any Catholic book which contradicts any of Jesus' words. Did Jesus demand the death penalty? That is why the Catholic church still disallows divorce, because Jesus himself forbade it.
In Matthew divorce is forbidden except for reason of adultery alone:Yeshua didn't "forbade" divorce. Divorce was part of the law (Matthew 5:31) He simply said it was not originally part of God making man and women one flesh, and that if one divorces, it must be for probable cause,
I'm not denying it because I haven't checked it out properly. I suppose if you don't want a church annulment you can just split through the courts anyway, which probably also costs something -- I don't know?think she simply paid the church and got an annulment after have 2 daughters by the guy she legally divorced. I think the cost of a Catholic annulment is around $500, but that may not be the current price, although I think they can put you on a payment plan. Catholic Annulment FAQs: Process, Cost, Forms, Requirements (
Concerning these wrangles about whether or not Yeshua fulfilled and taught 'the law' IMO Christ made the point of showing by his life and teaching that he was true to the spiritual law, against the written and 'oft abused letter of the law, so valued by the hypocrites?Yeshua's message was to keep the Law/Commandments (Matthew 5:17), and to not annul the smallest letter
In Matthew divorce is forbidden except for reason of adultery alone:
But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery
(Matt 5:32)
Not what 'Jesus is saying' but what Jesus said?Jesus, peace be with him, is not saying that divorce is forbidden .. he is saying that a man SHOULD NOT divorce his wife without good reason.
Not what 'Jesus is saying' but what Jesus said?
In Mark, the first synoptic gospel, he point blank forbids divorce. Matthew softens it slightly to exclude adultery. That's what Jesus said. The Catholic church cannot go against what Jesus said?
Are you asking me I think Jesus should have said?what you think Jesus was teaching
Are you asking me I think Jesus should have said?
No .. I'm saying that it is a matter of interpretation.
A man is responsible for his wife. Divorcing her and marrying another due to sexual desire is not responsible.
Jesus also said if you look at a women with lust you have already committed adultery.
In other words, we should not look at other than our partner for sexual desire.
It doesn't mean that we have literally committed adultery.
In Matthew divorce is forbidden except for reason of adultery alone:
But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery
(Matt 5:32)
Mark, which many consider to be the original gospel, forbids divorce altogether:
“Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?”
"What did Moses command you?” he replied.
They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.”
“It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law,” Jesus replied. “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’
‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
(Mark 10:2-9)
I'm not denying it because I haven't checked it out properly. I suppose if you don't want a church annulment you can just split through the courts anyway, which probably also costs something -- I don't know?
However you are quite correct that the Catholic solution to the conundrum is to try to find a reason for annulment where possible.
The point is: if that's what Jesus said, the church cannot go against the direct word of Jesus?
Concerning these wrangles about whether or not Yeshua fulfilled and taught 'the law' IMO Christ made the point of showing by his life and teaching that he was true to the spiritual law, against the written and 'oft abused letter of the law, so valued by the hypocrites?
I don't disagree, but there is a good deal more to it than this. I can't think of a single deed (not talking about property conveyance) that doesn't begin with a thought. While looking at a married woman with lust (for a single man, or any woman with lust for a married man, the reverse also being true) is considered inappropriate, nevertheless the animal drive is instinctive in humans...doesn't matter if you see it as G-d putting it there or G-d neglecting to remove it, it is there. And being there, it also forms the basis of love, eros. Teaching that lust, all lust, any lust, is wrong, I don't think is appropriate. It has a "proper" place.Yeshua's message was repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The kingdom of heaven he is speaking of is a spiritual kingdom, one of spirit and power. He told his disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, etc. and then tell them the kingdom of heaven is at hand, which is a kingdom of heart, spirit and mind, and one of power. If one looks at women with lust, he has already committed adultery "in his heart". Adultery of the flesh always starts with adultery of the mind and heart. (Matthew 5:28). Yeshua means that a man that looks with lust in their heart, has literally committed adultery in their heart. Literal adultery of the flesh is another thing. Watching kiddy porn has consequence just as well as raping children. The only difference is possibly in the jail sentence one will catch if caught. People think they can lust after their neighbor's wife with no consequences. That is only true in a secular legal sense.
I think you are more than a little carried away here. The previous post was done so well, and this post slips off into judgment...and you are not the judge.You had said the Yeshua had "forbade" divorce. That was an untrue statement. He gave the grounds for divorce, but that was not the intended original purpose of God joining man and women as one. The grounds for an annulment are many. Divorce was enacted because of the hardness of the hearts of men. Yeshua didn't say he fulfilled the law and the prophets, for certainly the prophets haven't been fulfilled. And certainly "heaven and earth" hasn't passed away (Matthew 5:17-18).
And Yeshua said to call no man "father" or "leader"/Christ, or "teacher". The church considers the pope as Christ on earth, and their leader, teacher, and the Catholic priest and popes are called "fathers". I think you are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Generally you have to deform the square for it to closely fit. And then you become double minded, in the same square peg as the Pharisees, the sellers of hypocrisy, which is to say, pay the tithes to the priest before honoring your mother and father. No, apparently, the so called fat shepherds, the pope with his "foolish" (Zechariah 11:15) shepherds staff, will be the first to be judged (Ezekiel 34:1-16) with destruction. Although Judas preceded Peter in destruction (Zechariah 11:8), both supposedly being hung on a tree/pole into the night, which is to say, both being cursed as their hanging hung on into the night. (Deuteronomy 21:22-23) Not to say Peter made all these claims made by his church, but his ego might let the claims go unanswered.
Just to defend myself: no it is not an untrue statement. As I said: Mark is regarded by many as the first synoptic gospel. I know you disagree about that, but whether right or wrong it is generally accepted by churches. And in Mark 10:2-9 Yeshua forbids divorce without qualification. In Matthew 5:32 it is softened slightly to permit grounds of adultery. So I did not make an untrue statement.You had said the Yeshua had "forbade" divorce. That was an untrue statement. Mark 10:2-9 Yeshua forbids divorce without qualification..
Regarding the rest of your post: Christ came down pretty hard on many of the 'religious professionals' of his own time, and might probably do the same again in the 21st Century, imo