the earlier Jews and Christians recognize prophet Muhammad and expect his coming

Arguments such as the one started by the original post (of which I have seen many posted on all different websites) remind me very much of a misguided character in the film "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". The Greek father insists on giving all words a greek origin, including Kimono!
kittenface said:
Arguments such as the one started by the original post (of which I have seen many posted on all different websites) remind me very much of a misguided character in the film "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". The Greek father insists on giving all words a greek origin, including Kimono!
one of my favorite lines from that movie is when he's talking about the future son-in-law and says (paraphrased) "when your people were still walking on their knuckles, my people were inventing philosophy."

which i found to be very funny... on several levels :)

Asalamu Alaekum Wa Rahmatuallah Wa Barakahtu

Muhammad (SAW) is prophesised in the Holy Bible. He is directly mentioned in the Aramaic Bible (The original language and Bible of Jesus (May Allah Be Pleased With Him))

First of all Al Qur'an mentions that Muhammad (SAW) is mentioned in the Gospel (bible) and Torah.

"Those who follow the apostle the unlettered prophet (prophet Muhammad - p.b.u.h) whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures); in the law (Torah) and the Gospel" (Qur'an 7:157)

"And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and bringing good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me, whose name is Ahmad (the Praised One)." (Qur'an 61:6)

Finaly i promised that i will find you where in the Aramaic Bible Muhammad is mentioned:

so now if you refer to Song of Solomon in Hebrew scripture, the name 'Muhammad' is mention here, Song of Solomon 5:16, it looks like this:

"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wzeh ree`iy bnowt yruushaalaaim."

Embrace Islam you shall be saved
pardon me, saliman, but how is the name "muhammad" spelt in arabic? the three-letter root has a direct bearing on whether the word mem-het-mem-dalet is an equivalent or not. otherwise it's a different word entirely.

quite apart from this, if you know this text at all well, you ought to be aware that the male Beloved is not a prophet, but a metaphor for G!D. moreover, this is not a noun, but an adjective - and a plural one, moreover. so it's hard to see how this could be a "reference to muhammad", with all respect to him.

and, incidentally, your tone (and signature) is not appropriate for this board. read the code of conduct ( and moderate yourself, lest ye be moderated.


Postmaster said:
I agree that conversion is wrong for any faith.. Above all things if you can't be devoted to the religion you were born into or once accepted then you will never devote yourself to anything.

i'm not quite sure why you consider it necessary or virtuous to remain in the religion of your birth. many people are devoted to God and to searching for the truth....not to a specific religion. remaining within the religious group of your birth maybe starts to make sense in the light of pluralistic views....but many religions (at least at face value) are exclusive not inclusive....a lot of people need to "go round the block a few times" before they begin to understand pluralism.
Just a few comments based on scripture used.

Deu 18:15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken; :16 According to all that thou desiredst of the LORD thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not. :17 And the LORD said unto me, They have well spokenthat which they have spoken. :18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
The ancient fathers of the Church and the generality of modern commentators have regarded our Lord as the prophet promised in these verses. It is evident from the New Testament alone that the Messianic was the accredited interpretation among the Jews at the beginning of the Christian era ; nor can our Lord Himself, when He declares that Moses "wrote of Him" Joh 5:46For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me., be supposed to have any other words more directly in view than these, the only words in which Moses, speaking in his own person, gives any prediction of the kind.
This can't possibly refer to Mohammed. Mohammed is the descendant of Ishmael, and the Jews never looked at the descendants of Ishmael as "brothers." On the other hand Jesus fits the description "like unto Moses." Jesus was a Hebrew, as was Moses, while Mohamed was not. Jesus performed signs and wonders, as did Moses, and Mohamed did not.

Joh 15:26 But1161 when3752 the Comforter3875 is come2064[5632], whom3739 I1473 will send3992[5692] unto you5213 from3844 the Father3962, even the Spirit4151 of truth225, which3739 proceedeth1607[5736] from3844 the Father3962, he1565 shall testify3140[5692] of4012 me1700:
An intercessor, consoler: - advocate, comforter.

This, no doubt, refers to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a spirit, while Mohammed was flesh. The Holy Spirit was sent to the disciples, but Mohammed came in 6 centuries after the death of the disciples.
Actually, if you think about it, the idea that the New Testament predicted Mohammed's coming is clearly wrong when you look at the following verses.
John 14:17, "The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him, nor know Him."

The "Comforter" is invisible. Mohammed could be seen. So how could Mohammed be the Comforter?

John 14:17, "But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be with you."

We know Him. How can I know Mohammed? He is dead.

He lives with us. How can Mohammed live with us? He is dead.

John 14:19, "Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me."

Jesus said, "Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father." I cannot see Mohammed. How can Mohammed be the Comforter?

The Comforter was Christ in the Spirit of Christ. "The world will not see me" but "you will see me."

The Comforter was not Mohammed.

That was easy. No need for mumble jumble.
Hi all

The Gospels record that Jesus addressed his disciples as follows: "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.[52] But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me."[53] "Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment: of sin, because they believe not on me; of righteousness because I go to my Father, and you see me no more; of judgment because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now. How be it, when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me, for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you."[54] "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."[55]

If we say that the Comforter is identical with the Holy Ghost, we know that the Holy Ghost constantly accompanied Jesus and it would therefore not have been correct for him to say: "He will not come to you until I go."

When the Prophet Jesus says, "The prince of the world cometh" and that he will guide mankind, he is in effect accepting the religion to be brought by that person as the most perfect of all religions. Can the description of him given by Jesus fit anyone other than Muhammad, upon whom be peace and blessings?

When Jesus says, "He shall testify of me," and "he shall glorify me," did anyone other than the Prophet of Islam revere and honor Jesus or defend the innocence of Mary against the unworthy accusations made by the Jews? Was it the Holy Ghost that did these things, or the Prophet of Islam? In addition to the fact that these verses clearly bear witness that the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth, cannot be anyone other than the Prophet of Islam, we also encounter the world "Paraclete" in some of the Gospels, the meaning of which is identical with that of the named Muhammad and Ahmad. Translators of the Gospels however have taken the work perikletos, a proper name in Greek equivalent in its meaning to Ahmad, to be parakletos, translating this as "Comforter."
Dr. Bucaille has a valuable discussion of this subject :The Paraclete of John's Gospel." "John is the only evangelist to report the episode of the last dialogue with the Apostles. It takes place at the end of the Last Supper and before Jesus's arrest. It ends in a very long speech: four chapters in John's Gospel (14 to 17) are devoted to this narration which is not mentioned anywhere in the other Gospels. These chapters of John nevertheless deal with questions of prime importance and fundamental significance to the future outlook. They are set out with all the grandeur and solemnity that characterizes the farewell scene between the Master and His disciples.

"This very touching farewell scene which contains Jesus's spiritual testament is entirely absent from Matthew, Mark and Luke. How can the absence of this description be explained? One might ask the following: did the text initially exist in the first three Gospels? Was it subsequently suppressed? Why? It must be state immediately that no answer can be found; the mystery surrounding this huge gap in the narrations of the first three evangelists remains as obscure as ever.

"The dominating feature of this narration - seen in the crowning speech - is the view of man's future that Jesus describes, His care in addressing His disciples and through them the whole of humanity, His recommendations and commandments and His concern to specify the guide whom man must follow after His departure. The text of John's Gospel is the only one to designate him as parakletos in Greek which in English has become Paraclete.

The following are the essential passages:

"If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Paraclete." (14, 15-16)

"What does 'Paraclete' mean? The present text of John's Gospel explains its meaning as follow:

"But the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." (14, 26).

"...he will bear witness to me..." (15, 26)

"It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Paraclete will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.

And when he comes, he will convince the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment..." (16, 74)

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me..." (16,13-14).

"(It must be noted that the passages in John, chapters 14-17, which have not been cited here, in no way alter the general meaning of these quotations).

On a cursory reading, the text which identifies the Greek work 'Paraclete' with the Holy Spirit is unlikely to attract much attention.

This is especially true when the subtitles of the text are generally used for translations and the terminology commentators employ in works for mass publication direct the reader towards the meaning in these passages that an exemplary orthodoxy would like them to have. Should one have the slightest difficulty in comprehension, there are many explanations available such as those given by A. Tricot in his Little Dictionary of the New Testament (Petit Dictionnaire du Nouveau Testament) to enlighten one on this subject. In his entry on the Paraclete this commentator writes the following:

" 'This name or title translated from the Greek is only used in the New Testament by John: he uses it four times in his account of Jesus's speech after the Last Supper 56 (14, 16 and 26; 15, 26; 16, 7) and once in his First Letter (2, 1). In John's Gospel the word is applied to the Holy Spirit; in the Letter it refers to Christ. "Paraclete" was a term in current usage among the Hellenist Jews, First century AD, meaning "intercessor," "defender" (...) Jesus predicts that the Spirit will be sent by the Father and Son. Its mission will be to take the place of the Son in the role he played during his mortal life as a helper for the benefit of his disciplines. The Spirit will intervene and act as a substitute for Christ, adopting the role of Paraclete or omnipotent intercessor.'

"This commentary therefore makes the Holy Spirit into the ultimate guide of man after Jesus's departure. How does it square with John's text?

"It is a necessary question because a priori it seems strange to ascribe the last paragraph quoted above to the Holy Spirit: 'for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.' It seems inconceivable that one could ascribe to the Holy Spirit the ability to speak and declare whatever he hears...Logic demands that this question be raised, but to my knowledge, it is not usually the subject of commentaries.

"To gain an exact idea of the problem, one has to go back to the basic Greek text. This is especially important because John is universally recognized to have written in Greek instead of another language. The Greek text consulted was the Norum Testamentum Graece.[57]

"Any serious textual criticism begins with a search for variations. Here it would seem that in all the known manuscripts of John's Gospel, the only variation likely to change the meaning of the sentence is in passage 14, 26 of the famous Palimpsest version written in Syriac.[58] Here it is not the Holy Spirit that is mentioned, but quite simply the Spirit. Did the scribe merely miss out a word or, knowing full well that the text he was to copy claimed to make the Holy Spirit hear and speak, did he perhaps lack the audacity to write something that seemed absurd to him? Apart from this observation there is little need to labor the other variations, they are grammatical and do not change the general meaning. The important thing is that what has been demonstrated here with regard to the exact meaning of the verbs 'to hear' and 'to speak' should apply to all the other manuscripts of John's Gospel, as is indeed the case.

The verb 'to speak' in the translation is the Greek verb 'laleo' which has the general meaning of 'to emit sounds' and the specific meaning of 'to speak'. This verb occurs very frequently in the Greek text of the Gospels. It designates a solemn declaration made by Jesus during His preachings. It therefore becomes clear that the communication to man which He here proclaims does not in any way consist of a statement inspired by the agency of the Holy Spirit.

It has a very obvious material character moreover, which comes from the idea of the emission of sounds conveyed by the Greek word that defines it.

"The two Greek verbs 'akouo' and 'laleo' therefore define concrete actions which can only be applied to a being with hearing and speech organs. It is consequently impossible to apply them to the Holy Spirit.

"For this reason, the text of this passage from John's Gospel, as handed down to us in Greek manuscripts, is quite incomprehensible if one takes it as a whole, including the words 'Holy Spirit' in passage 14, 26: "But the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name" etc. It is the only passage in John's Gospel that identifies the Paraclete with the Holy Spirit.

"If the words 'Holy Spirit" (to pneuma to agton) are omitted from the passage, the complete text of John then conveys a meaning which is perfectly clear. It is confirmed moreover, by another text by the same evangelist, the First Letter, where John uses the same word 'Paraclete' simply to mean Jesus, the intercessor at God's side.59 According to John, when Jesus says (14, 16): 'And I pray the Father, and he will give you another Paraclete,' what He is saying is that 'another intercessor will be sent to man, as He Himself was at God's side on man's behalf during His earthly life.

"According to the rules of logic therefore, one is brought to see in John's Paraclete a human being like Jesus, possessing the faculties of hearing and speech formally implied in John's Greek text.

Jesus therefore predicts that God will later send a human being to Earth to take up the role defined by John, i.e. to be a prophet who hears God's word and repeats his message to man. This is the logical interpretation of John's texts arrived at if one attributes to the words their proper meaning.

"The presence of the term 'Holy Spirit' in today's text could easily have come from a later addition made quite deliberately. It may have been intended to change the original meaning which predicted the advent of a prophet subsequent to Jesus and was therefore in contradiction with the teachings of the Christian churches at the time of their formation; these teachings maintained that Jesus was the last of the prophets."[60]

The Grande Encyclopedie Francaise has the following to say in its entry on Muhammad, upon whom be blessings and peace: "Muhammad, the founder of the religion of Islam, the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets. The word Muhammad means the one who is praised; it is derived from the root hamd, meaning laudation and veneration. By a remarkable coincidence, there is another name, derived from the same root as Muhammad and synonymous with it, Ahmad, which was very probably used by the Christians of Arabia as the equivalent of Paraclete. Ahmad, meaning much praised and revered, is the translation of the word perikletos which has been mistakenly rendered as parakletos. For this reason, Muslim religious writers have repeatedly remarked that this name refers to the future appearance of the Prophet of Islam. The Quran refers to this matter in a remarkable verse in Surah Saff."[61]

The verse referred to by the encyclopedia runs as follows: "When Jesus son of Mary said to the Children of Israel, 'I am God's Messenger sent unto you. I confirm the veracity of the Torah which is here in front of me and give you glad tidings that a Prophet will come after me whose name is Ahmad.' But when the Prophet came to the people with proofs and miracles, they said, 'This is clear magic.' "(61:6) In another verse the Quran says the following: "Those Jews and Christians will enjoy God's mercy who follow the unlettered Prophet whose description they read in the Torah and the Gospels. He is a Prophet who summons them unto good and restrains them from evil, who makes the pure licit for them and the impure illicit, and releases them from the shackles of heavy and arduous obligations. So those who believe in him, revere him and aid him, and follow his clear and luminous guidance, are in truth on the path of salvation."(6:156)

I must admit that although I did read though most of this thread, I skipped your last post so Im sorry if Ive missed something crucial, but I felt a need to say this.

I was raised as a catholic and educated in Catholic schools between the ages of 4 and 18 years, during that time I must have read most of the bible and I had many long conversations with deacons, priests and bishops, but I never heard anyone use the word Paraclete, nor did I ever come across any reference to any prophet or other devine inspired character still to come.

Of course, there are certain passages which are slightly ambiguous, but such passages could just as easily refer to the coming of the "invisible pink unicorn" with whom atheists are so enamoured as they could the coming of Mohammed. However, since either of these possibilities are completely at odds with the spirit of Christianity, I suspect that neither one is the case.
Hi are free to think what you want , Do you think you have perfect and ultimate knowledge ??
I want to ask you : Do you deny that the original bible was wrote in Aramaic language ??

This article was wrote by Chistian searcher ......[font=Verdana,Helvetica,Arial]I was getting shock when I read that "Paraklytos" is actually "Muhammad" in Aramaic - the mother tongue' of Prophet Jesus (p.b.u.h).


Follow me as we trace the Biblical history of this Greek word "Paraclete". Startling as it may seem, at one time the word read "Periklytos" and "Paraklytos", which is the name for "Muhammad" in Greek. Surprising? It should not be because both words mean "Praised" or "Celebrate," the meaning and character of the man "Muhammad." (1 Jesus in The Qur'an, One World Publications, (c) Geoffrey Parrinder 1965, 1995, ISBN 1-85168-094-2. Knowing this, there is a need for us to study the life of Prophet Muhammad in depth to see if it all stands up. Surprisingly it does.

Perfect and ultimate knowledge? not just yet, one day maybe.

As for the original bible being written in aramaic, I had always assumed that it would have been written in many different languages since it was written across a great period of time by many people from many different cultures. Surely Paul, for example, being Roman, would have written in Latin. (just an assumption)

Incidentally, if Paraclytos means Mohammed in Mohammed's own language, then why is he known as Mohammed? why not call him Paraclytos?
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
Incidentally, if Paraclytos means Mohammed in Mohammed's own language, then why is he known as Mohammed? why not call him Paraclytos?
Thank you Awaiting_the_fifth, your comment here made me laughing :)
we discuss about the meaning of the word here and the personality of the prophet Mohameed (SAAS).

Arabic Language different from Aramaic language .but you can translate their words to see where they can give you the same meaning of the word .
can you catch my point ??
I think the evidence overwhelmingly shows the New Testament was originally written in Greek - not Aramaic.
Dear Friend:

I have just seen your claims regarding the fullfillment of three distinct prophecies particularly of Deueronomy 18: 15-18.

I am also a researcher on comparative religion especially in Islam and Christianity. By faith I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. But I am an open minded Christian and would like to discuss matters with an open mind. I would therefore like to refute your claims on solid grounds and proofs giving evidence by using the scriptures of Islam and Christianity and other sources to prove my point.

This is just a brief introduction but I will return soon to discuss the isssues raised by you as I know that your claims have no solid basis.

Thanks and regards,


Friend said:
Salaamu Alyckum

Let me explain for you one notices from the Gospel of John that the Jews were waiting for the fulfillment of three distinct prophecies. The first was the coming of Christ. The second was the coming of Elijah. The third was the coming of the Prophet. This is obvious from the three questions that were posed to John the Baptist: Now this was John’s testimony, when the Jews of Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was. He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, “I am not the Christ.” They asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” He answered, “No.” (John 1:19-21).
If we look in a Bible with cross-references, we will find in the marginal notes where the words “the Prophet” occur in John 1:21, that these words refer to the prophecy of Deuteronomy 18:15 and 18:18.2 We conclude from this that Jesus Christ is not the prophet mentioned in Deuteronomy.
When will this ridiculous arguing stop about parakletos having any connexion with Muhammad ?
Salam my brothers and sisters.

Well Yes the earlier jews and christians did recgonise the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Not all but a lot did, You just need to read history well we have the autehntic narrations of former Christians and jews of that time And thousands millions since that time have came to ISLAM, but you wont find many leaving ISLAM for christianity or judaism. Anyway Heres a link where you will see how Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is mentioned in the bible

and just because you dont see his name does not mean he is not there. For example the Torah desrcibes Prophet Jesus (pbuh), but does it mention his name? NO it mentions his charteristics where he will be, what he will do its the same for Prophet Muhammd (SAW) in the Bible and we all know Bible has been changed a million times. The original book was given to Jesus PBUH was the INGEEL (GOSPEL) in the aramic lanugage. How can u base ur faith on the bible which has 110,000 contradictions and abuses well known prophets. This is not m words this is Christian scholar words. Paul the fake apostle changed Gods law completely, and how can u base r faith on books which where written by men JOHN MATHEW LUKE etc who did not collaborate with each other never met ate sat with jesus pbuh. Yes the prophet Muhammad (SAW) is prophesied in much detail in every scripture, HINDU, BUDDIST, PARSI as well with full detail. That he will be the last prophet. Just go to google and type Prophet Muhammad in buddist scriptures for example. ;) And yes in the PALMS of david in hewbrew the name Muhammad is in there.
Encylopedia Britanica says Prophet Muhammad is the only prophet who succeeded on both a religious and seciluar level.

Regarding witnesses with Angel Jibreel. Here is an Authentic narration have a look. Because angel gabriel use to come to the prophet all the time. One time a man came our of the desert with no traces of dirt on him and people where suprised u come out of the desert so clean and white and we have never seen u in arabia before. The man sat next to prophet and asked what is faith Prophet replies it is to belive in ONE GOD, messengers, angels, All the scriptures etc. the last question the man asked was what are the signs of day of judgement. Prophet replied the signs are he mentioned a few. One he mentioned was that the Arabs will be competing in building the tallest buildings. The man stood up and walked away was never to see again. Prophet asked his companions do u know who what was? They replied Gods messenger knows best. Prophet replied that was gabriel he came to teach u your religion. Know how on earth a man 1500 years ago know that arabs would be competing in tallest buildings and guess what today the tallest building they are building are in arabia. And theres numerous prophecies which have came true it was like The prophet was reading out of a book of the future.
Oh yes another proof is. Prophet (saw) said Who ever sees me in a dream, has in fact seen me satan cannot form my image.
And i know people who have prayed to god show me the prophet and he appears that night. I know non muslims saying they r confused about faith and the prophet came in their dreams leading them to the truth. Islam is the religion of all prophets it means to be in peace and to submit to one god.

Chrtistians i dunno how u call urself christians. Jesus didnt call himself a christian. The people of abraham didnt call them self abrahamins etc so how christian? How can god have a son SERIOUSLY think about it the lamighty god have a son? sounds bizzare. Died for our sins? WE ARE STILL SINNING arent we. We can just go out and sin from now on which we are AND NO PUNISHMENT? U tell a lil kid that he would say MAN that doesnt even make sense. hehe Prophet Jesus was a great prophet and messenger who came to fulfil the law of Prophet Moses. In the bible it says he hasnt came to bring a new law but to fulfil, but than we have a Buddy called Paul who twisted, fabricated everything. I should introduce you to khalid yasin he was former christian knows christian religion better than most christians. Anyway I wasnt here to step on anyone shoes if i did, You got pretty big shoes than.
Salam peace and may Gods blessings and mercy be upon u all Amin
Salam its me again,

I scrolled up and saw someone write, Muhammad did not do any miracles, and moses and jesus did. Yes these great prophets did do miracles, but Muhammad saw also did. Number 1. The Quran is the number 1 miracle.
For example science miracles are unbelivable which are just discovered now, How did the prophet(saw) know 1400 years go heres a link U will be so amazed Oh yes a former christian scientist was pushed by his church to compare the bible and quran on science. He ended up writing a classic on the quran that all the bible sciences where wrong and he converted. The math miracles in the quran. Historical miracles where events of cities which where crushed by God, because they rejected messengers they are discovered exactly how quran mentions it. Do you know any book in the world which has not been changed even by a dot? for 1500 years. Which is memorised every word by millions. In prophet moses time he did miracles like the snake and etc because they did magic. Prophet jesus did healing miracles because it was time of medicne. The prophet muhammad saw time was POETRY the best poets in the world. The quran challenged them to bring a chapter like few lines chapter like it. They failed miserable. The highest qualify arabian poet of these days says the difference between the way the eloquence grammer and meaning of quran and peotry is like the heavens and earth impossible for a human to form it.

Yes we have strong narations of Prophet Muhammad saw doing physical miracles. One is he split the moon in half, because of Gods comman to show them this is the truth. And this even is recorded in LITERATURE history that the moon split. And the kinG India witnessed this and found it there was a prophet in arabia. He converted his grave is still there. Just go to Yahoo again type prophet muhammad miracles etc and see what you find ;)

hehe You should read what non muslim scholars say about prophet muhammad, islam and quran heres a link
Funnie 1 out of every 4peoples is a muslim on the world, This is a fact statsitc you can look up., a site by former christians to islam
www.jews-for-allah.orf a site by former jews
have a look lot of proofs and evidences

Salam hehe ;)
I would like to make clear the false interpretation of the text in the Gospel of John regarding the comforter.

First, in the original Greek Bible the word is "Paracletos" and not "Periklytos". If you claim that the word was corrupted then please provide documentary evidence showing both the uncorrupted and corrupted original Greek text of the Bible. If you claim that "Periklytos" is the right translation then please provide proof as why is "Periklytos" a correct translation.

Second, if you carefully read the entire text of the promised comforter then you will be able to see that the comforter cannot be Muhammad.

1. John 14:16 — And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Comforter to be with you forever - the Spirit of Truth.
The Comforter will be with these disciples forever. Jesus promised the Comforter would be with these disciples forever. Muhammad could not be the Comforter because he wasn't born until over 500 years later - following the deaths of these disciples. He was born around 570 and died around 632 AD.

2. John 14:17 But you know him for he lives with you and will be in you.

The Comforter lives with the disciples already now and will later be 'in' them. The Holy Spirit came to the disciples and indwelt them. Muhammad could not be the Comforter because first he wasn't around at the time when Jesus was speaking to his disciples nor second could he ever be in any of the disciples. The Greek word is 'en', and it means 'right inside'. Jesus is saying that the Comforter will be 'right inside' of the disciples.

3. John 14:26 — The Comforter is specifically described as the Holy Spirit. The Comforter is not a man. Muhammad could not be the Comforter because he was never the Holy Spirit.

4. John 14:26 — The Comforter will be sent in Jesus' name. The Holy Spirit represented the Lord on earth. No Muslim believes that Muhammad was sent by God in Jesus name. Muhammad did not come in Jesus' name, as the apostle of Jesus, rather he came in his own name with his own questionable “revelations”.

5.John 14:26But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."
The Comforter will teach these disciples and remind them of what Christ said to them. As the early Christians grew the Holy Spirit taught them. Muhammad is not the Comforter because he never knew the disciples and he didn't teach these disciples, and Muhammad never reminded the disciples of what Christ said.

6.John 15:26When the Comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.
The Comforter would be sent to these disciples. These disciples received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Muhammad was never sent to these disciples.

7.John 16:13But when he, the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.

The Comforter will guide these disciples into all truth. These disciples (and others) grew in the knowledge of God through the revelations from the Holy Spirit. Muhammad never guided these disciples into any truth.

8.John 16:13He will not speak on his own, he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
The Comforter will speak to these disciples. These disciples grew to know the leading of the Holy Spirit, i.e. they knew His voice. Muhammad never spoke to these disciples.

9.John 16:14He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.
The Comforter will take from Jesus and make it known to the disciples. Muhammad never knew Jesus and never took from Jesus and made it known to anyone.

The context of these passages shows clearly that Muhammad could not be the Comforter. Jesus was not speaking of another person to come at a later date. Jesus’ precious final words to His disciples were meant for them. Jesus was not merely preaching a sermon to be analyzed and intellectually talked about through the centuries, rather, He was giving His the disciples with Him there His final commands, love, and encouragement.


Friend said:
Just a quick note, the Arabic word "Ahmed" is an expression that means "The most praised." Prophet Muhammad was the first in the Middle East to be named "Muhammad (the glorified one)" and "Ahmed (his actual name which means the most praised)" right after birth. Below, you will see how Jesus in today's Gospel of John had called this human Prophet which he predicted his coming "The most praised".

Jesus in the Greek Bible used the Greek word "Periklytos" which means the admirable or glorified one. He called that predicted human prophet "Periklytos". This word corresponds exactly to the Arabic word "Ahmed" which also means the "most praised." In other words, "Periklytos" is "Ahmed" in Greek.

You can read the name of Muhammad in verse 16. It reads: "Yea, he is altogether lovely" in English Bible. In the Hebrew Bible, the word is "Muhammad-im". See Hebrew Bible printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society by Trowitzsch & Sons, Berlin, P. 1159.

I hope anyone here can help us to translate the Greek word "Periklytos" in English language .
HaSsy said:
Yes the prophet Muhammad (SAW) is prophesied in much detail in every scripture, HINDU, BUDDIST, PARSI

Sorry, but Mohammed is absolutely not prophesised in Buddhism. The teachings of Mohammed are very much at odds with the teachings of Buddha.