Is Islam peaceful and a good religion for everyone ?

You think I'm the only one?
You do feel entitled to enrol on an international interfaith website to lecture and barrage?
25% of the world's population are Muslims.
The central concept of Islam is tawḥīd (Arabic: توحيد‎), the unity of God.

The foundation of faith is as follows:
I bear witness that there is no deity but God, the One, there is no partner to Him,
and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger.

or in short .. the shahada:
أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ

I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
30%+ are Christian, who believe in the crucified, resurrected and living Christ -- with no concern for or obligation or judgement towards what Muslims believe, but granting them freedom of belief and worship, and of respect for what they believe -- and wishing for the same grace in return ...
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Definitely some tension going on in here guys. What's up?

Same old..
It's about whether Jesus is God.

..or as trinitarians claim .. whether Jesus and God are of the same substance.
Personally, I say that they are, but that doesn't mean that Jesus is God.
God is of an infinite nature.
I feel sure that people are justified in being fed up with me.
I don't claim that I am a saint. satan is in me as much as he is in others.

Well, you pray to God
You don't worship matter
You don't promote a later sect
You tell others about God
You don't sadistically bash Syrian refugees (who may well be blood related to Jesus!) because hey you got a personal relationship with God (as some sadists tell themselves). Unlike some.

Therefore I don't have a problem with you.

Just don't tell people of your specific sins unless it's part of a law trial:
Hadith from Abu Hurayrah: "All of my ummah (nation of followers) will be excused, except for the mujaahireen (those who make their sins known). And verily it is a kind of mujaaharah (exposing one’s sins) that a man does something (sinful) at night, and then in the morning, when Allaah has screened his sin for him, he says, ‘Hey So-and-So! I did such-and-such last night…’ And the night passed with His Lord screening him, and he wakes up casting aside the screen of Allaah from himself."

Imaam Muslim also reported it with a similar wording in his Book of az-Zuhd war-Raqaa’iq.

Odd thread title too l guess.

By the way, Jesus and God are different and they even have different surnames, one is Messiah which relates to a unique role. The other has 99 most beautiful names. Being God implies that being Messiah is unnecessary and also it is paradoxical. Messiah is annointed - annointed by whom? By God. Somehow the illogic of calling God "Messiah" attracts apologists justifying it like ants to a crack in a brick wall, l'll never understand it but some people also do parkour for the hell of it.
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Messiah is annointed - annointed by whom? By God. Somehow the illogic of calling God "Messiah" attracts apologists justifying it like ants to a crack in a brick wall..

Well, most Christians believe that Messiah = Saviour
.. and that somehow or other the world has been saved already o_O
Well, you pray to God
Being God implies that being Messiah is unnecessary..

As I say, most Christians believe that Jesus is the Saviour.
They believe that anyone who is a true believer will produce good works as a product of faith,
just as a good tree produces good fruit.

If only that were true. I suppose it depends what you mean by "true believer".
Is a person who is NOT following "the law" a true believer? What fruits are they producing?
i.e. what are "good works" ?
As I say, most Christians believe that Jesus is the Saviour.
They believe that anyone who is a true believer will produce good works as a product of faith,
just as a good tree produces good fruit.

If only that were true. I suppose it depends what you mean by "true believer".
Is a person who is NOT following "the law" a true believer? What fruits are they producing?
i.e. what are "good works" ?
The Catholic Church operates numerous charitable organizations.

Catholic spiritual teaching includes spreading the Gospel while Catholic social teaching emphasises support for the sick, the poor and the afflicted through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The Catholic Church is the largest non-governmental provider of education and medical services in the world ...


But I think we've been here before ... several times?
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The Catholic Church is the largest non-governmental provider of education and medical services in the world ...

I wasn't referring to the Catholic church..
I was referring to the belief that a Christian has been saved by belief, but does not have to follow "the law".
.so you are suggesting that the Catholic church has it's own law..
eg. caring for the poor and sick

What about:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house ?
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife
or his slaves, or his animals, or anything of thy neighbour?

Have they been abrogated?
I wasn't referring to the Catholic church..
I was referring to the belief that a Christian has been saved by belief, but does not have to follow "the law".
.so you are suggesting that the Catholic church has it's own law..
eg. caring for the poor and sick
I was? Where?
What fruits are they producing?
You've got stats for Muslim charity work?
What about:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house ?
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife
or his slaves, or his animals, or anything of thy neighbour?

Have they been abrogated?
Catholics, like most Christians, are taught to keep the 10 commandments
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I realize this is the Islam forum. I am merely responding to questions and asking one in return?
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Catholics, like most Christians, are taught to keep the 10 commandments

One thing at a a time..
It is true that Catholics consider the ten commandments as law. i.e breaking them is sinful why do Catholics speak about an atonement? i.e. Jesus dying on the cross for our sins
I know it doesn't mean that it is OK to sin .. so how does Jesus dying for our sins mean he is "the Saviour"?

Protestants and others vary, of course. That's why people like John Wesley objected to the Protestant Church
moving away from the concept of law and sin.
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One thing at a a time..
Remember: Muslims (let's say some Muslims) are the only ones who care about whether or not their own (inerrant) sacra scriptura is applicable to Christians. It is a non-issue for Christians whatever or not Muslims think they must believe.

By their fruits let them be known?

Goodnight @muhammad_isa
I think perhaps I will answer the question for you :)
It involves the changing beliefs of the church from the 4th century through the middle ages to this day.
I believe Muslims are encouraged by the Prophet (peace be upon him) not to read the Bible or New Testament? Yet some seem enthusiastic to comment analyse these scriptures they are encouraged to ignore?

Just another question?
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