Is Islam peaceful and a good religion for everyone ?

I'm sorry, but how does this answer my question? Duty of Christians to accept Muslim authority to dictate Christian belief? Excuse me if I've missed it?

The Bible is for everyone, as such it may be Christian doctrine that has held it back from being seen as relevant, on a global scale.

Regards Tony
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I see original sin derived from Adam as Spirit incarnate in nature and so, for example, required to take other natural life in order to sustain his own -- even just by breathing.

We are imperfect by nature.

It is because man is both nature and Spirit that he has knowledge of good and evil. 'The Fall' was the original descent of Spirit into the dimension of nature.

The explanation I see that makes this topic clear is that humanity is created at the end of darkness and the beginning of light.

The darkness is our animal nature, the light is the potential within us.

The potential needs to be brought out from us, thus the Metephor of being born again.

It is Christ Spirit that is the potential we are to find.

There is no doubt that Jesus was a flesh body, never to be seen as flesh again. Any thought that flesh will come back is a denial of basic science, a God given path of knowledge. I see it is time to embrace the future where Faith and Science are reconciled by each other. We have so much to learn in both faith and science.

If we look for Christ, then Christ as per the Bible was the 3 Woes to come. Those 3 Woes have now come and gone, Christ has given us more wisdom, yet many still await Jesus, a flesh body. The Message of Muhammad was the first Wow, the 2nd that of the Bab and the 3rd that came quickly was Baha'u'llah.

The fact that these 3 Messages also are implanted in the Holy land, is in its own self obvious and undeniable proof that God brings man together, but man still chooses the path excluding the others.

Regards Tony
Any thought that flesh will come back is a denial of basic science, a God given path of knowledge..

Have you never heard of the word miracle? :)
It is a "denial of basic science" to believe that Jesus, peace be with him, was born of the virgin Mary.
Nevertheless, both Muslims and Christians believe that this is correct. Almighty God is able to do all things.
He only has to decree "Be and it is !".
Have you never heard of the word miracle? :)
It is a "denial of basic science" to believe that Jesus, peace be with him, was born of the virgin Mary.
Nevertheless, both Muslims and Christians believe that this is correct. Almighty God is able to do all things.
He only has to decree "Be and it is !".

As a Baha'i the fact that God doeth as God Willeth is seen as the surest foundation of all Faiths in God, that is not restricted to the Abrahamic line either.

What Baha'u'llah has done has removed Miracles as a proof of a Messenger. Which to me is naught but plain justice. The Bab and Baha'u'llah performed many such events, but they will never be used as a proof of our Faith.

Miracles have been used to turn the Message into the desire for a magic show.The true miracle is a person who changes their heart and is born again.

I have always considered that all miracles do not happen outside what is possible. That science is yet to know and discover why, is something that should amaze us, to enspire us to find out more about the reality we live in.

The future of travel through time and space, that would be a miracle, but to me it is already written.

"O servant of Bahá! Be self-sacrificing in the path of God, and wing thy flight unto the heavens of the love of the Abhá Beauty, for any movement animated by love moveth from the periphery to the centre, from space to the Day-Star of the universe. Perchance thou deemest this to be difficult, but I tell thee that such cannot be the case, for when the motivating and guiding power is the divine force of magnetism it is possible, by its aid, to traverse time and space easily and swiftly. Glory be upon the people of Bahá." Abdul'baha

Regards Tony
I have always considered that all miracles do not happen outside what is possible. That science is yet to know and discover why, is something that should amaze us, to enspire us to find out more about the reality we live in..

You make it sound as if God is part of the Creation .. as if He is also subject to 'natural laws'.
No .. Almighty God is spiritual. Natural laws are a physical phenomena that He maintains as He wills.

Both Muslims and Christians believe that Jesus ascended to heaven
i.e. "disappeared" and is not dead and buried

He can just as easily reappear, and there is plenty of evidence to show us that that is exactly what will happen.
i.e. Jewish messiah will return at the appointed time
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Cotton Mather was born in Boston in the 17th. century.
He was a Puritan minister and one of the most important intellectual figures in English-speaking colonial America.

Mather is remembered for his Magnalia Christi Americana (1702) and other works of history, for his scientific contributions to plant hybridization and to the promotion of inoculation as a means of preventing smallpox and other infectious diseases.
He embraced the new Newtonian science and was rountinly sending reports to the Royal Society of London.

He along with many of his contemporaries, openly proclaimed a belief in a literal millennium.
His father, Increase Mather [ head of Harvard University ] wrote:
"That which presseth me so, as that I cannot gainsay the Chiliastical opinion, is that I take these things for Principles, and no way doubt but that they are demonstrable.
1. That the thousand apocalyptical years are not passed but future.
2. That the coming of Christ to raise the dead and to judge the earth will be within much less than this thousand years.
3. That the conversion of the Jews will not be till this present state of the world is near unto its end.
4. That, after the Jews’ conversion there will be a glorious day for the elect upon earth, and that this day shall be a very long continuance."
You make it sound as if God is part of the Creation .. as if He is also subject to 'natural laws'.
No .. Almighty God is spiritual. Natural laws are a physical phenomena that He maintains as He wills.

Both Muslims and Christians believe that Jesus ascended to heaven
i.e. "disappeared" and is not dead and buried

He can just as easily reappear, and there is plenty of evidence to show us that that is exactly what will happen.
i.e. Jewish messiah will return at the appointed time

All we can know of God is from our place in creation. Much like a baby in the womb can never know the world it will be born into.

All that we imagine of God, will only be a result of the God's chosen Messenger and the Message given by God's chosen Messenger.

They are the Self of God amongst humanity.

It is the Holy Spirit, Christ that is their reality.

If people are waiting again for the Messiah, they will always be waiting.

Regards Tony
..If people are waiting again for the Messiah, they will always be waiting..

..not waiting, but it gives mankind hope .. hope for the future.
Perhaps you think that you can solve all the problems in the middle east.

Tony Blair used to think that. However, things did not go his way.
Many people accuse him of lies and deceit over the Iraq war.
Only Almighty God knows the truth of those claims .. politics can be deceitful in itself.

The Chilcot Report, a British inquiry into its decision to go to war, was published in 2016 and concluded peaceful alternatives to war had not been exhausted, that the United Kingdom and the United States had undermined the authority of the United Nations Security Council, that the process of identifying the legal basis was "far from satisfactory", and that the war was unnecessary.

Whether you personally believe that Almighty God will send Jesus to help mankind or not, we should not
lose hope that mankind will eventually be able to live in peace. There is a good reason why
God has revealed prophecies of a messiah to his messengers, imo.

What if Israel no longer decides to "wait", and takes matters into its own hands? [ builds temple in Jerusalem ]
Is that what you recommend @Tone Bristow-Stagg ?
Perhaps you think that you can solve all the problems in the middle east.

It has naught to do with me, but there is no doubt that the answers to all the world's problems have been given. All that is needed now is Submission unto the given remedies.

Our One God has fulfilled the given promises and the world is heading towards a great future.

Regards Tony
It has naught to do with me, but there is no doubt that the answers to all the world's problems have been given. All that is needed now is Submission unto the given remedies.

Our One God has fulfilled the given promises and the world is heading towards a great future.

Of course it has something to do with you. It has something to do with ALL of us ! :)
What is your political administration's [ elected in Ridvan ] position on the answer to the question of Jerusalem?
..or haven't they even got one?

The increase in violence and tension in the middle east was greatly increased by 9 / 11.
The invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq were initially carried out by US and UK, without UN resolutions.

I'm not saying that they were necessarily wrong to do so. It is complex. It is political.
It is about fear. It is about satan.
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Of course it has something to do with you. It has something to do with ALL of us ! :)
What is your political administration's [ elected in Ridvan ] position on the answer to the question of Jerusalem?
..or haven't they even got one?

The increase in violence and tension in the middle east was greatly increased by 9 / 11.
The invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq were initially carried out by US and UK, without UN resolutions.

I'm not saying that they were necessarily wrong to do so. It is complex. It is political.
It is about fear. It is about satan.

The Oneness of Humanity is the key.

I have no comment on any political situations.

Regards Tony
The Oneness of Humanity is the key.
I have no comment on any political situations.

Mmm .. leave that to the politicians, eh?
Somebody has to do it .. but not you.

I don't think any of us can stop what is ordained [ what will be ] . It appears it has gone too far.
I trust that Almighty God will help us, and unite the righteous under One God.

Many atheists ask why God doesn't "show Himself". He will.
Meanwhile, it's up to us to encourage righteousness and peace.

Righteousness requires law. Lawlessness does not bring peace.
trust that Almighty God will help us, and unite the righteous under One God.

I see that has happened and it is only our own self that prevents the next stage in the evolution of humanuty as a whole.

Love is the elixir, true love for each and every person. Something we all have to learn, to love each other as God loves us all.

Regards Tony
I see that has happened and it is only our own self that prevents the next stage in the evolution of humanuty as a whole.

Love is the elixir, true love for each and every person. Something we all have to learn, to love each other as God loves us all.

Regards Tony
And what do you mean by love? Is it love for my enemy, hitting me on the head with a stick knowing all things are one in the great divine: that damage to one is damage to all, to himself but of course in the present hitting on me? What is this word love?
Is love emotion, or is love action?
Is love emotion, or is love action?

RJM, I would go with it is God's spirit flowing through us. It might manifest as action or emotion. It's vast and rich, perhaps the manifestations are manifold.
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It is more complex than that.
To love "for the sake of God", could mean doing things we otherwise wouldn't do. We need to make the intention
to do that, otherwise it won't happen.

Furthermore, while we should not hate our enemies, that does not
mean we should not hate wickedness.
Argumentative as usual, my friend. :) Yes, I will do things I don't like for love's sake. I will make concessions. Only up to a point, however. ;) Some things are valuable enough to make concessions for. Some things mean everything to me.
..Some things mean everything to me.

It is my understanding that we won't attain true faith until we spend of that which we love.
In other words, love can have a positive and negative connatation.

..just saying :)

To act on our love for God, we need to know HOW to act.