Evolution is Unscientific

Theres no evidence. Speciation happened long ago. There's no evidence of recent speciation through gene mutation. It's a hypothesis.
The OP asks to avoid link stacking, from Google and Wiki. The OP asks for evidence that speciation is the result of random gene mutation.
"What else could it be?" is not a valid response, imo.
It is no more a theory, it is a scientific fact. Speciation is happening all the time, even now, in all species.
OP rejects scientific evidence. That is not a problem. Many theists do that.
And they think that their God created humans from soil/black mud 6,000 years ago.
"A substantial minority of vaDoma have a condition known as ectrodactyly in which the middle three toes are absent and the two outer ones are turned in, resulting in the tribe being known as the "two-toed" or "ostrich-footed" tribe."

"A substantial minority of vaDoma have a condition known as ectrodactyly in which the middle three toes are absent and the two outer ones are turned in, resulting in the tribe being known as the "two-toed" or "ostrich-footed" tribe."

View attachment 4559
Right. So they are a new species. They cannot interbreed with human beings?
So the OP issue is not genetic mutation, which obviously does happen within species, but whether or not it can be demonstrated by evidence to be the cause of origination of new species. Can micro-evolution within species be demonstrated by evidence to be the cause of eventual macro-evolution leading to new species?

It's a scientific assumption and there are scientists like Rupert Sheldrake and others who do not not agree that random chance is the cause of the universe. Everything is open to falsification. Scientists like Tom van Flanderen look at alternative theories to Einstein's gravity, and the speed of gravity, as a source of dark matter and dark energy.

Science is open to question and falsification. Abiogensis and speciation by genetic mutation are a result of the need to show that the universe and intelligent life are the result of random chance. There is still no evidence for either. There may be more to it, and honest scientists will acknowledge that, imo

There can be no chance calculation from the fact of a single occurrence, but after 1.5 billion years of prokaryote bacterial life on early earth, something happened which had never happened even once in all that time before -- and which has never happened again in all the following 2.7 billion years – although the opportunity has continued to exist for it to happen again and again, zillions of times over.

The ’miracle’ event was when a bacteria combined with an archea by endobiosis to give rise to the ‘modern’ eukaryotic cell. It happened only once, and without it there would be no higher life on earth. Bacteria and archea continue to swarm daily in staggering numbers, but they have never even once again combined to originate a eukaryote cell. It was a one-off, once only occurrence in the entire 4.2 billion year history of life on earth.

This is fully accepted as current mainstream science, to the best of my knowledge.
Not yet. Did not we interbred with Neanderthals and Denisovans? :)
Sorry I'm no expert, but Wikipedia seems to regard this as interbreeding between archaic and modern human beings? It's not like interbreeding between two diverse species, such as cats and dogs?

Interbreeding between archaic and modern humans occurred during the Middle Paleolithic and early Upper Paleolithic. The interbreeding happened in several independent events that included Neanderthals and Denisovans, as well as several unidentified hominins.

In Europe, Asia and North Africa, interbreeding between Neanderthals and Denisovans with modern humans took place several times. The introgression events into modern humans are estimated to have happened about 47,000–65,000 years ago with Neanderthals and about 44,000–54,000 years ago with Denisovans

EDIT: I apologise if I have been using the word 'species' wrongly in a scientific context. I mean it in the sense of 'family' which cannot interbreed with others

Whatever ...
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Sorry I'm no expert, but Wikipedia seems to regard this as interbreeding between archaic and modern human beings? It's not like interbreeding between two diverse species, such as cats and dogs?
True, but who knows if the seeds of a new human species is already sown and will ripen in a few million years, and the new and then the old species may not be capable of interbreeding.
That happened between chimps and humans.
That happened between chimps and humans.
Or at some early stage the ancestor of chimps went its own separate way from the ancestor of humans? It's not as if chimps became humans over time. The tree divided into the ancestors of chimps and the ancestors of humans, who went on to develop separately?

Or rather, that is how the science of human evolution proposes that it happened?
The Missing Link

And was random genetic mutation the cause of it? The OP does not deny natural selection in itself.

I'm not too sure of myself with this biological stuff, however ...
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68% of the known universe consists of anti-gravity dark energy

27% consists of dark matter gravity with no material cause

The vast unknown ...
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There is no missing link.

"However, it has fallen out of favor with anthropologists because it implies the evolutionary process is a linear phenomenon and that forms originate consecutively in a chain. Instead, last common ancestor is preferred since this does not have the connotation of linear evolution, as evolution is a branching process.

There is no singular missing link. The scarcity of transitional fossils can be attributed to the incompleteness of the fossil record."
There is no missing link.

"However, it has fallen out of favor with anthropologists because it implies the evolutionary process is a linear phenomenon and that forms originate consecutively in a chain. Instead, last common ancestor is preferred since this does not have the connotation of linear evolution, as evolution is a branching process.

There is no singular missing link. The scarcity of transitional fossils can be attributed to the incompleteness of the fossil record."
Discussing this topic with theists is a waste of time.

The fact that perhaps the universe didn't just happen itself out of blind chance, you mean?
Yes...that response is exactly the reason I mean.
Perhaps the universe did not assemble itself by blind chance? Do you accept the possibility exists?
21st century science analyses a miniscule small part of the mechanism of the known universe for the 4% of the material universe that we are able to perceive via our human animals senses and our truly wonderful scientific instruments that are able to extend the reach of our animal senses.
Yes, I believe it is possible we live in a simulation...less likely than me winning on 00 with a roll on the roulette wheel tho.
The cosmic fine tuning parameters go far beyond that, bro

The statical impossibility of a single cell of a single blade of grass ...
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Man cannot comprehend a ten-trillionth of a single living cell of a single blade of grass, yet in the absence of some superior alien species regards himself as the highest intelligence in the known universe?
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