Evolution is Unscientific

EDIT: I apologise if I have been using the word 'species' wrongly in a scientific context. I mean it in the sense of 'family' which cannot interbreed with others
No worries, even the scientists are confused over what the word "species" means, and trot out various cosmetic differences to claim a new species, but when their feet are put to the fire we find these new species still mate with the parent stock...meaning not a new species afterall.
For some no evidence is enough...

For others "no evidence" is enough.

Discussing this topic with theists is a waste of time.
Discussing with fundamentalist atheists is also a waste of time. Not wanting to look for or at evidence does not mean evidence does not exist. Putting spin on findings in order to maintain a certain predisposition is fundamentalism of the worst kind. Such atheistic fundamentalism is no different than a scared child covering their head and screaming over something they disagree with. La-la-la-la....I can't hear you...
Atheistic fundamentalist? Is that what I am?

What praytell (funny word) is atheistic fundamentalism?

Heck I might wanna learn to be one if it gets folks knickers so twisted they can no longer converse....not really...I prefer amicable discussion but it seems that screen door slammed.
You're a bright person, and English is your primary language. I'm sure with a little hard work and effort you can interpret the words to mean exactly what they mean...not some contrived political double speak that will change when the situation warrants.
Right. So they are a new species. They cannot interbreed with human beings?
They can. It's just a mutation. For a new species, you need a lot of mutations (usually one after the other).

For the split into two species, you need a separation of the population, either living in separate areas, or having a different 'culture', so that they don't feel attracted to eachother.

The criterion of two different species is not sharp. For example, Chimpanzees and Bonobos can have children together that are fertile. But they don't feel attracted by eachother. Same for Ice bears and Brown bears.

Donkeys and Horses don't feel attracted either, and they can have children, but these are not fertile. Same with domesticated Cats and Servals.
Most probably it arose out of 'absolute nothing'.

Chemistry. It happens by itself.
What we can know if we don't close our eyes is that the world was not really created in 6 days as the creation myths say.
What we cannot know is how it really was.
That does not solve the problem 'Why things exist at all?"
No. It doesn't.
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For some no evidence is enough...

For others "no evidence" is enough.

Discussing this topic with theists is a waste of time.
Don't put the believers in one pot. I have never come across a creationist who told me that in real life. I've never been in the U.S.A either...
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What is your source?
The Standard Model of physics. It works in practice. However, I accept your point. There are many who don't accept the dark matter/energy theories.

Really my point was to those 'worshipping' science, how little of reality that science really covers
My point was that it has always been an either/or question going back decades between dark matter and dark energy...it was only recently that I saw some acquiescence that perhaps both might exist, but I hadn't seen a ratio presented before. I was curious where you got that info from.
My point was that it has always been an either/or question going back decades between dark matter and dark energy...it was only recently that I saw some acquiescence that perhaps both might exist, but I hadn't seen a ratio presented before. I was curious where you got that info from.
Any Google search ...

Not sure where you derive an either/or dichotomy between them though? They operate in tandem
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Any Google search ...

Not sure where you derive an either/or dichotomy between them though? They operate in tandem
Presuming the information hasn't been excised, going back years ago the arguments were always either/or regarding dark matter and dark energy, and that info should still be out there. It is interesting to see if what you report is accurate, and I have no reason to doubt, that researchers have concluded there is room for both.

There was always the anomaly of galaxies speeding up as they moved away from each other, which called into question I believe it was dark matter (gravitational pull of matter as well as entropy always conflicted with that observation). Dark energy resolved that anomaly and created other issues. Last I heard there was growing consensus that both may be in play, but it wasn't clear (at that time) how it might be possible. If they have determined a ratio that would allow a form of balance, it would make sense.
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68% of the known universe consists of anti-gravity dark energy

27% consists of dark matter gravity with no material cause

I presume the remaining 5% is visible matter? If combined with dark matter it makes 32% : 68%, rather close to 1 : 2 ratio
Presuming the information hasn't been excised, going back years ago the arguments were always either/or regarding dark matter and dark energy, and that info should still be out there. It is interesting to see if what you report is accurate,
Tis what I love about science....when new info takes over from old info...the old info is discarded.

Just about everything they taught us and tested us on in high school has been upgraded and my wrong and right answers were to problems and questions which were inaccurate based on today's knowledge.

Yet in some cases discredited millenia old info creates a discipline called apologetics .
I presume the remaining 5% is visible matter?
If combined with dark matter it makes 32% : 68%, rather close to 1 : 2 ratio
Not really. Dark matter is a term for invisible gravity. It's like swinging a bucket 30 feet out on only 10 feet of rope. Where's the rest of the rope? Where does that extra gravity come from? Nobody knows
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Do you realize the religious methodology behind this statement?

It also implies the universe can think and direct fundamental forces. Politely, I disagree. The Moon continues to orbit the Earth, the Earth continues to orbit the Sun, the Sun continues its dance among the cloud of stars that compose the Milky Way Galaxy. No planet, no star, stops dead in its tracks and goes off in another direction (without external physical forces causing it to do so). Stars are born, age, live and eventually die. Some of those deaths are cataclysmic, some deaths are a gradual fading away, and sometimes stars collide or are consumed by a black hole...all according to Natural Law. There is nothing exceptional about any of these, they are the way it is.
I have just one question. Why there is anything at all? That includes existence of God. After things begin to exist, then only there is nature.