Evolution is Unscientific

Whoa. Are you saying that people of faith are somehow not as educated?
I wouldn't have taken it that way, but if anybody did say that it would not be accurate. The relationship between religion and education is highly studied and rather nuanced, but for centuries in the West at least and possibly in other parts of the world organized religions were the source for education/learning/libraries/repositories of knowledge...

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You appear to base your atheism on a great deal of unfounded faith.

Science, all science, is an attempt at Truth, primarily using logic. Science is a form of Truth. But Science is not the be all and end all sum total of Truth, because parts of the universe are illogical.

Love and beauty are not logical, that is why science cannot properly discuss these matters of experience.

Oh, but love is just chemicals in the brain...the exact same chemicals in the exact same places in the brain lit up under reverent prayer...i.e., G!d. If those chemicals in the brain *prove* love, they also prove G!d, unless one's research is duplicitous. Good luck using science to dissect beauty. The closest you will find is animal magnetism, a rather questionable sub-field at arm's length from psychology.

You made the statement as a matter of fact, as if any question is irrelevant. You used Clarke's quote in some effort to silence discussion in smug condescension. That's the problem with know-it-alls, they seldom do.
I don't disagree with you but I don't really agree with you saying that science is primarily based on logic. Science is an attempt to explain how things work or may have worked, starting from observation, going to a model which would be refined or discarded according to whether it predicts further observations (confirm the model) or not (modify or discard the model). Human science hardy uses any logic, rather generalized patterns that summarise the observations.