"The Sin of the World"

blood atonement, from early on in the Bible
IMO it's not about the blood but about giving a valuable animal from the herd to God, which has become corrupted as blood atonement. The blood of an innocent creature? God never wanted the blood, He wanted the sacrifice.
Yes, involving the sacrifice. But why?
Because perhaps, the greater reality and truth involves the spiritual? That, "God is spirit", as is written? (John 24)

If humanity began with the spiritual, but we became the organic, replete with our blood.
Do you think this had something to do with it? Regarding the atoning blood of our Lord Who was pure and sinless?
Regarding the atoning blood of our Lord Who was pure and sinless?
Christ came to end empty ritualistic blood sacrifice -- amongst other things. As the pure and innocent lamb of God he made himself the last blood sacrifice. Imo
The reason however for atonement involves our organic incarnation, after the fall of "the first man", who like Christ was sinless before the fall.
The "last man" however remained sinless, despite the wiles of the devil.
His shed blood atones for, "the sin of the world".
He is the true and genuine hero.
The One.
- Romans 5:7
Stranger, have you given thought about blood atonement, from early on in the Bible, with respect to our organic situation here?

I don't give much thought to anything but intuitively I am somewhat familiar with blood sacrifice. The organic blood is symbolic of the very core of life, which is what is given in sacrifice, if that sacrifice is to have any power at all. Nothing can be held back. Only love can bring one to give this true sacrifice.

True sacrifice is given here in the lower realms as the higher realms alone cannot do it. To give sacrifice, one must be consigned to the lowest of the low. In going lower than all, the one giving sacrifice (he/she is both the sacrifice and the one giving sacrifice) has the power to raise those for whom the sacrifice is given to heights they would have never been able to achieve through self-effort. It always seems to come down to how deep is your love.

Sacrifice is also by divine appointment and never through the mere machinations of man.

In 1Kings 18 Elijah had supreme confidence in his sacrifice and stood alone against all the prophets of Baal and Asherah. The true sacrifice would be consumed by fire from above, something no one can duplicate. The false prophets shed blood alright, cutting themselves and cavorting about, but they lacked divine appointment and divine power. Baal and Asherah could never measure up because they lacked the power and authority of the true God. They also lacked the high love that has only one source. No need to go into the rest of the story, we know how it turns out.

(Caveat: from a Christian perspective and not intended to offend anyone from a different tradition.)
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Perhaps sacrifice is letting go of material attachments? Camel through the eye of the needle? Fasting and prayer, to be open to angels?
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So the original movie is nonfiction?

And the sequels were not written by the hand of God, I mean simulator programmer? How could that be?
Perhaps sacrifice is letting go of material attachments? Camel through the eye of the needle? Fasting and prayer, to be open to angels?

Yes, all of that could figure in. Sacrifice was/is on a continuum and many varieties are acceptable. Some were not even blood sacrifices but were acceptable and never turned away as long as everything was done according to divine plan.

However it remains that where the need is great, the sacrifice must match it. These greater sacrifices were blood sacrifices, with the remains being burned without the camp (where all hope is abandoned and one is truly alone, or so it would seem).

Just my opinion here, but it is as if God gets this type of sacrifice in such a position as to make all help impossible, unless it comes from Him. Earthly hope dies along with all attachments (according to what the one giving it is capable of receiving). It is here in this helpless and weak condition that the Divine agency acts upon the sacrifice, consuming it with fire.

Through progressive revelation we now know that life is returned to the one giving the sacrifice (resurrection) in a new and better form, not capable of corruption. This is the sacrifice Elijah had confidence in, and experienced (in a figure).

This type of sacrifice is not for the faint of heart and of course must be by divine appointment. It is a step by step process and carefully done, it cannot be rushed. When it all comes together, the very heavenlies are moved in a way never seen before.
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So the original movie is nonfiction?

And the sequels were not written by the hand of God, I mean simulator programmer? How could that be?

A cinematic illustration of the world we are left to deal with, resulting from the event in Rev. 12:4.

"Riders on the storm".

"Welcome to your world, there's no turning back".
You mean after the Fall?

Not sure what your asking.
You arent speaking of that which folks have spoke of for 2k years....the thinking that the end will be revealed and happen in their lives?

No one has been right yet...just windering about your insight.

Note: still don't understand the draw, benefit, or impetus to matrixism. Are you saying the screenwriters are prophets? I believe they were just out for profits....as are the proponents
People ask strange questions and provide strange answers wil.

"What about evolution and creationism?"

"Did the dinosaurs live on earth with mankind?"

"Is the earth just 6000 years old?"

Science is right, including Julian Barbour's understanding.
And Einstein's.
And Max Tegmark, etc.
The Biblical story is correct also, in another timeline.
But things changed.


For you Christians who wonder about these issues.
Matrixism is your answer.

"We know we are of God, and that the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one."
1 John 5
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What do you think Thomas, as the evolved animal/mammal?
Do you think that "the survival instinct" has been the major reason for the violence on Earth.
Both past, and present?
What do you think Thomas, as the evolved animal/mammal?
Do you think that "the survival instinct" has been the major reason for the violence on Earth.
Both past, and present?
It isnt all because that is what the programmers are experimenting with in this simulation?

I love the lack of personal responsibility and any sense of reality in matrixism!

Eat what you want, say what you want...nothing matters....we arent real!