Ella S.
Well-Known Member
Answering for myself: I really never understood, at a deep level, what the "meaning of life" question is about. To me, meaning is something we manufacture by consent, to facilitate communication. Meaning came into my life long after I was born, as I learned my way around society. To me, it is endless possibilities, not pre-existing, pre-ordained. But then, I'm a materialist: Existence precedes essence, in my personal experience of life.
All of this doesn't mean I don't have goals, or purpose for this life, or that I never procrastinate and wish I could solve issues in such a dim future that it might just as well be a future life
I'd like to ask in return what you'd like to carry across the *poof* moment, and what you'd rather leave behind, and how that choice is informed by the meaning you find in life?
I am not a metaphysical naturalist, however, I tend to agree. Concepts like meaning, purpose, principle, and law are ones that we construct. The One has no need for them.
In fact, I would go as far as saying that, to gain gnosis of the One, we have to (at least temporarily in contemplation) let go of these concepts and labels precisely because they are mental constructs.