I identify as: (belief)

I identify as...

Hm, that's not so clear, if I am truthful.

- practising Muslim
- great fan of Jesus (p.b.u.h), somehow also a (Unitarian) Christian
- rationalist ; I use critical observation to check traditional teachings and I like to ask "why did he/He say that?"
- pacifist; I am categorically against violence for religious reasons; whatever motivation was that Muhammad (p.b.u.h) did lead war, I deny that the same is appropriate now. See the blessings of Jesus, and the outcome of modern war.
Comparative Religion or Philosophy of Religion might be a better fit?

Perennialism has some firmer conditions, the embrace of a Tradition being one. Most were Muslim/sufi.

Actually – edit – that's the Traditionalists, particularly. Older schools might differ.

St Anselm of Canterbury. 11th century.
Amazing topics, that I love but I don't know if anybody identifies as Comparative Religion or Philosophy of Religion or Anthropology of Religion.
Professionally yes you can be a SCHOLAR of those topics
But if someone asked my religion and expected an answer like "Presbyterian" or "Episcopalian" and instead I said
"Oh, I'm comparative religion!"

At least, how I understood the question was, how do you identify spiritually?

I mean, there's the label Omnism... the notion of perennial wisdom is something I most agree with.