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Thanks. Obviously I posted in good faith, not with intent. You are welcome to correct points in the video you disagree with or believe false either here or in the thread where it appears:

Meantime your report has been assigned, as I obviously cannot arbitrate reports against myself although I do welcome them and encourage anybody else to do the same.

Personally am not convinced either for or against LaVey and may do a bit of research if there's spare time, so ...
Is it protocol to expose who reported a post?
@Cino, @RJM, @TheLightWithin have you read Lavey's Satanic Bible? Or other Satanic scripture?

Yes, and also some writings by "Frater Eremor", a LHP practitioner who I think is from Europe.

I wouldn't count Crowley in the LHP camp. But I know his writings well.

Back to dozing in my hospital bed. I'll be back up to speed in a few days.
@Cino and @Thomas are ill, @wil is away, @Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine takes an advisory role and so I'm on my own here and with a day job at the moment. There's no protocol except what we decide together on the hoof, so ... will that be all for now, sir?
I appreciate the work you're doing.
Yes, and also some writings by "Frater Eremor", a LHP practitioner who I think is from Europe.

I wouldn't count Crowley in the LHP camp. But I know his writings well.

Back to dozing in my hospital bed. I'll be back up to speed in a few days.
Get well soon!
I stand by the Todd Grande analyses, in general, although he may have a minor point or two wrong. For instance he says LaVey claimed to have been employed as a photographer and psychic investigator by the police -- but neither claim could be verified. LaVey may have had a brief frame or two as satan in Rosemary's Baby but nobody claims he was credited as acting in it.

So what if he drew counter-culture hangers-on; doesn't mean a thing, imo
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Purely my own opinion, as others are entitled to theirs who argue that Jesus didn't exist, etc
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The infamous "Black House" in San Francisco, used as the headquarters for the Church of Satan was supposedly a former brothel with a number of hidden passageways and trapdoors. According to property records and interviews with LaVey's relatives, the house was never used as a brothel, had previously belonged to LaVey's parents, and all the passageways were added by LaVey himself.

Most of LaVey's publicized life story has been shown to be fiction by researchers and occult scholars. LaVey never worked as a lion tamer or San Francisco Police photographer, never knew Marilyn Monroe, his home was never operated as a brothel, and he had no involvement with the film Rosemary's Baby (1968).

The Satanic Bible was largely (if not completely) plagiarized from other sources. Some sources include the 1896 tract "Might is Right" by Ragnar Redbeard, Aleister Crowley's "Equinox", and Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged".
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The news media quickly accepted LaVey into the pantheon of great San Francisco characters, at least in part because of the background he claimed. Before founding the church, LaVey asserted, he had worked as a psychic investigator, a police photographer, a burlesque organist and a lion tamer for the Clyde Beatty Circus. He was, he said, briefly a lover of Marilyn Monroe's. As a child, the legend went, he played oboe with the San Francisco Ballet Symphony. And for a long time, no one questioned the legend.

In the late '50s and early '60s he gave weekly lectures at his home on eccentric topics, among them vampires, cannibalism and lycanthropy, as in wolf men. The building itself, he claimed, was once a brothel operated by Barbary Coast madam Mammy Pleasant. Regulars called themselves the "Magic Circle," a group that included science-fiction writer Forrest J. Ackerman, filmmaker Kenneth Anger, an heiress to the Chock Full o' Nuts coffee fortune and a dildo manufacturer. Some members of the group once claimed to have sampled portions of a human leg, obtained from a doctor acquaintance and prepared by LaVey's wife, Diane.

Local journalists helped LaVey crank out press releases and stage ever-wilder publicity stunts. In the church's first year, LaVey conducted a satanic wedding, a satanic funeral on Treasure Island (in cooperation with the U.S. Navy) and a satanic baptism of his young daughter, Zeena. His pet 700-pound lion appeared regularly in Herb Caen's column. He ran ads in newspapers for a Witches' Workshop that taught women how to manipulate the opposite sex. To boost the ranks, church members scattered phony dollar bills around the city, with an invitation to join the Infernal Empire printed on the reverse sides.

The church was brazenly and publicly devoted to selfish hedonism. In 1968, LaVey opened up his home to a documentary film crew. Satanic rituals were staged for the cameras, with a nude woman serving as the altar. LaVey sat in his lair, cocktail clinking in one hand, and announced slyly:

"It occurred to me for many, many years that there was a large gray area between psychiatry and religion that was untapped. And no religion had ever been based on man's carnal needs or his fleshly pursuits. All religions are based on abstinence, rather than indulgence. And all religions therefore have to be based on fear. Well, we don't feel that fear is necessary to base a religion on."

... LaVey's church has been besieged for years by bickering former adherents who insist that he was a fraud and that his institution does not worship the Devil properly. A key element of the ongoing spat seems to involve the complete discrediting of Anton LaVey, who appears to have fabricated much of his past ...

Read full article

See also

Church of Satan Website: Anton LaVey
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Well of course. It is pretty much an atheistic and philosophical movement pushing the self and hedonism after all. It's just that I started reading it today and many parts of it, while non-Christian, make a lot of sense. The Church of Satan has no physical building or publicly practiced religion/rituals. They seem to make money mostly by selling merchandise. Maybe just a sensible but alternate approach to life at a time when Christianity seemed like the main vocal choice in the USA.

Humorous and not really hateful. Especially if taken as an interesting read and not scripture to follow.
All the same, the real thing is a very nasty deal, and perhaps talking about him encourages him to look in?

"It's got to be my own choice to enter that circle of nearly invisible dark fire. I cannot be pulled or pushed into it. It has to be my own willing choice -- for whatever reason, including curiosity or bravado.

But once inside, and when I encounter the iron grip of the one whose name I have spoken, I will cry and beg in terror for help from outside. Best not to talk about him, for it is then that he comes.

One lucky enough to escape that horrible grip, by calling in time upon the higher name -- will flee as far as he can run from it, and never again approach that evil place.

Be warned, and warn your children: Don't trifle with that terrible grip. Walk a wide circle around that place"
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All the same, the real thing is a very nasty deal, and perhaps talking about him encourages him to look in?

"It's got to be my own choice to enter that circle of nearly invisible dark fire. I cannot be pulled or pushed into it. It has to be my own willing choice -- for whatever reason, including curiosity or bravado.

But once inside, and when I encounter the iron grip of the one whose name I have spoken, I will cry and beg in terror for help from outside. Best not to talk about him, for it is then that he comes.

One lucky enough to escape that horrible grip, by calling in time upon the higher name -- will flee as far as he can run from it, and never again approach that evil place.

Be warned, and warn your children: Don't trifle with that terrible grip. Walk a wide circle around that place"
Aw cmon. Avoiding the darkness is not a good strategy. It is a part of us. We must face it and coexist with it instead.

Our light shines brighter in the darkness.​
Aw cmon. Avoiding the darkness is not a good strategy. It is a part of us. We must face it and coexist with it instead.

Our light shines brighter in the darkness.​
But trying to coat evil with a shiny cloak is what the devil does: the wolf in sheep's clothing, and the iron hand in the velvet glove. All the satanist groups seek to downplay the 'murderer from the beginning and father of lies' as not such a bad dude really, just having a bit of fun -- just misunderstood and all?

"You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it."
John 8:44
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But @RJM, true unconditional love means giving both good and evil a place in our minds. We dont have to obey the evil but we do have to give it a place to be. Running from the parts of you that frighten you will not prepare you to face evil when it rises. The animal flees or fights. Neither approach is an act of love. The human faces.
But @RJM, true unconditional love means giving both good and evil a place in our minds. We dont have to obey the evil but we do have to give it a place to be. Running from the parts of you that frighten you will not prepare you to face evil when it rises. The animal flees or fights. Neither approach is an act of love. The human faces.
"I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me."
John 14:30

The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one.
Matthew 13:38[/UR
Running from the parts of you that frighten you will not prepare you to face evil when it rises.
I don't agree. Studying evil will never prepare me to deal with it, because evil will always find a way around my defence. God is my only defence, and it requires no part of the evil one:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and depart from evil.
Proverbs 3:5-7
Well everyone has a shadow side, @RJM. We can pretend we don't but that is hiding from the darkness. There must be parts of your self that you feel frightened, ashamed, angry or guilty about. Have you made peace with the darkness within you, when it rises? Do you hold it in your mind when it rises and watch when it leaves of its own free will? That is a key component of spiritual meditation. Be aware but don't act. If we can do that, face without interact, we are stronger as a whole.

God is all that is, the Infinite, so God is darkness too. It is the reason evil and suffering are a part of this universe. Good and evil are free to battle it out physically in this plane but the battle always starts in the mind. A thought becomes action. The animal brain we are born with only knows how to react...not respond. And it only knows to flee or attack when darkness arises in its mind. The true spiritual mind can let darkness arise in itself and leave by itself without any change in the physical plane.

That is the true spiritual warrior.

Or so I believe anyway.
Well everyone has a shadow side, @RJM. We can pretend we don't but that is hiding from the darkness. There must be parts of your self that you feel frightened, ashamed, angry or guilty about. Have you made peace with the darkness within you, when it rises? Do you hold it in your mind when it rises and watch when it leaves of its own free will? That is a key component of spiritual meditation. Be aware but don't act. If we can do that, face without interact, we are stronger as a whole.

God is all that is, the Infinite, so God is darkness too. It is the reason evil and suffering are a part of this universe. Good and evil are free to battle it out physically in this plane but the battle always starts in the mind. A thought becomes action. The animal brain we are born with only knows how to react...not respond. And it only knows to flee or attack when darkness arises in its mind. The true spiritual mind can let darkness arise in itself and leave by itself without any change in the physical plane.

That is the true spiritual warrior.

Or so I believe anyway.
I take your thoughts on board with deep respect