Rationale for the Reason

Dear Lunamoth

As I have said before on these forums you really have to see the video's on Professsor Bruce Lipton's work for the full scientific evidence that was carried out at Stansford University over many years.

I thought exactly like all of you when a medical doctor in the UK first presented this to me, I was closed and not open to this until I saw the video's.

Bruce is a wonderful man so I am sure he would be happy to respond to your specific questions if you take the time and interest to email him direct.

Dear J

It is only meant to be because 'we choose it' not because it is GOD's plan. And some people like doing it the hard way, two men this week I predict that one as got up to 4 years and the other less then 2 to live unless they rapidly change their lifestyles, environment, intent and heal the self. The BMA and the medical profession have admitted for many year's now that 85% of all disease is caused by stress. So then we have to look at the root causes of the core issue of stress to find what is causing the blockages in the MBS.

I had cancer when I was 25 year's old through self healing I discovered the metaphysics behind the disease was the fear that I had of my mother, I could go on as there was so much pain, suffering and tragedy in my life I was forced to look for the reasons why, hence why a lot of my conclusions come from the evidence of my own experience and my professional career in helping others to heal their consciousness.

A child psychologist responsible for a whole counties education facility with a brain tumour happily reported that a book that I had written had saved his life, he said doctors gave him no hope. Cases like this speak for themselves.

You have stated some inaccuracies e.g. regarding the research of remote scanning by the CIA but I do not feel the need to defend it because what I have written is truth and yes they did buy a large group of top remote viewers from a spritual organisation in the US in the mid 80's.

So the article as proven its point to me at least...and I have nothing more to add to what is in the original article it really speaks for itself. To those that have the ears to hear let them hear, to those that have the eyes to see let them see so that their hearts can embrace a brave new world.

If members are truly interested in what is written they can do their own research on the net or I will be happy to respond to PM's.

Love beyond measure

Sacredstar said:
Dear Lunamoth

As I have said before on these forums you really have to see the video's on Professsor Bruce Lipton's work for the full scientific evidence that was carried out at Stansford University over many years.

I thought exactly like all of you when a medical doctor in the UK first presented this to me, I was closed and not open to this until I saw the video's.

In all sincerity, Sacredstar, can you explain to me what you saw in the video that made you believe that Bruce Lipton's work is a breakthough in understanding the physical-spiritual connection? Because reading through his website material I just do not see it. Can you tell me in your own words what this is all about? It does not make sense to me. Just referring me to his work has not enlightened me at all.

Of course, if we've abandoned logic and reason altogether then I guess it's best to just drop it. :D

Peace, lunamoth :)
juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, lunamoth!

What a pleasure to hear from you again!

Thank you most sincerely for following up on this, and for the reinforcement-


LOL! That's OK, we're all here to learn and have some fun!

And greetings to you too, Jt3! You've been missed. :)

I don't know, as a rational (mostly :) ) mainline liberal protestant Christian God-gene-challenged evolutionist I'm sure my support does not count for much, even with a Ph.D.. :D

continued from above, on Insight into Cellular "Consciousness" by Bruce Lipton.

Genetic determinism infers that the expression and fate of an organism are primarily "predetermined" in its genetic code. The genetic basis of organismal expression is ingrained in the biological sciences as a consensual truth, a belief by which we frame our reference for health and disease. Hence the notion that susceptibility to certain illnesses or the expression of aberrant behavior is generally linked to genetic lineage and, on occasions, spontaneous mutations. By extension, it is also perceived by a majority of scientists that the human mind and consciousness are "encoded" in the molecules of the nervous system. This in turn promotes the concept that the emergence of consciousness reflects the "ghost in the machine."

I have never heard of or read in any peer-reviewed scientific journal the idea that the fate of an organism is genetically predetermined. It will always be greatly effected by environmental stimuli and disease. The genetic basis of PROTEIN expression is an accepted hypothesis. The expression of genes, which means which genes are turned on or off at any given time, has always been known to be greatly effected by developmental stage and signals from the environment, both from the external environment and the internal cellular environment. The idea that the sum of our mind and consciousness is simply the result of brain chemistry, and by extension the sum of our genes as they are expressed by our environment, may be a hypothesis among specialists in this area of research, but it is far from a widely accepted and tested theory. Another strawman.

Studies on cloned human cells led me to the awareness that the cell’s plasmalemma, commonly referred to as the cell membrane, represents the cell’s "brain." Cell membranes, the first biological organelle to appear in evolution, are the only organelle common to every living organism. Cell membranes compartmentalize the cytoplasm, separating it from the vagaries of the external environment. In its barrier capacity, the membrane enables the cell to maintain tight "control" over the cytoplasmic environment, a necessity in carrying out biological reactions. Cell membranes are so thin that they can only be observed using the electron microscope. Consequently, the existence and universal expression of the membrane structure was only clearly established around 1950.

Now this is an interesting idea and the plasmalemma is a fascinating organelle, and one that has been very difficult to study due to its amphipathic nature. Thanks to mutant analysis in model organisms such as the nematode and fruit fly, and thanks to the genome sequencing of these and many other organisms, much more rapid progress is being made into understanding the function of the cell membrane. However, Lipton has just replaced one quite material organelle (the nucleus) with another (the cell membrane) as fitting his model for the "brain" of the cell. What is going to make the cell membrane more susceptible to metaphysical influences than the nucleus? I can't wait to find out!

The next twelve paragraphs of the essay are a basic lesson in the structure of cell membranes, so I will skip these. The only thing I will note is that he points out that there are receptor proteins embedded in the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane and these interact with signals from the environment, both chemical and (dramatic music please) ENERGETIC in nature. I also have to object to his use of the term "cellular awareness," which he introduces here to describe the cellular changes that are induced by such stimuli. There is no basis for saying that a cell is self-aware. This seems to be his way of saying a cell has consciousness and this claim is otherwise not substantiated in this essay, nor is any reference given to other papers where such research might be described.

Putting all the pieces together we are provide with insight as to how the cell’s "brain" processes information and elicits behavior. The innumerable molecular and radiant energy signals in a cell's environment creates a virtual cacophony of information. In a manner resembling a biological Fourier transform, individual surface receptors (Fig. H) sense the apparently chaotic environment and filter out specific frequencies as behavioral signals. Receipt of a resonant signal (Fig. I, arrow) induces a conformational change in the cytoplasmic portion of the receptor (Fig. I, arrowhead). This conformational change enables the receptor to complex with a specific effector IMP (Fig. J, in this case a channel IMP). Binding of the receptor protein (Fig. K) in turn elicits a conformational change in the effector protein (Fig. L, channel opens). Activated receptors can turn on enzyme pathways, induce structural reorganization and motility or activate transport of uniquely pulsed electrical signals and ions across the membrane.

Except for calling the cell membrane a brain and not explaining from where the innumerable radiant energy signals arise, this is also a basic description of how an environmental stimuli interacts with a receptor and starts a signal transduction chain. The next two paragraphs elaborate on this and even point out that one of the possible results of signal transduction is the elicitation of (oh my!) gene expression.

The next paragraph is where it gets a bit dodgy.

The behavior of the cell is controlled by the combined actions of coupled receptors and effector IMPs. Receptors provide "awareness of the environment" and effector proteins convert that awareness into "physical sensation." By strict definition, a receptor-effector complex represents a fundamental unit of perception. Protein perception units provide the foundation of biological consciousness. Perceptions "control" cell behavior, though in truth, a cell is actually "controlled" by beliefs, since perceptions may not necessarily be accurate.

Look, I'm sorry, but this one has me ROFL.

Need a break. :D
Just to conclude, I finished reading the essay. Not to belabor the point, but I never found the connection between the cell membrane and our spiritual nature or a new scientific paradigm that takes the metaphysical into account. He made an interesting comparison between cell membranes and computer chips and at the end concluded: "The expression of the cell reflects the recognition of all perceived environmental stimuli, both physical and energetic. Consequently, the "Heart of Energy Medicine" may truly be found in the magic of the membrane. " But I dont' get it.

Sorry to be a boring old wet-blanket rationalist. I get it from my Dad. :D

Dear Lunamoth

Well if one is coming from a foundation of accepting that the mind-body connection is now accepted for the forward thinkers of the medical profession and a tremendous amount of current research is being done in this area, Bruce Lipton's work and Professor William Tiller's work at www.heartmath.org takes the mind-body work to the next stage. Christian Scientists have also done a lot of work on the effects of forgiveness and I understand there as been substantial research done on the power of prayer. Another organisation of scientists have done research on how guilt breaks down the immune system I will see if I can find that link too. There was also research done on anger and how this is the biggest predictor of heart disease.

In mind-body work we know that our thoughts create the emotion and that this creates the imbalance.

I would have to find all of my notes about Bruce's work to ensure I give you accurate information. But what stands out in my memory is what I stated before Bruce shows us scientifically that the cells can only go in one direction at one time, so based upon our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions the cells choose which direction they will go. So for instance the cells choose to go into protection -v- openness, fear -v- love depending on what we experience in our environment. So in my case I experienced situations in my childhood that created fear within me, I felt alienated from my family and as such my cells started to alienate themselves from the community of cells and when this happens disease begins.

When Bruce says that perceptions are not always accurate what I think he is referring to is that sometimes what we perceive is incorrect e.g. my own analogy 99% of what we worry about never happens. We may react to a perceived threat when there is no threat at all. The environment triggers us and in turn triggers our thoughts and this then triggers our cells.

From my own work I know that our lens of perceptional consciousness can be clouded with negative perceptions as seen on this thread, a negative perception is a result of the root causes of our own core issues due to our previous response to our environment most often established in childhood.

I was introduced to Professor Bruce Lipton and Professor William Tiller's work www.tillerfoundation.com by Dr Samanta-Laughton who discovered their work while at an International Consciousness conference of leading edge scientists in the US. Dr Samanta-Laughton is a member of the Doctor-Healer network in the UK and I did meet the Chair that teaches doctors to be doctors, he also embraces the metaphsyics, the mind-body connection and the physical barometer.

My heart tells me that it is very difficult to get the full 2 hour scientific evidence into a simple article that can reach all minds and hearts, so my advice stands. If you are coming from pure intent and have a serious interest please take the time and effort to view his work in much greater depth by watching the full 2 hour presentation. As Bruce says this evidence shows us that Psychology must catch up with the latest developments in cellular biology.

If you are interested in Dr Samanta-Laughton's work you can view her website here www.drmunchie.com

Love beyond measure

My own view

One last clarification, in healing consciousness multi-dimensionally I embrace the pre-disposition of disease travelling transgernationally through the genetics but it is stress that triggers this disease into action e.g. 85% is created by our free will.

I also accept energetic disease that shapeshifts transgenersationally, homeopaths call this miasms. I also accept that our physical bodies can be harmed by what we consume and other aspects of our environment. I accept the impact of past lives and the energetics of disease that travels from there as part of the karmic plan (which in my domain results to 15% of all ill-health). We are multi-dimensional beings and all is affected multi-dimensionally. As everything is energy there is no separation between us and the environment in which we reside. It is the true nature of being multi-dimensional.

And as we live in a multi-dimensional universe, the way that we view things can also be multi-dimensional.

I was asked to do a Phd on my work by a well known clinical psychologist who experienced my past life and soul retrieval work, but another senior lecturer from Essex University advised me that it would be better to publish a book healing multi-dimensionally, so maybe I will one day if it is part of GOD's plan. But I doubt it would convince the rationalists here which is why I promote the evidence of personal experience.

I am way behind with my work now so must get on.

Bless you all

Dear Sacredstar,

Yes, I know there is a mind-body connection and that mood and stress affect our immune system and that we respond at the cellular level via electrobiochemical pathways to stimulations that arise in the brain. Endocrinology is not my area of expertise but it is hardly a new field of investigation. As for the power of prayer and other types of faith and energy based healing, yes I have heard of these studies and think there is some real venefit in these practices. But I admit I think this benefit is linked through non-supernatural means related to mind-body chemisty and is not 100% effective. Many people are overstressed and feel unheard or unwanted in our society and I think this adds significantly to disease.

Aside: Let me also say that I believe that God hears and answers our prayers although by belief is that these prayers are answered at the moment of the world's creatin and it does not matter our deeds or creeds or lack thereof.

What I am objecting to here is not the practice of alternative medicine or energy healing. I object to the sloppy and misleading use of science and terminology and the lack of critical thinking used in Lipton's essay and all that I gleaned from his website. It really seems like (what may be) respectable science dressed up with new age terms and unsubstantiated claims. For what purpose?

To my distress I am living in a country where well-meaning but misguided people are trying to suppress the teaching of science in the schools and where our president also makes statements like evolution is only a theory. I've seen that it is futile to discuss this controversy becasue it is the immovable object of faith against the irresistable force of reason. :D Don't get me wrong--I feel very fortunate to live in the USA. But what have we learned from history about when ideology overpowers rationality? Things like the dark ages, the decline of once power-house Islamic science, Communist Russia and the cultural revolution come to mind. Yes, science must be ethical and guided by spiritual principles for the service of mankind. But, as intelligent and spirtual people let's not fall into the tempting trap of pseudoscience.

Peace to you, Sacredstar. I support you on your mission of spreading God's love and compassion.

I would like to join this for a bit, but I am not sure what to say. It seems that everyone with any reasoning is eventually going to come to the same basic conclusion.

It is hard for me to follow because there are so many different examples and different realms of life in the thread.
Are we saying it is impossible to have a constant flow of positive energy without any negative?
In the natural earth (physical elements) I think it is impossible.
But in a different realm (spirit/heavenly) I think it is possible to have only positive flow. However, while still on earth we are subject to both positive and negative flows and that is how we know the difference and why things work the way they do.

Is it possible to TASTE only positive energy for awhile? I think it is.:)

I have known people who are so positive, they just ignore the negative like it is not there. I dont think that is a good way to be. Then, some who are positive and are able to see the negative, but turn the bad into a positive situation which is a better way to be IMO.
And of course the ones who only see negative and sometimes they are drawn to a better outlook.

That is all I can say because I cannot follow what everyone is talking about. Is it possible to start again with the basic question or principle or law?
Then apply all the different aspects of life to it one at a time.

I am not certain that EVERY aspect of life can be looked at the same way, but maybe it can with a little understanding.
Dear Bandit

Jesus and every great spiritual teacher taught us the same thing 'know thyself and you will know the universe' this is the nature and true Science of Being.

So what do we know about ourselves? People listen to doctors but they do not listen to their own bodies and souls, their very own barometer that was GOD given so that we could understand ourselves not through scientific models but from our very own being.

GOD gave us two keys to truth one leads to the black hole and the other to completion. I will give you an analogy a clinical depressive became depressed due to their negative thoughts, perceptions and beliefs about themself and others due to their negative childhood experiences. They ended up in what mental health patients call the 'black hole' a place where there is no light, I called it hell and truly believed that earth was hell.

The Essenes taught us that 'energy follows thought' it is the law of attraction,
Dale Pond as done a lot of research in this.

The clinical depressive found no help from doctors, counsellors, etc etc so this person spent hours and days soul searching for the answers. They came to a wonderful conclusion that if there energy could take them down and down into a black hole due to their thoughts then if they reversed this trend they could take their energy back up to the point where they could manifest anything. They also came to the conclusion that their own energy was attracting more negative situations into their own life due to the negative energy in their own auric field, it was attracting it in. It is the same with chaos when we are out of balance we attract life conditions that are out of balance.

Now if I was totally in bliss with GOD 24/7 I would never get any work done in the physical dimension at all, so even in total positivity we have to walk the middle path and here we find balance in the centre of the Grace of GOD.

I lived in total bliss, life can be a prayerful, graceful meditation but I also learnt that for there to be a real balance this must be combined with compassionate action in the real world.

Unconditional love is a passive word it is a state a being,
Compassion is an active word it means to take compassionate action,
it is when we intertwine the two that we become divine love in manifestation on the earth plane.

And so it is with negative and positive poles, we can be positive in our being and use this positivity to address any negativity so that all becomes neutral, peaceful, graceful and beautiful, but it is our GOD given free will to choose.....which key of truth to use.

It is the same with the intuition that comes from our soul, how often do people listen? It always warns is if we are in danger it once saved my life age 13. The soul is sensitive, fragile energetically and sublime, and one can only hear the soul when one is in one's heart not one's mind. So with all the reasoning in the world, intellectuals and materialists are usually the last to reach the gates of heaven, because their material thinking creates a brick wall separating them from the heart of their souls. Carl Jung and Einstein were two of a few exceptions, they openly admitted that they were guided and received messages on waking and Jung even wrote a channelled book.

Apologies are digress......

Let go of your minds, live in your hearts and your whole world changes for the better.

Love beyond measure

juantoo3 said:
All modern electronics work by this "old" model, and since electricity is one of the 3 main components of sub-atomic theory (used to be four), the question returns then as to who to believe; you, or the evidence and scholarship of countless thousands who have taken the "old" scientific model and turned it into technology to improve our lives? Because it works!
Namaste Juan,

thank you for the post.

the four fundamental forces of the universe are:

Weak Nuclear Force
Strong Nuclear Force

we have managed to integrate three of these four into a unified Quantum Theory, though gravity is still out of reach. typically, this unified theory is called a GUT, Grand Unified Theory. when it attempts to integrate Gravity into the theory, they are called Super-Unified Theories.

they are described thusly:

1. The strong interaction is very strong, but very short-ranged. It acts only over ranges of order 10-13 centimeters and is responsible for holding the nuclei of atoms together. It is basically attractive, but can be effectively repulsive in some circumstances.

2. The electromagnetic force causes electric and magnetic effects such as the repulsion between like electrical charges or the interaction of bar magnets. It is long-ranged, but much weaker than the strong force. It can be attractive or repulsive, and acts only between pieces of matter carrying electrical charge.

3. The weak force is responsible for radioactive decay and neutrino interactions. It has a very short range and, as its name indicates, it is very weak.

4. The gravitational force is weak, but very long ranged. Furthermore, it is always attractive, and acts between any two pieces of matter in the Universe since mass is its source.

Dear Lunamoth

lunamoth said:
To my distress I am living in a country where well-meaning but misguided people are trying to suppress the teaching of science in the schools


I should imagine because they wish to suppress what the cutting edge US scientists are discovering about our metaphysical universe the last thing that governments want is for the people to take back their power and be true co-creators.

OK so take a look at these video's, I am hoping to run a programme in my area where we share this work with schools. A senior science teacher saw a presentation of bruce lipton's work at a conference and couldn't wait to start teaching it in his science class.

Love beyond measure

and as Buddha said 'Be a light unto yourself' which means look not outside of yourselves all the anwsers are within your own nature of being.
Sacredstar said:
Jesus and every great spiritual teacher taught us the same thing 'know thyself and you will know the universe' this is the nature and true Science of Being.
Salaam SacredStar,

thank you for the post.

are you certain that they all taught this? i haven't found any teachings in the Buddha Dharma that would support this assertion. Anatman, don't ya know.
Sacredstar said:
and as Buddha said 'Be a light unto yourself' which means look not outside of yourselves all the anwsers are within your own nature of being.
i beg to differ, Sacredstar, with your interpetation of what the historical Buddha was teaching with this phrase.

the Buddhist teachings are given to a specific group of people, in a specific place in time with a specific understanding of things. without reading the entire Sutta, we cannot really have an understanding of what is being taught, to whom and why. generally speaking, when we read the suttas/sutras in English, the translators leave off all the important setting and contextual information that allows us to determine to whom the teaching is applicable. perhaps, they do this through their own cultural paradigm that doesn't have teachings presented in the same fashion.

Buddhism is not like most other religious paradigms in the sense that there are multiple teachings with the Buddha Dharma that correspond with the various capacities of beings. the Buddha taught 84,000 Dharma doors, or entries to truth, each corresponding with the capacities of beings.

the refereneced teaching; "be a light unto thy self" is found in the Maha Parinibbana Sutta, where it is rendered ": "Behold now, bhikkhus, I exhort you: All compounded things are subject to vanish. Strive with earnestness!"

the transliteration of the phrase into "be a light unto thy self" is not correct and is clearly seen in the phrase "thy self", which, in the Buddhist thought, does not exist. this is, of course, tied to the teaching of Sunyata and Anatman.
Dear Vajradhara

Well if you are ever blessed with the ability to see/talk with Buddha yourself I am sure he will help you to understand. His language can not be understood with reasoning and intellectual mind but with a loving heart, not bothering whether it is true or not. And a moment comes suddenly the light goes on and that which as eluded you your whole life, suddenly what Gautum Buddha called 'eighty-four thousand doors' open.

Big smiles, now it is my turn to have some fun!

Lighten up everyone.

Love beyond measure

I have been trying to find some relevant quotes, these aren't quite what I was looking for but a few to chew on.

"you seek too much information and not enough transformation' Sai Baba

'It is you that pervades this universe, and this universe exists in you. Your true nature is pure consciousness. Don't be small minded.' 'The Self exists both inside and outside of the physical body, just like an image exists within and outside of a mirror' Ashtavakra Gita

From Buddhist Priciples for Human Life Dignity
Dr K Sri Dhammannda Nayake Maha Thera (The Chief Resident Monk of the Buddhist Mahavihara. Founder of the Buddhist Missionary Society.)

'The Buddha was the teacher who discovered the real nature of the universal cosmic law and who advised people to live in accordance with this cosmic law. He mentioned that those who violate this law, such as going against nature, must be ready to face the consequences. It is impossible to escape from the reactions of such cosmic laws simply by praying to GOD, because the universal laws are unbiased. After violating (which Archangel Michael calls transgression) the cosmic order of the universal law with negative thoughts there is no other method to get rid of the reaction except by co-operating and conforming with the same cosmic law'

Master Jesus - Gospel of Thomas

The Master said: If two make peace with each other in this single house, they will say to a mountain of distress and trouble "move away" and it shall move.

'what goes into your mouth will not defile you but what comes out of your mouth will defile you' (every thought and word as a vibrational frequency that impacts on your body-mind).

'He who knows the all but fails to have self knowledge lacks everything'

'If you bring forth what you have within you, that which you have will redeem you. If you do not have it within yourselves that which you do not have will kill you'

'Whoever discovers his own self, of him the world is not worthy'.

'Let him who who searches not cease searching until he finds, and when he finds, he will be disturbed, and when he has been disturbed, he will be amazed and he will have dominion over the all' (He is talking about self development here).

The disciples said to Jesus: Tell us how our end will be? Jesus said: Have you found the beginning so that you ask about the end? For where the beginning is, there will be the end also. Blessed is he who shall stand at the beginning and he shall comprehend hte end and he shall not undergo death'.

'Blessed are you who have become unified and have become the elect, for you shall find the Kingdom; because you come from it, and you shall return to it again.'

'If you abstain not from the world, you will not find the Kingdom.
His disciples said:Show us the place where you are,
because it is necessary for us to seek after it.
He said to them:He who has ears let them hear:
There is light at the centre of a man of light
and he illumines the whole world.
If he does not shine, there is darkness.'

Gospel of Mary Magdalene
The teacher answered 'All that is born, all that is created, all the elements of nature are interwoven and united with each other.

'Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom.Such a person, being master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom' Paracelsus

'The visible is a symbol of the invisible world' Boehme

'Our essential message to the world is a basic call to consciousness. The destruction of the Native cultures and people is the same process which as destroyed and is destroying life on this planet....That process is Western civilisation. If there is to be a future for all beings on this planet, we must begin to seek the avenues of change' The native american 'The Hau De No Sau Nee' address to the western world 1978.
Kindest Regards, Vajradhara!

Thank you most sincerely for the clarification!
Vajradhara said:
the four fundamental forces of the universe are:

Weak Nuclear Force
Strong Nuclear Force
It is great to finally have a simpified explanation. I do recall reading in one of the science magazines some years back that two of the forces, neither of which was gravity, had been integrated into one, at least in one model. Perhaps that model has since been discarded?

Even so, does electromagnetism not show electricity to be among the fundamental components of material existence? I would think this to be in line with the concept of Chi.

BTW, may I presume you have no major objections to my presentation here concerning Yin/Yang and Chi?
and there will be new scientific models and a new and different understanding of gravity as the will and intent changes so the scientists will have a new and elevated view of the cosmos.

Blessings in abundance

Kim xx