Deism, a badger's point of view.

I remember it well....... the music and that block or obelisk.
I never did quite connect with the last scenes though....... maybe they were just intended for the viewer's thoughts?
In the film it comes across, too, but in the book it is much more explicit. The last few film scenes are incomprehensible without knowing the book.

Clarke was very much a product of British imperialism, and his work is steeped in the theme of benevolent overlords and a certain notion of progress from "primitive" to "advanced", for a particular understanding of these terms, which goes against all I believe, but I still enjoy his work a lot.
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Question to @badger - what if any would you say are the differences between Deism and Animism?
In the film it comes across, too, but in the book it is much more explicit. The last few film scenes are incomprehensible without knowing the book.

Clarke was very much a product of British imperialism, and his work is steeped in the theme of benevolent overlords and a certain notion of progress from "primitive" to "advanced", for a particular understanding of these terms, which goes against all I believe, but I still enjoy his work a lot.
Ah..I didn't know about Clarke's ideas about government and control, nor had I read the book. Like you (,I guess) I just loved and was amazed by the film production and scenes.
The UK is still reducing in its involvement with the control of other countries, some will certainly distance themselves further after the Queen's reign, for sure .
Question to @badger - what if any would you say are the differences between Deism and Animism?
There must be connections between both, and although atheists won't let us in to their clubs I think there are connections there as well.
An Animist doesn't have to believe in any deity but a Deist would probably feel very close to animism.
I don't think that Deists have anything to sell about Deism, it doesn't matter if we are surrounded by a wide range of differing cultures and beliefs, nor would we need to assemble in groups to do anything in particular together.
Since everything and everyone is part of the whole then I feel a freedom to range anywhere. I would walk in to a Mosque, visit a soup'n'chat Sally Army hour, or go to a Christian healing chapel.... Or to an atheist meeting if such things might exist.
Your 'This universe we are in is just a galaxy within a much larger universe.' is what I have believed for so long.
And there is no reason why that 'much larger universe' might not be part of something greater still..... and on, far far beyond the realms of human perception.
So the Whole-of-Everything (of God) is very very big.

When I think such thoughts I feel calmed, reassured, at peace.

This universe as I can figure out is three times in. That being said equates to our universe is a galaxy in the universe above and yet that universe is a galaxy to the one above it. This is still not even close to the size of gods mind. A memory of mine tells of two massive objects that collided in no time, or origin as I call it of a much larger universe then our own. This collision formed our universe and brought time into no time forming something here.

Do you believe in a Big Crunch or a Big Bounce?
Maybe our Universe pulses in a continuing and repeating Big Bounce? It might be part of a nucleus in a greater existence?

God is very very big, methinks.

Please do continue on........... What you are discussing here is about part of everything........ to a Deist it has the status of prayer.

At this time our universe is still expanding, but when the black hole of the galaxy above closes, we will stop expanding and start collapsing inward. This collapse will be brought on by the big expansions of our galaxies until they two run out of time. I believe this will continue until all is within our own origin at the center of no time, where it will become so massive it will become something again. Not all of that universe will become something again this is called time left over it is minds I find time with now that try to teach me things.

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