We stayed with a friend of Jesus in Bethany overnight, and were invited to return the next, and so the next morning on the first day of that festival week we all set off to walk in to Jerusalem. Every property in and around Jerusalem was overfilled with visiotors for the feast and the local people increased their charges for bed and board by huge amounts, and so an invitation from a friend to stay was a massive offering. I was so excited but I now remember how quiet and reserved the whole group had been then, apart from me.
The entrance into Jerusalem was the finest experience of my entire life. I had heard about it often enough in the past, but this spectacle was greater than anybody could imagine. The residents, pleased that we were bringing a whole year's hard earned money to spend with them, lined the streets, cheered and waved to us and threw down palm fronds for us to walk upon. And the girls........... those girls........ Of course the local people looked down on us Northern Jews, with our cheap clothing, strange dialects and guttural accents, but they loved us enough until our hard saved money was all gone. That was it..... they just welcomed our money, because a few days later there was no farewell, no girls waving, no palm fronds....just a lonely road out and away for us penniless peasants.
But that morning people were calling out greetings, such as 'Hosanna!'
'Blessed are they who come in the name of the Lord!'
The girls! Oh the girls! Wearing their brightest clothes and showing themselves at their very best, possibly hoping to meet with a rich pilgrim, I guess. I saw one mother swat at her daughter, who was definitely wriggling her middle at the man who walked beside me...... or maybe she did it for me! I never saw her again.
Judah retrieved the donkey and its young one from Jesus and said he would take it straight back to Bethany, which he did...... I can see why he arranged all this now; he thought Jesus was going to do something dangerous on that day and wanted to be far gone from any trouble. But he needn't have worried with all that charade because the day passed in wonderful interesting peace for me and all of us.
We all went towards the Temple, and Yeshu called us together and told us that if we were separated in the huge crowds that we should all meet up outside Bethany that evening, by the nearest house on the road leading to Jerusalem. I stayed with Cephas who stuck like glue to Yeshu. We entered in to and looked all round the Temple, and Yeshu told me that the opportunities for traders to cheat the common people out of their hard earned money were plentiful. I noticed that many of the visitors just accepted what they were charged for services or given for their coins in exchange for temple ones.
The temple grounds were vast.... it was a very long walk from outer wall to outer wall. Everywhere in the outer grounds there was excitement and merriment as relatives and friends bumped into each other. Within the temple priests would sacrifice the visitor's lambs, doves and other sacrifices for a fee.
We watched as a Northern Jew handed over his own lamb, carried from home for sacrifice, at a trading point to a dealer who shook his head and offered almost nothing for it. It had been condemned as imperfect by the priests and he would have to buy a temple lamb instead. Jesus told us all to wait until the man had left the area, and sure enough the trader offered that same condemned lamb to another buyer only a short while later on. Jesus told us that the priesthood received a cut from every such scam which was why it was pointless to bring one's own sacrificial lambs to Temple.
Authorised traders sold doves for sacrifice. People just paid what they were told to pay. Yeshu was right..... the temple trading area was a real den of iniquity! No wonder the Immerser had offered free remission of sins in the Jordan without all this corruption, and No need to wonder anymore, what he had said about the Temple and the priesthood.
And the money changing bazaar....Anna's Bazaar! How evil a place was that!
Yeshua had collected the money bag from Judah and he took some coins out, and then stood in a money changer's queue. When he walked away from the table he brought several coins, one for each of the grown men in our group. He offered one to show me, since I had never seen a Temple coin.
'See this? Who is this on this Temple half shekel?' Yeshua held the coin in front of me and I saw the head of what looked like a Roman leader, with laurel leaves encircling his forehead.
'Is that Caesar?' I asked?
'It would be better if it was,' said Yesh, 'But that is a God which the Romans call Melgarth Heracles.'
'Not on our Temples coins?!' I was shocked.
'Yes, on our Temple's coins, and worse still we call that same God Baal, and here he is, all over our Temple, on our Temple coins, touched and handled by every man here!' I had never realised the depths that our priesthood had sunk to before, to give in to such insults from the Roman rulers.
'Here, look! It's as bad as that on the other side,' said Yesh. He turned the coin over and I saw a great hunting bird perched on the prow of a ship and some letters, but I could not read at that time.
'This,' said Yesh, 'Is a graven image, and those letters are the inscription of Caesar.... on our own Temple coins!' I could see that Yeshua BarYosef was becoming angry.
'And that, young Mark, is just one good reason why this place needs changing or tearing down.' Yeshua spat on the coin and gave it to John who quickly dropped it back in Jesus's bag, then rubbing his hands ion his tunic in a parody of cleaning them.
For some of us Galileans this was the first time that we had ever seen such sights. Although expected to visit at least once a year, Galilean working people did not find such opportunities often, and the Lake fishermen had their own secret sacrificial rites that were not approved by the priesthood. Only that week we had heard that the priesthood had reported a group of Galileans making sacrifice away from the Temple and Pilate had felt obliged to act. Their Galilean's blood had been 'mixed with their sacrifices', or so we had heard.
After walking the vast spaces of the Temple Corts we went up into the Temle itself, into the Women's Court where we sat together and rested. As we sat resting an old woman shuffled up and put two small coins into one of the great bell-mouthed offerings-coffers. Thomas watched this and made a dismissive chuckle, but Yesh confronted him immediately. 'That poor woman gave everything that she had, but some local big names who have given huge amounts are still wealthy beyond imagination! We need people who are prepared to give everything for our cause, as she gave everything....! '. Yeshu had a way with words.
We spent all of that day wandering in the Temple grounds, looking at everything and wondering at the unbelievable mass of people who were there...... it seemed to me like the whole world had come to this place, all at once.
After leaving the Temple and the city, instead of retiring directly to Bethany we climbed the Mount of Olives which lay just to the North of our road. The spring air was cool enough to be clear, and we all sat and relaxed, looking out upon the Temple, the great city and beyond it. Yeshu overheard Jude commenting on the size and majesty of the Temple. 'Sadly it has become the very centre of the corruption that has covered the whole land,' he said, 'It will be razed to the ground when justice finally arrives here.'
Cephas and others asked how long it would be before such things would happen.
'Watch out for deceptions!' answered Jesus, ' Many will claim to be allies, so be careful. If you continue with me after today you could be arrested, tried, interrogated, flogged. Don't worry about what to say....... just be yourselves and trust in the Lord.... you will know what to do and say. '
Yeshu drew a long breath and a tear ran down his cheek.
'Families will be torn apart in the struggle, Father against son, brother killing brother. People will hate you so much because of the disruption that we will have caused, but stand firm for what you believe and it will come right... one day. And those.....' Yeshu gestured down towards the great city, the temple and the great palace of Herod, '......those Judeans will need to flee to the hills and the mountains!'
'So take care!, He continued, ' Don't trust those who claim to be with us, it's what people do that will count, or not. Take care, my friends!' And for the first time in my life, sitting near Yeshu in that beautiful place, perhaps overcome with the majesty of that lovely hillside, I watched Yeshu shed tears.
It was getting late, and so we went back to Bethany for the night. That evening we sat and chatted about all that we had seen, and ate bread and drank cheap wine that we had purchased (at premium prices!) from the villagers. I was too excited to fall asleep, and saw that Yeshu had gathered his twelve closest followers about him and was talking to them very seriously, but eventually I dropped off to sleep and was woken by the cockrels at first light, and by sunrise we were ready for the next visit to that den of sins.