Hermetic Archetypes

My theory on minds can't be complete because I lost mine awhile ago. Maybe Jesus still has it. I'd have to find him again to know but I didn't like when he took the wheel. You would think he listens to a lot of Christian rock but he just played "All You Need is Love" by the Beatles on repeat for hours.

When I kicked him out he said something about not needing my car, anyway, because he has some sort of chariot or something. I was just more interested in turning the car around so I could start heading in the right direction again. He drove me halfway to Jerusalem.

Is this a metaphor for how it felt or was this a real person?
What happened coming up to losing the faith?

Nothing remarkable. In reality, it was less like kicking Jesus out and more like taking control of the wheel.

I went through a period where I studied and dabbled in a variety of religions and spiritual traditions as a way to broaden my horizons. Along the way, I found some that I thought made more sense to me than Catholicism.

Eventually, I left all of those, too. I'm just trying to follow wherever the ongoing string of evidence leads. Perhaps I'll end up back at Catholicism one day and get re-affirmed.
Never said it was my theory. I am working with it though.

The psychology usage of the word is so dumb. Empathy is defined as recognizing others mental states. Theory of mind means a theory on minds, like the theory of relativity is a theory on relativity.

Which usage is that now? Yours or the psychologists'? Still not clear to me how you understand these terms.

Civilizations, societies, countries are molded by the minds of the time and are a direct reflection of them.

Which minds? The exponentially connected ones? The savage ones? Are they the same? Can a savage mind also be highly connected? Still not getting what you mean.

Countries (or whole Civilizations like the Mongol Empire) run by narcisists with narcissistic policies, laws and a culture are death stars that collapse on their own center of gravity since narcisists always want to get bigger and bigger. Countries run by people like Putin cause senseless wars because they are expansionists and aim for integration which never works because people in general don't like to be oppressed.

Yeah, I agree, but that latter bit is about the material circumstances again, and from what we can see in Russia as well as my place and perhaps yours, people are generally trying to make ends meet rather than trying to stage a revolution. "Grub first, then ethics" as Brecht observed.
My theory on minds can't be complete because I lost mine awhile ago. Maybe Jesus still has it. I'd have to find him again to know but I didn't like when he took the wheel. You would think he listens to a lot of Christian rock but he just played "All You Need is Love" by the Beatles on repeat for hours.

It does feature trumpets and fanfares...

When I kicked him out he said something about not needing my car, anyway, because he has some sort of chariot or something. I was just more interested in turning the car around so I could start heading in the right direction again. He drove me halfway to Jerusalem.

Have you been to the real-world Jerusalem? It's an interesting place, a strange place. I visited it once, coming from the Dead Sea, rising up into the highlands from below sea level, very symbolic ascent :) I did a tourist tour of the sacred sites, the West Wall, the Sepulchre, and the Maghreb entrance to the Haram Ash-Sharif. Ultimately, I felt relieved to leave the city. Tel Aviv was more to my tastes.
For awhile, I had the exact opposite problem. I would read the Bhagavad Gita and practice some bhakti yoga and think maybe I am a Hindu. I would read Wisdom of Eosphoros and think maybe I am a Luciferian. I considered animism, polytheism, panpsychism, mental idealism, pantheism, panentheism, bitheism, ditheism, tritheism, etc.

That's a lot of isms and schisms. Here's the problem as I see it. You've been cramming your head full of junk when all you really needed was to meet a mystery that is bigger than anything you could ever ask or think.

I wouldn't be surprised if my position is completely different this time next year. I hope that I've found the truth but I've had that same hope for every new path I've adopted. I think that if I change too much, though, it would probably be something very subtle by now like I would become a Preference Utilitarian instead of a Welfare Utilitarian or something but just this January I was a committed Neo-Sethian.

I'm not going to hold my breath but I suppose anything is possible. All that is needed is a little faith. Little faith, big things. Again, it's about knowing yourself to be small so the mystery might assume it's rightful position.
Which usage is that now? Yours or the psychologists'? Still not clear to me how you understand these terms.

The psychologists. You read that? That's the defintion of empathy, recognizing others mental states. They don't use language correctly if they want to call empathy theory of mind. I don't know if I'm missing something or if they are THAT stupid.

And I cant answer the rest since they're too general and I only do good with specs.
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The psychologists. You read that? That's the defintion of empathy, recognizing others mental states. They don't use language correctly if they want to call empathy theory of mind. I don't know if I'm missing something or if they are THAT stupid.

Yes, that's what is confusing me - you mentioned that you were working with a theory of mind - you used that term. This got me interested, since I only heard that term in the context of psychology so far. I asked you what you mean by it, and ever since, you've been expressing your dislike of psychologists. I get it, you don't like them.

However, what I've been interested in all along:

What do you mean by the term "theory of mind", when you write that you are working with it?
Yes, that's what is confusing me - you mentioned that you were working with a theory of mind - you used that term. This got me interested, since I only heard that term in the context of psychology so far. I asked you what you mean by it, and ever since, you've been expressing your dislike of psychologists. I get it, you don't like them.

However, what I've been interested in all along:

What do you mean by the term "theory of mind", when you write that you are working with it?

I told you though, it's a theory on minds, how they work, what are their functions, querks?, specialities, defects, and how to optimize them.
I told you though, it's a theory on minds, how they work, what are their functions, querks?, specialities, defects, and how to optimize them.
Yes, what does your theory say about minds?

Unless you are not comfortable sharing.

More tea? Milk, sugar?