Gnōthi seauton
Long story short: I prayed in my kitchen, last night, and today it would seem Will Smith has apologized to Chris Rock. Gotta mow the grass. Will watch video later.
Seems that I weren't the only one what prayed. And I did want them to do it right after that thing happened. Yet finally I spoke with them, very directly, in an urgent, heartfelt appeal.
The fact is, I think many millions of us did this. We have all wanted for that to occur. There are layers of this, from highest Spirit, through Soul, into & onto every ether in the worlds of Form.
So Group Prayer, even Group Invocation, increasingly objectively appeals to all, should we wish to be further Co-Operant with Cosmos. The Deists may just be able to meet & greet the Pan-En-Theists, yet. Indigenous peoples are often less hampered, burdened by such complications as presented by lower mind, or w/in slower/est realm, world of brain.
What really sucks, you know, is lower bardo. The murky, dim waters of `astral plane.'
Yeah, gotta get such Purgings done as even John & John, James & James, various other Brother-Sisters & the Entire Earth Family is working & murking through. For, "We work not alone."
Alone? ALL ONE
We do know this.
Maybe we may #Embrace such Wisdom
even leaving logic, if logic offends our
#Spirit #Dignity #Honor or holds up
Our growth, fulfilment of ancient Pledges
And impedes us as we reach for #Potential.
Yes. I do reach. Stretch. Aspire. Goal-seek.
Goal-fitness is often no easy task.
But that's `where it's @'
-or so I hear.
Thus have I heard, and other such stuffs.
Grass is growing. Beard, too.
Oh, those Beards, Thomas.
What can you tell me of `The Beards.'
Will you join us, then, and speak of #Egregoires?
Seems there are people asking about them, in TwitR-space.
They want to know about ET, and Ecology.
I believe I will need much assistance in days to come.
Won't we #ALL?
Yes. So just KNOW who will be praying for all of us.
Likely, nearly everyone here, moving through.
Maybe we could teach them a thing or siX about the antidote(s) to #Hypocrisy & #Vanity, too?
I knew we could. Now let's kick that pig!
Seems that I weren't the only one what prayed. And I did want them to do it right after that thing happened. Yet finally I spoke with them, very directly, in an urgent, heartfelt appeal.
The fact is, I think many millions of us did this. We have all wanted for that to occur. There are layers of this, from highest Spirit, through Soul, into & onto every ether in the worlds of Form.
So Group Prayer, even Group Invocation, increasingly objectively appeals to all, should we wish to be further Co-Operant with Cosmos. The Deists may just be able to meet & greet the Pan-En-Theists, yet. Indigenous peoples are often less hampered, burdened by such complications as presented by lower mind, or w/in slower/est realm, world of brain.
What really sucks, you know, is lower bardo. The murky, dim waters of `astral plane.'
Yeah, gotta get such Purgings done as even John & John, James & James, various other Brother-Sisters & the Entire Earth Family is working & murking through. For, "We work not alone."
Alone? ALL ONE
We do know this.
Maybe we may #Embrace such Wisdom
even leaving logic, if logic offends our
#Spirit #Dignity #Honor or holds up
Our growth, fulfilment of ancient Pledges
And impedes us as we reach for #Potential.
Yes. I do reach. Stretch. Aspire. Goal-seek.
Goal-fitness is often no easy task.
But that's `where it's @'
-or so I hear.
Thus have I heard, and other such stuffs.
Grass is growing. Beard, too.
Oh, those Beards, Thomas.
What can you tell me of `The Beards.'
Will you join us, then, and speak of #Egregoires?
Seems there are people asking about them, in TwitR-space.
They want to know about ET, and Ecology.
I believe I will need much assistance in days to come.
Won't we #ALL?
Yes. So just KNOW who will be praying for all of us.
Likely, nearly everyone here, moving through.
Maybe we could teach them a thing or siX about the antidote(s) to #Hypocrisy & #Vanity, too?
I knew we could. Now let's kick that pig!