Christian Answers to Muslim Questions

RJM The issue is, that to answer some questions, one has to answer in great detail.

Details that many do not really want to hear, or that to do justice to the answer, one must put some time and thought into it.

Regards Tony
I think a person is quite capable of answering direct questions directly -- unless that person is a politician responsible to some sort of constituency. Are we political spokesman trying to get our religions elected?
@Tone Bristow-Stagg
Why does it matter so much that others subscribe to your own belief paradigm?

RJM. It is not about me in any way shape or form.

It is about humanity as a whole. Jesus showed us how to find salvation in belief. Baha'u'llah has shown how thay salvation needs to be a global effort for all humanity.

Left to ourselves, we get it wrong, the animal takes over.

So it is about turning to God for guidance, all faiths contain that guidance, we just have to peel away the man made parts.

The answer to your question comes from God, so this is that quote in full.

"The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established. This unity can never be achieved so long as the counsels which the Pen of the Most High hath revealed are suffered to pass unheeded. ("Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh", p. 286)

I can only keep passing on this advice. The people of the world will choose their path and what will be will be.

Regards Tony
RJM. It is not about me in any way shape or form.

It is about humanity as a whole. Jesus showed us how to find salvation in belief. Baha'u'llah has shown how thay salvation needs to be a global effort for all humanity.

Left to ourselves, we get it wrong, the animal takes over.

So it is about turning to God for guidance, all faiths contain that guidance, we just have to peel away the man made parts.

The answer to your question comes from God, so this is that quote in full.

"The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established. This unity can never be achieved so long as the counsels which the Pen of the Most High hath revealed are suffered to pass unheeded. ("Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh", p. 286)

I can only keep passing on this advice. The people of the world will choose their path and what will be will be.

Regards Tony get home tired from a long day already and your yobbo neighbour is playing loud thumping bass hip-hop music late night and your ears are ringing with tinnitus and you need some sleep because you're working in the morning? What's the practical Baha'i scripture? Not three pages of thee and thou tracts ...
Last edited: get home tired from a long day already and your yobbo neighbour is playing loud thumping bass hip-hop music late night and your ears are ringing with tinnitus and you need some sleep because you're working in the morning? What's the practical Baha'i scripture? Not three pages of thee and thou tracts ...

Sounds like where I live and what I face, are you a psychic :D;)

Do your best RJM. Life is indeed a challenge

Regards Tony
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The problem seems to be that where the Bible disagrees with the Quran, Muslims just say the Bible is corrupted: the Gospel of John, etc
One should not give much importance to the scripture because the original scripture spoken by God is always polluted with the insertions of various middle people, who meddle with the scripture. Therefore, one cannot differentiate the original scripture and the inserted portions of the scripture. One have to examine every statement of the scripture through very sharp and powerful logical analysis. The logical analysis is the basis of the justice. Long logical debates take place in the court to find out the true justice. God always represents the true justice. The devotees desire God to appear in human form so that they can clarify their doubts in the spiritual line. Such desire is justified and people cannot wait till a specified human incarnation comes since they are not immortal. Some people got clarifications from Krishna and Jesus.
No dearth of them in India. You find them in almost every street.
And in the view I follow, all things are Brahman, even a dog. I do not need a separate God.
Which just happens to be you?
Lucky us ;)
People may ask why God need to come to this world in human form? An Industrialist created a factory in which inanimate items and non-inanimate workers exist. The factory is His property. All the workers need not be good and disciplined. The owner comes to the factory every day to supervise the workers. The owner is visiting His own property. Is there something abnormal in this? If the owner is visiting the factory of somebody else, we may be interested to know the reason. Moreover, some employees desire to see the owner everyday to discuss with him about their doubts face to face. The owner feels that face to face talks are more effective than talking over phone. The presence of the owner inspires them to work more efficiently.

Similarly, this creation is done by God Himself and this creation is His personal property. He has every right to visit and supervise His own property. He is not visiting the creation of somebody else. There is a special satisfaction among ardent devotes to see Him, to talk with Him directly for clearing their doubts, to touch His feet and serve Him and to spend their life time with Him. God also feels happy to satisfy them and feels that His personal visit will inspire them more in their spiritual progress. Hence, God visits this creation frequently in the form of human incarnations. God is called as ‘Pashupati’ (owner of animals like cows, buffaloes, bulls, donkeys etc.) and we must note that the human being is said to be a social animal.
Quite a wordy God, with no solid evidence, just empty words.
The primary purpose of God coming in human form is only to give you the correct direction in your spiritual effort through the best explanation of the true knowledge, which clarifies all your doubts and inspires you to practically adopt the knowledge. The true knowledge explained in best way is like huge fire (Jnanagnih…Gita). Such true knowledge explained in best way is the huge power to bring implementation of theory into practice. If there is any hindrance in your implementation of theory in practice, it is only the imperfect clarification of the true concept. Therefore, the contemporary human incarnation of God can inspire you to implement the true knowledge in practice.

Inspired by the teaching of Lord Krishna, Arjuna fought the war and even killed his grandfather and teacher. Mandanamishra left the family and became a saint following Shankara, just after hearing the best explanation of true knowledge from Shankara during the debate that went on for several days continuously. Therefore nothing is as powerful as the best explained true knowledge (Sarvam Gnanaplavenaiva...Gita).
Again, no solid evidence. Just quotes from books.

Hey Aup. Hope you are doing great.

When you say evidence, what do you mean? What's your epistemology?

I ask because it's a day to day, usual word used by many atheists like a "prayer". EVIDENCE. What do you mean by that word? Can you spell it out?

Scientific evidence is evidence that serves to either support or counter a scientific theory or hypothesis, although scientists also use evidence in other ways, such as when applying theories to practical problems. Such evidence is expected to be empirical evidence and interpretable in accordance with scientific methods. Wikipedia
Scientific evidence is evidence that serves to either support or counter a scientific theory or hypothesis

Okay. So that's your epistemology. Scientific evidence is your standard. Correct? No problem.

So you are asking for "scientific evidence" for God.

Could you give me the established scientific testing methodology developed by scientists using the scientific method to test the existence of God? If you don't have one, how do you propose someone gives "scientific evidence"? That's because your claim is "no evidence means it does not exist". Is that how the scientific method works?

So what is the testing method for the "god hypothesis" that you present?

Could you give me the established scientific testing methodology developed by scientists using the scientific method to test the existence of God.
That's because your claim is "no evidence means it does not exist". Is that how the scientific method works?
First, let me know what kind of evidence is to be tested, then I will suggest the test. Are we to use a telescope, an electron microscope or bombard it with electrons in CERN reactor? Is there any besides mention in books?
Sure, for something having no evidence, we will term it as a hypothesis. Be it Allah/God or FSM.
If there is still no evidence, we will term it as a failed hypothesis, a canard, a scam.
First, let me know what kind of evidence is to be tested

This is your epistemic stance, so it's your personal burden of proof. You are the one asking for empirical evidence or as you term it, "scientific evidence". When you ask that question you must provide the scientific methodology to test if God is true or not.

So what is it?

Sure, for something having no evidence, we will term it as a hypothesis. Be it Allah/God or FSM.
If there is still no evidence, we will term it as a failed hypothesis, a canard, a scam.

No. That's not how science works. Maybe you should read a little about how science works prior to making such arbitrary comments misrepresenting science.

Please answer the question above. If you wish, let me cut and paste it so that it's not just dropped.

This is your epistemic stance, so it's your personal burden of proof. You are the one asking for empirical evidence or as you term it, "scientific evidence". When you ask that question you must provide the scientific methodology to test if God is true or not.

So what is it?