I wonder what caused the current set of beliefs of "only upward".
I blame the Theosophists for that ... but then I'm Catholic, and an adherent of the Traditionalist manifestation of the Sophia Perennis, both of whom have a very poor opinion of the Theosophical Association.
You'll have to educate me more on this.
Sophia Perennis holds to a single, eternal and universal Divine Principle that is the cause of all universal manifestation.
It is an axiom of the
Sophia that the Supreme Principle is Absolute and Infinite, and as such encompasses the All-Possible. It is the source and cause of every possible good, and that it manifests Itself always and everywhere in such a manner as to issue from Itself and to lead back to Itself.
As such it is the Good, and the Good is first of all God, then the willing of God into existence, and finally the reintegration of all subsistent being back into God.
Absolute inasmuch as there is nothing more nor greater than. Absolute in that it is not caused nor suffers causation, is not conditioned nor knows any condition or contingency. The Absolute is self-subsisting, without any need or want or hunger – It is entire and sufficent unto Itself. It cannot be added to or subtracted from; It knows neither increase or decrease, growth or decay.
Infinite in that it is without boundary or limit. It transcends time and space and every contingent and relative mode of existence. The Greek philosophers spoke of Apeiron, the Boundless.
Strictly speaking, there is but one sole philosophy (understood in the traditional sense), and one religion (ditto).
This source is formless, shapeless, timeless ... It manifests Itself in all authentic Religions / Philosophies, the forms with which it cloaks itself according to necessity, and accordingly each and every religion/philosophy is complete and entire unto itself with regard to humanity's realisation of the highest because it is in touch with the Transcendent.
(Whilst at an outward and contingent level religions may appear to contradict, in and to themselves they are the same and the message is one, because Truth is One.)
The language of the
Sophia Perennis is essentially metaphysics, and its mode of transmission symbolic, thus the perennialist is open and receptive to the message of symbol in all its forms, a primordial and universal language proper to humanity.
The exponents of the
Sophia in the 20th century are called Traditionalists and were initially a handful – René Guénon, Frithjof Schuon, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Marco Pallis, Martin Lings, Titus Burckhart – nearly all converted to Islam and became Sufis, the exception being Coomaraswamy and Pallis, Catholic and Tibetan Buddhist respectively, Pallis wrote an essay (The Veil of the Temple) one simple phrase of which 'triggered' my epiphany with regard to my own cradle tradition, the Catholic Church. (Catholic Trads include Roman Catholic Jean Borella and the Orthodox Philip Sherrard.)