World events are preparing us for peace.

Is Peace now possible

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It was exactly like the that in apartheid South Africa: the establishment apologists making out nothing was going on: demolishing homes in 'squatter camps' imprisonment and harrasment of those who spoke. It's the way authoritarian governments work
That sounds exactly like what has been happening in Israel against Muslim communities.
But that fact couldn't cause me to believe reports coming out of, say, another county .
That sounds exactly like what has been happening in Israel against Muslim communities.
So you do acknowledge the harassment and persecution of Baha'i in Iran?
Dream on, Tony.
It's a bad old tough old world, sad to say.
A unarmed black man was shot to death in London by police about a week ago. The police don't want their colleague to be punished for it and have threatened to refuse to carry arms of he is punished. You'd think that was a report from a US state but no, London, UK.
Bad things happen all over.......and good, and I expect that is true of mostly anywhere.
I'll bet that drug murders and crimes are much lower in the UK drug crime is raging everywhere.
But just being Baha'i makes a person unwanted. They are labelled as a cult and deviant. Iran wants them out
Bahais and Babis have been there for nearly 200 years. Millions of them. Not as many as Christians but they are left to live and work just fine, so long as they don't break laws.
Bahais and Babis have been there for nearly 200 years. Millions of them. Not as many as Christians but they are left to live and work just fine, so long as they don't break laws.
Baha'i are not singled out for harassment and oppression as a deviant and unwanted cult under the Khamenei regime?
So you do acknowledge the harassment and persecution of Baha'i in Iran?
I don't trust the Bahai claims, RJM. They used to tell about mass murders, genocide, daily executions and when I found out that it was untrue I stopped listening. That was fifty years ago, not last week.

The post which claimed friends being killed and executed daily which was later reduced to 'persecuted' and then we heard about Iran backing off this last fifteen years.

I do not trust Baha'i claims.....
Baha'i are not singled out for harassment and oppression as a deviant and unwanted cult under the Khamenei regime?
Enter 'Baluchi' persecution Iran in to your search engine. Read about it.
Then I'll give you another group, then another, then I'll give you LGBT groups.

Just now some very brave women are demonstrating in Shiraz because police killed a young woman in custody this week. Not Bahais.

And the Kurds.....

No. Bahais are not singled out, but they do constantly push it, try it on,imo.
I don't trust the Bahai claims, RJM. They used to tell about mass murders, genocide, daily executions and when I found out that it was untrue I stopped listening. That was fifty years ago, not last week.

The post which claimed friends being killed and executed daily which was later reduced to 'persecuted' and then we heard about Iran backing off this last fifteen years.

I do not trust Baha'i claims.....
Iran Human Rights Watch:

Iranian law denies freedom of religion to Baha'is and discriminates against them. Authorities continue to arrest and prosecute members of the Baha'i faith on vague national security charges and close down or suspend licenses for businesses owned by them. law denies freedom of,for businesses owned by them.
I do not believe even this kind of people, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty. They work for Christians and West.
Amnesty India has been involved in dubious financial transactions. I do not know their current situation. They have not been very active. Have not read their rants in recent times.
Surely if there was no successor, if the spiritual source has dried up, as it were, the Baha'i are like a shooting star?

Thus is the unique aspect of the Message given by Baha'u'llah Thomas. The Covernant was written by the Pen of the Messenger.

Imagine if Jesus himself had recorded that Peter was the Successor and that Upon Peter Jesus would build the Church, sealed that document and it was still available to this day. In turn what Peter offered after that, had the Authority of Christ, word for word. Imagine if this had been recorded by their pens and was still available to this day! There would be no possible cause of Division from that line. The records in the Gospels are there to confirm that, Jesus said that upon Peter's understanding that Jesus was the Christ, that the Church would be built. Yet we humans have a unique ways of making what is if God, try to fit into our own will and desires.

Islam had the same issue. Muhammad had appointed Ali verbally as His Successor, yet Ali was very young and on the death of Muhammad the older believers did not fulfil the request of Muhammad. The division of Sunnis and Shia happened immediately. That is another story, which is told in Revellation.

So Baha'u'llah had a written Covernant and appointed Abdul'baha and everything Abdul'baha gave us, is also of God. In turn Abdul'baha was given authority to appoint a successor, and Abdul'baha appointed Shoghi Effendi. All this is the continued line of Revelation from God.

Behind all this was the Authority for the appointment of the Hands of the Cause and for what is now known as the Universal House of Justice. This is a large topic, I will share a quote and a link to more from the Pen of Baha’u’llah.

"O ye Men of Justice! Be ye, in the realm of God, shepherds unto His sheep and guard them from the ravening wolves that have appeared in disguise, even as ye would guard your own sons. Thus exhorteth you the Counselor, the Faithful."
The Kitáb-i-Aqdas

That is from the book of Laws, more follow in the link.

Shoghi Effendi had no one to appoint, but this was foreseen in the Writings of Baha'u'llah, a time when there might be no Guardian. This takes a great deal of study. So I will leave it at that.

So in summary, the Universal House of Justice has full authority to administer the Faith and guide it into the future. There can be no more authorised interpretation of scripture, we must move forward on what we have, allow for individual thoughts, but contain that process in an embracing unity, of all humanity.

All the best Thomas. Regards Tony
I don't trust the Bahai claims, RJM. They used to tell about mass murders, genocide, daily executions and when I found out that it was untrue I stopped listening. That was fifty years ago, not last week.

The post which claimed friends being killed and executed daily which was later reduced to 'persecuted' and then we heard about Iran backing off this last fifteen years.

I do not trust Baha'i claims.....

The important thing here is that the Baha'i acknowledges that there is more than one group targeted, that is plain and simple. Yet I suspect this will constantly be neglected to be mentioned.

The official reports are available, the eyewitness reports are recorded by those people, the documents that are written to target the Baha'i are also available.

So no one would have told untruths OB, there is timelines on all those reports. One thing is for sure, Iran has a great future foretold, I see that in the future their research into the history will uncover much of the evidence.

Also the error that happened on this forum was cleared up and explained, so why did you continue with that? I had not said anything about that and would have not said anything, until now, as you did use it again as an error.

Regards Tony
Thus is the unique aspect of the Message given by Baha'u'llah Thomas. The Covernant was written by the Pen of the Messenger.

It is interesting, but not unique by a long shot.

The Sikhs had several generations of leaders whose scriptures are still available.

The Mormons. The Theosophists, Madame Blavatski. Aleister Crowley's handwriting of the text he claims to have received, is still available and indeed required to be present in every by faksimile in every authentic copy. Mary Baker Eddy. The founder of Dianetics and Scientology, wassisname, anyway, that guy's writings are being preserved by the faithful.

So, not unique at all.
Also the error that happened on this forum was cleared up and explained, so why did you continue with that?

If it really keeps happening, over decades and without signs of your religious group doing anything to address this internally and taking a public stand against this pattern of behavior among your co-religionists, then I can sympathize with Badger's insistence.
It is interesting, but not unique by a long shot.

The Sikhs had several generations of leaders whose scriptures are still available.

The Mormons. The Theosophists, Madame Blavatski. Aleister Crowley's handwriting of the text he claims to have received, is still available. Mary Baker Eddy. The founder of Dianetics and Scientology, wassisname, anyway, that guy's writings are being preserved by the faithful.

So, not unique at all.

I see you are just approaching the subject with a different frame of reference Cino. A topic that is an OP by itself.

Regards Tony
If it really keeps happening, over decades and without signs of your religious group doing anything to address this internally and taking a public stand against this pattern of behavior among your co-religionists, then I can sympathize with Badger's insistence.

That makes no sense. It has nothing to do what I was offering.

Regards Tony
To me this OP actually reflects this world as a whole.

The path to peace and unity will require that people search for justice and truth and change their attitudes to embrace peaceful thoughts and pursuits.

Instead of offering ways we can start to work together to bring about peace, we have responses that are trying to discredit efforts that have already been made to acheive a lasting peace.

So why visit this OP?

It appears that it is time to bring peace in silence, remove myself as a source of that conflict and let the world do what it will to each other.

Peace be with one and all. You have my Love, but also now my absence.

Regards Tony
To me this OP actually reflects this world as a whole.

The path to peace and unity will require that people search for justice and truth and change their attitudes to embrace peaceful thoughts and pursuits.

Instead of offering ways we can start to work together to bring about peace, we have responses that are trying to discredit efforts that have already been made to acheive a lasting peace.

So why visit this OP?

It appears that it is time to bring peace in silence, remove myself as a source of that conflict and let the world do what it will to each other.

Peace be with one and all. You have my Love, but also now my absence.

Regards Tony

One person states an opinion.

Another disagrees.

That is life and won't change.

Peace will only come thru discussion of harder topics than this.

If one can't do the discussion....there will be no peace by walking away.

My way or the highway makes for a lonely road.

(Says the guy rolling down the freeway toward the home he hasn't seen for over a month!)
One person states an opinion.

Another disagrees.

That is life and won't change.

Peace will only come thru discussion of harder topics than this.

If one can't do the discussion....there will be no peace by walking away.

My way or the highway makes for a lonely road.

(Says the guy rolling down the freeway toward the home he hasn't seen for over a month!)

This news clip is how it unfolds in this material world.

Iran, in Prophecy has a glorious future, after all it will be the first place of pilgrimage for the Baha'i who will want to visit and give thanks at all the places the heroes walked in history. It is foretold a time will come when events would unfold that would give the Baha'i the freedom to practice in Iran.

One has to watch this if they want to know what maybe 75% of Iran now wants in this regard.

Regards Tony