


I believe that reincarnation is a common thing in the spirit world; if there were no such thing then it would be pointless, if we only lived one “physical life”, from God’s point of view that would be pointless.

I believe that Earth (the physical realm) is just the same as any of the other spiritual realms in the afterlife; in terms of you must attain the level of spiritual growth enough to elevate to the next level (realm).

In the beginning there was only God (one realm), and in all his beauty and perfection he realised that he was too good of a treasure to never be known, to never be cherished, to never be loved.

So with this desire he created the multiple spiritual realms and one physical realm as we have come to know, but he still realised that with all this beauty, it needed to be seen and witnessed, so from that very moment, all of our spirits were created, as God involved himself and broke off into an “infinite” number of spirits each one with it’s on consciousness and identity.

God then gave these spirits (his children) the greatest gift of all, free will.

With this free will, each spirit then travelled to the realm that they most desired to go, with the hope that they would all reunite again with God, as these were his intentions, free will has ultimate power over any action, even God’s.

So you see, reincarnation is a very common thing in the afterlife, at pre creation we choose which life that we want to live that has been chosen very carefully by you and your spiritual guides that we most want, in order to learn something or many things, that will assist us in our spiritual growth and ultimately the transition to the next realm.

We choose our parents and the exact moment that we enter Earth.

I believe that when we die our spirit will take on the image of our previous physical form when re-entering the afterlife, and only then will you begin the transformation back to your real spirit self i.e. whatever you choose.

So if you died say as a baby, you would re-enter the spirit world as a spirit of a baby, from then on other spirits will take it upon themselves to nurture you back to your old self, as at the time of death you may not even remotely understand as to where you are because of your physical state when you died, even though you have spent most of your existence in the spirit world, it’s like this for every spirit.

As for recognising say your granddad when you die, how would you know which spirit was your granddad if everyone chooses his or her own spiritual projection? You would recognise him because he would project the image that you are familiar with and then back to his true self.

Reincarnation is essential to existence and for the journey back to the divine.

I believe that there are 4 lower realms below Earth, one physical realm (Earth) and 6 realms higher.

Everybody should remember that we were all part of the same spirit, the same consciousness, God.

The secret to this life might be just remembering the exact reasons we chose to live the life in the first place, but the secret to existence is... Well we’ll only know that when we pass to the 11th and final realm and become God, as we all once were.
Welcome, Ultimate.

That's a pretty comprehensive personal belief system you have described!

I am quite interested to know how you have come to these conclusions?
Dear Ultimate

Ultimate said:
Everybody should remember that we were all part of the same spirit, the same consciousness, God.The secret to this life might be just remembering the exact reasons we chose to live the life in the first place, but the secret to existence is... Well we’ll only know that when we pass to the 11th and final realm and become God, as we all once were.

Yes I agree with a 98% of your post so thank you for sharing.

I would add the secret of life is to:

1) we choose to come here because this is the only planet where we can feel every emotion and human life experience possible, to live in joy and celebration of all GOD's creations.

2) to choose to use our free will and align with divine will and total surrender to our GODselves and in doing so surrender to GOD. This also aids us to discover our soul purpose and reason for being on planet earth and what and how we can serve others by discovering our own divine plan chosen pre incarnation.

3) to experience overcoming life's obstacles and through integration raising our consciousness and purifying the soul so that our souls can fully merge with the spirit. Once this 5th initiation is achieved the wheel of karma is broken and one does not have a need to reincarnate unless one as a desire to do so.

4) The secret is in re-remembering which can also be called awakening so that we can 'be the light unto ourselves'. Also fascinating to hear people say the light switch as gone on, now I see what I was blind to in the past.

Planet earth is certainly a wonderful place when people take off their dark glasses and become the light that they are at their purest core essence, sharing their love with all sentient beings creating the Kingdom of Love. GOD's will to good compelled by love into compassionate action....the meaning of life.

blessings in abundance

The great writer, Milan Kundera, once said in an interview:
"The stupidity of people comes from having an answer to everything. The wisdom... comes from having a question for everything."

I cannot question someone's personal beliefs. They validate those deeply within themselves according to their affective nature and nurture.

But I can question (as usual, SacredStar! ;) lol) such statements that are obviously intended to be applicable to "all' when you say

"we choose to come here..."

How does that work then, my divine friend? :) (no sarcasm intended!)

I am here because of the conjoining of two human beings, a mother and father. One sperm, from many, managed to fertilise a randomly produced ovum. Where is the divine in that, OR more pertinent to what you said: How did "I" choose, when "I" didnot exist? ;)
Interesting theory. :) However,

Blue said:
The great writer, Milan Kundera, once said in an interview:
"The stupidity of people comes from having an answer to everything. The wisdom... comes from having a question for everything."
I have to agree with this statement. I don't think the answers are that complex-or simple-if that makes sense. People seem to leave no room for questioning when it comes to religion. My opinion is that questioning and challenging is what breathes life into faith.

Just my two cents worth.
Reincarnation is just what came out of necessity to support the philosophy of humans. If we really have free will, my free will is I am here on earth to suffer (even when we are rich and happy we still suffer because of material life) this will clean my mind of negativity, which will eventually turn into my soul and carry it on as myself in the next life, without having to re-enter as an other mind and body this life is the price we pay for are free will. And if it doesn't clean, I will pay the price in a dark place of the after life untill it does.
. My opinion is that questioning and challenging is what breathes life into faith.
Absolutely right, MirrorInTheFog.

"this will clean my mind of negativity, which will eventually turn into my soul and carry it on as myself in the next life"

If this was so, Postmaster, what were you before this life you can enjoy now?
Or do you mean, you have prepared yourself for a 'Heavenly' existence? It wasn't clear.

Is there really any evidence for re-incarnation? (In the lives(?) of a ~Dalai Lama perhaps?)
Dear Blue

Blue said:
But I can question (as usual, SacredStar! ;) lol) such statements that are obviously intended to be applicable to "all' when you say
"we choose to come here..." How does that work then, my divine friend? :) (no sarcasm intended!) I am here because of the conjoining of two human beings, a mother and father. One sperm, from many, managed to fertilise a randomly produced ovum. Where is the divine in that, OR more pertinent to what you said: How did "I" choose, when "I" did not exist? ;)

The awareness, experience and evidence of Christian Spiritualists around the world is that all souls exist beyond the body. The soul chooses its parents depending on the specific journey planned by the soul. We also know that the soul carries negative perceptions and memories from experience in previous incarnations and these can be healed.

Astrologers also know that the soul's journey is outlined in the north nodes of our birth charts. A very good book on this is called 'Astrology of the Soul' by Jan Spiller £8.99 from

Through our own experience as CS's we also know that the soul does different work during the night in other dimensional realities, so it is possible for the soul to leave the body yet remain connected to it. e.g. in operations sometimes it takes a long time for the soul to get back into the body hence why sometimes it is a long time for the person to wake up.

We also know that the soul can fragment and leave parts in other dimensional realities, the soul is very sensitive and fragile. If a person as ever felt lost, empty or numb this is a sign that there is some soul loss. A clinical psychologist explained that mental health have a similiar term to soul loss they call it dis-association. Of course this is nothing new shamans, medicine men, witch doctors have worked with retrieving parts of the soul for 1,000's of years.

I once did a soul retrieval session for a police officer and he had left part of his soul at a terrible car acccident this loss of soul was creating panic attacks.

Past Life healing work is fascinating we can learn so much including different perspectives on history.

Back to reincarnation in 2002 Archangel Michael said this:

"I speak with you as we approach a period in your time span when your reality is going through profound change. There is two sides of a coin and on each side there is a different view, it as been your viewpoint that it takes both to make up the whole. The two different realities that have been the foundation of polarity and yin and yang. The coin represents the karmic cycle of time the earth and its people rolling around in circles in never-ending rebirth through the law of karma.

The sword of truth can also be viewed to be negative and positive but the sword also has a point that a coin does not. You are coming to a cycle in your time, in your reality when you are coming to important realisations in respect of the whole point of creation and re-creation. I use the word re-creation to replace re-incarnation because you are re-creating yourselves during this existence. There can and is a rebirth happening right now before your very eyes. Your vision is changing globally and individually many of you can now see the colour of the energy and many more things besides. You will look back at this time in history and recognise that it was the most important transition that humanity completed in the history of time."

Love beyond measure

Dear PM

Postmaster said:
Reincarnation is just what came out of necessity to support the philosophy of humans. If we really have free will, my free will is I am here on earth to suffer (even when we are rich and happy we still suffer because of material life) this will clean my mind of negativity, which will eventually turn into my soul and carry it on as myself in the next life, without having to re-enter as an other mind and body this life is the price we pay for are free will. And if it doesn't clean, I will pay the price in a dark place of the after life untill it does.

May I offer you a different perspective, suffering as a reason for being and can be chosen pre-incarnation we only gain from the suffering if we learn what it means and what it is trying to show us about the self that we need to heal MB&S. But some do not learn from their pain and suffering so come back and do it all again. Many that are rich have chosen this particular journey, their test this lifetime is the test of the Samaritan will they use their free will to use their good fortune to help others, will they share all that they have? Or do they choose to hold the money close and invest in self? Many are not aware this is part of their reason for being. Charity is the most important spiritual virtue and was originally requested by Melchizedek the High Priest with no beginning or end. I wrote a small piece on this so will start another thread so that we can share more on this.

Some souls incarnate with nothing to heal, they are just pure love and light and are here to hold the planet in balance with their higher state of being of consciousness. In the spiritual field some of these people are called 'Starseeds'. Many are now being called to action in this lifetime, the ones that I have met in their 50's seem to have ecological missions to begin the building of the eco communities.

Blessings in abundance

OR more pertinent to what you said: How did "I" choose, when "I" didnot exist?
Who exactly are you? New skin every 30 days, new bones as the little 'plasts destroy and rebuild, new cells for you liver, heart, veins and brain...everything what of you was of you 10 years ago, who will be you 20 years from now...just sperm and egg are we?

Funny how when we add some personal responsibility for creating/choosing our life and take away blame and genetics...most don't appreciate that.
Reincarnation is just what came out of necessity to support the philosophy of humans.
You mean that philosophy called the bible? or other philosophies or all philosophies. There are a number of reincarnation references in the bible and it was a popular christian concept until relatively recently.

I think it is sort of like our parent's telling us we can't have any new toys till we take care of the ones we have. Well we were given this nice big blue ball, and this body, and these wonderful cohabitants on our ball...and Jesus sort of told us we need to love the cohabitants and our body...and it just makes plane good sense to take care of our ball. If we don't our all forgiving (70x7) all loving father will keep sending us back till we get it figured out. Can't you just imagine the toys in the next playrealm?

Blue said:
The great writer, Milan Kundera, once said in an interview:
"The stupidity of people comes from having an answer to everything. The wisdom... comes from having a question for everything."
There is only One answer to everything, and only One question for everything.
answer is God, and question is " who is God ? "
According to Kundera, there is no stupid Man on Planet, which I happend to agree, and, there is no wise Man, which is assonide.
I don't know Him as a writer, but He Sucks big Time as a Philosopher.
wil said:
Who exactly are you? New skin every 30 days, new bones as the little 'plasts destroy and rebuild, new cells for you liver, heart, veins and brain...everything what of you was of you 10 years ago, who will be you 20 years from now...just sperm and egg are we?

I doubt that any Snake is able to give you an answer to that ground braking atempt to communicate with Reptile. :eek:
wil said:
Who exactly are you? New skin every 30 days, new bones as the little 'plasts destroy and rebuild, new cells for you liver, heart, veins and brain...everything what of you was of you 10 years ago, who will be you 20 years from now...just sperm and egg are we?
Well, I'm with you, wil ... and I think your point is that there's much more to human (or any) life than "skin & bones." There is a spirit that animates this flesh, although as we reach toward Spirit we find that it's like peeling an onion. There is layer upon layer - and perhaps the goal is to know a True Self that is even beyond (or deeper than) the part that reincarnates (`Soul'). At least, that's the way I see it. ;)

For serious study, one could always consult the research of folks like Ian Stevenson, especially Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. And indeed, yes, those familiar with the methods used to determine rebirths of the Dalai Lama might also be aware - that these same methods are used to determine rebirths of dozens upon dozens of high lamas, or rinpoches. Unfortunately, after the Chinese invasion and takeover of the Tibetan people, their government, and their religion ... we will have to learn more about these Tulkus (reincarnations) from the monks in exile - and from rescued spiritual texts, plus oral tradition. However, I think that should suffice.

Those interested in this phenomena might enjoy the movie `Little Buddha,' in which a Western candidate for Tulku (Jesse) is considered alongside two Eastern candidates - Raju, and a girl in India. This is also one of my favorite movies because of the simple telling of the story of the Buddha Shakyamuni's enlightenment (as Siddhartha Gautama), beautifully portrayed by Keanu Reeves (!), imho. The special effects are awesome, as Keanu defeats Mara beneath the Bo Tree. But the real point is ... that Tulkus can appear anywhere in the world - not just in Tibet, or the East.

Besides, there are plenty of folks who have found direct insight into previous incarnations (I remember 7 of mine), although I think this is somewhat rare, despite all the interest generated by `New Age' philosophy. An Arhat (advanced Initiate), by definition, has bridged his or her consciousness not only with the astral world (wherein out-of-body and near-death experiences - OOBEs/NDEs - take place), but also between all former human incarnations. Don't believe it? Just ask one! :p (No really ...)

A perfect Buddha (far, far in advance of an Arhat) is supposed to have potential insight into anyone's previous lives - as well as enough future insight to glimpse likelihoods (an important distinction from `the future') for many thousands of years ahead. Thus one Buddha can foresee the next, and many such stories arise concerning Shakyamuni's predictions, as well as Kashyapa's before him. As the Eastern Masters, or Mahatmas, have suggested ... it is particularly unpleasant to poke around in the akash looking at former incarnations - since, certainly, our rather long record of transgressions (sins) against each other, against other kingdoms in Nature, and against Spirit/God ... is almost without end!

But in order to prove beyond all question that some notions regarding rebirth are utterly false (no matter what the source) ... many, many Messengers have either shared their own experiences learning about previous lives (vide The Wheel of Rebirth by Janet Ailsa Mills/aka H.K. Challoner), or have sacrificed much to correct the many spurious teachings still popular. Examples of false doctrines include the notion of transmigration of souls, which suggests that there can be retrogression in incarnations. This comes about by including the notion of punishment (hmm, an angry, wrathful `god' - sound familiar?) in the teaching of rebirth. Another false idea, whose inclusion makes the teaching on rebirth unpalatable, is the idea of a literally endless cycle. Were this the case, we would be right to reject the teaching, for this is a very offensive notion given the acceptance of a Loving, benevolent and forgiving "God."

The accepted teaching of the East (for many, many millions of years), notwithstanding recent innovations attributed to either Buddha Shakyamuni or some particular Hindu reformer or saint ... has always been that Deity is like unto a steady, burning Flame - or from our lowly perspective, a brilliant blaze of Glory that ever illuminates the otherwise unbearable darkness of night. During the DAY of manifestation (or manvantara), there are a finite number of jivas sent forth (as Sparks within the Flame, the true Prodigal Sons) to populate all Kingdoms of nature - Humanity being but one of these, and not the highest. Experiences are garnered in all kingdoms as the jiva makes its trek - over vast aeons of time ... passing from mineral to plant, tree to animal, human to Solar Angel, and beyond.

The human experience is but a gradual learning of the basic laws of nature and their eventual Mastery. We cast off ignorance, superstition, pride, cruelty & greed, replacing these with wisdom, love, humility, and joyful cooperation with Divine Will. Thus the key is given and the final portal opened to the very beginning of our Cosmic evolution, and this, some have called `Heaven.' How can we be prepared to labor in ceaseless, infinite Joy, with forces that literally create (& destory) worlds ... if we have not yet attained self-Mastery? For this - the saving of the Race - have Messengers gone forth (and if I write in this style, it is because I cherish the Teachers - and their teachings). But of course, books and ideas otherwise invaluable for our salvation and betterment ... are useless as ornamentation, and powerless as only so much "armchair philosophy."

This planet has been saved - literally - from destruction no less than twice (perhaps more times than that) in just over 100 years. A World Teacher does exist, and this Teacher will raise the banner of Truth and Love for the New World - showing us the way to build a sustainable world civilization and culture ... which we have yet to even approximate ... but only if we can prepare the Way for Him (or Her, as we might say in recognizing the Mother of the World). The first requirement is Peace among nations. Are we doing well? :(

As Ozzy put it 35 years ago (Master of Reality, `Children of the Grave'):
Children of tomorrow live in the tears that fall today
Will the sun rise of tomorrow bring peace in any way?
Must the world live in the shadow of atomic fear?
Can they win the fight for peace or will they disappear? Yeah!
You ask what doctrine all this is (?). Consider: Nasti paro dharma. There is no religion higher than Truth. Whose truth - God's truth!?! Ah, yes, Pilate's question. And the confusion, ignorance & superstition that (still) prevails ever since. Has any of us solved the mysteries of the Universe by presenting some particular idea here & there? lol I think not. I mean, c'mon, if the ball of fire we call Sol is but the outer layer of the garment of Him Whom we call `G-d' ... then look! Most folks don't even recognize this fact! We have come to even deride those (so-called `sun-worshippers') who still preserve this ancient truth, calling them simpletons. Meanwhile, those who can see, see - and those who know, know. Now consider another quote, of Voltaire's (since many do not recognize G-d when they see the sun):
"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him."
Indeed, we have. May we learn to serve the true G-d with perfect Love for one another ... rather than with vain repetitions, and perfect examples (in whatever garb) of hypocrisy.
