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Hello, this is my first post and my first day on Interfaith. I sort of consider myself Christian, but I am seeking... I don't align with the part of Christianity that says if you don't believe that Jesus is the son of God and sent to save each person individually, you do not go to Heaven. I just can't believe that... so I think that makes it hard to fit in with other Christians. Maybe it means I'm not really Christian. I don't know. I also don't think I believe in the virgin birth. And the behaviors and beliefs I've seen in the Christian church I've attended... well, suffice it to say that none of it resonates with me or makes me feel like these people are following who they say they are.

So that leaves me floundering. I miss the fellowship and ritual of church, so I've joined this forum to see if I might be able to find an IRL community that's a better fit, as well as meet those who are on a similar journey.
Hello, and welcome :D

I sort of consider myself Christian, but I am seeking...
I was raised as a Christian .. I discovered Islam 45 years ago,
and consider myself to be a Muslim .. but I haven't forgotten my roots.
I still believe in Jesus. :)

I also don't think I believe in the virgin birth..
Oh, I do..

And the behaviors and beliefs I've seen in the Christian church I've attended... well, suffice it to say that none of it resonates with me or makes me feel like these people are following who they say they are..
I know what you mean, but in my experience, there is no perfect community..
It's better to look at ourselves, and see our own faults, rather than thinking about others.

I miss the fellowship and ritual of church, so I've joined this forum to see if I might be able to find an IRL community..
I hope our forum does not disappoint you .. we are only human, after all ;)
Welcome to the forums, and thanks for the intro, @michellek !

I hope you will find this place as rewarding as I do.

Oh, and happy holidays to you.
Hi Michelle and welcome to the forum.

I am in the same position as you, as I left Christianity many years ago when I found it didn't work for me any more.

Have you taken a look at other religious traditions? Which ones have you looked at?
My result was

Orthodox Judaism​

Does that mean I answered questions incorrectly, or does it show how close Judaism and Islam actually are? :)
That was your top I take it? What percentage belief was that? And what were the next 5, but the answer I'd yes, the Abrahamic religions are not far apart.

In correctly? Maybe according to Islam, but not according to Judaism
The quiz pegged me as a secular humanist.

I do like to engage in goofy postmodernist occultism, which I think lies outside the strict domain of secular humanism.
Me thinks any quiz may have issues with you! (Jk)

Me also thinks any quiz will have issues deciphering many of us. I look at it as a tool, mostly to see how close I am to other beliefs, but I just took the thing again, they have changed their format and it looks like I will no longer recommend folks check that out!
We're just fooling around, @michellek. No-one is required to take any quizzes or disclose any results.

May I ask, are you drawn more to the sense of community and shared values, or are you searching for a theology or world-view that resonates with you?
I have been to a few quaker meetings (because of the quiz!) and we have had quakers too!

They take stands, politically, environmentally, the meeting I have attended are quite different than conventional sermons or call and response ceremonies....sitting in silence, in prayer till compelled to stand up and say something to everybody

Funny, my other high note above new thought on the responses was Mahayana Buddhism and I have never looked seriously into that! Idk why, or maybe I don't wanna know!
Hi Michellek – welcome aboard!

I like this quote from Br David Steindl-Rast:

The religions start from mysticism. There is no other way to start a religion. But, I compare this to a volcano that gushes forth ...and then ...the magma flows down the sides of the mountain and cools off. And when it reaches the bottom, it's just rocks. You'd never guess that there was fire in it. So after a couple of hundred years, or two thousand years or more, what was once alive is dead rock. Doctrine becomes doctrinaire. Morals become moralistic. Ritual becomes ritualistic. What do we do with it? We have to push through this crust and go to the fire that's within it.
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:) Thomas, that happens with 'Ahle-kitab' (those who have A book). Those which do not have A book keep on changing with times, alwaysw dynamic.