Sex and Religion...

Hare Krishna

Hare are some jewels of wisdom about sex and spirituality.

1) "When one becomes detestful to sex life, that is the beginning of spiritual life. That is the beginning of spiritual life."

2) Don't (play) or dally with the opposite sex, (even if it is your service to deal with them, try to minimize it) . Rupa Goswami says - Pure devotees don't waste their time, they always are cautious to make sure they are always engaged positively in service of God.

3) If one is determined not to indulge unnecessarily in sex, he can automatically conquer lusty desires and quickly progress toward love of God. The example given in this regard is that even if one is hungry, if on a particular day he is determined to observe fasting, he can naturally conquer the disturbances of hunger and thirst. If one is determined not to be envious of anyone, he can naturally conquer anger. Similarly, one can give up the desire to accumulate wealth simply by considering how difficult it is to protect the money in one's possession. If one keeps a large amount of cash with him, he is always anxious about keeping it properly. Thus if one discusses the disadvantages of accumulating wealth, he can naturally give up business without difficulty.

I personally believe that being 'gay' or homosexual/bisexual is largely socially influenced that becomes a psychological issue. However, I do not know much about the biology of homosexuals/bisexuals (brain stuff) in order to totally support my belief with a scientific proof.

But, there is one distinction that should be made between being disabled and being homosexual. Allah Almighty tells us in the Bible and the Qur'an that homosexuallity is detestable to Him and deserves punishment. Being disabled does not follow with a punishment, unless the disabled person perhaps does something against the commandments of God Almighty.

To me, it sounds that from the Holy Books the homosexuality is rather perceived as a conscious choice/path one chooses, just like one may choose to commit murder when it is against God's Law.

Each of us is part of our societies. Our parents and people around us play big part about how we might turn out to be. There are people who are homosexuals with a sexual abuse in their past. A lesbian woman may desire to be in a role of a man socially, and may desire to enjoy something from her own sex that she may perceive that she lacks? I don't know. Parents may influence their children's thinking if they express desire to give birth to a child of a certain sex. Some psychologists say that 'homosexual' tendencies and thoughts of perceiving oneself/desiring to be of the opposite sex are fairly common in young children under the age of 6 or 7. They say that during those years the children are usually closer to their friends of the same sex. Whether they start immitating adults by approching the friends in certain ways that make them develop homosexual tendencies might be possible. I don't know. But I think to label homosexuality as something similar to disability must be first proven with science to have biological roots. I am interested in psychology so :) if anyone has anything on this topic, let me know :)
Hare Krishna

I don't know much about this phenomena you are interested, but to be lesbian or a gay is explained to be because of the unfortunate combination of a mindset and body, namely one can have a body of a woman and have a mindset of a man or have a body of a man but have a mindset of a woman. Ultimately we are not this body and mind but the soul. This have to be strongly realized by some spiritual process. We Hare Krishna devotees do that by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. (I am not saying that all the Hare Krishna devotees are having mixed nature). Anyway, if you like to read about this subject matter here is one interesting link