The Fundamentals Of Christianity

With all due respect to our boards moderator I believe I need to post the reason for this thread.. Since being a member of CR I have felt that my beliefs have been attacked in a manner that I am beginning to find disrespectful and since noone was doing anything about it I took it upon myself to start a thread listing the fundamentalist beliefs.. I am non-denominational I however believe every single one of the things that are listed at the start of the thread. If I seemed to have "attacked" anyone it is because I have felt an intolerance on a board that is based on religious tolerance. No.. we do not all believe the same things and I have not shoved my beliefs down anyones throat I have tried to discuss my beliefs with others in a respectful manner and not put my opinions in a negative way until I felt that I was not receiving the same respect. If that is a problem then I apologize but I believe a point needed to be made... and amazingly enough I dont believe the point was even gotten!!

Kindest Regards Faithfulservant, Bandit, didymus, Sacredstar and anybody else I may have overlooked!
Faithfulservant said:
Since being a member of CR I have felt that my beliefs have been attacked in a manner that I am beginning to find disrespectful and since noone was doing anything about it I took it upon myself to start a thread listing the fundamentalist beliefs..
Duly noted.

If I seemed to have "attacked" anyone it is because I have felt an intolerance on a board that is based on religious tolerance. No.. we do not all believe the same things and I have not shoved my beliefs down anyones throat I have tried to discuss my beliefs with others in a respectful manner and not put my opinions in a negative way until I felt that I was not receiving the same respect.
Very good. This is the way it should be, but not all people have learned to be respectfully tolerant, including others who will come to you with questions about your beliefs. Quite frankly, I saw nothing particularly "attacking" about the posts from didymus or Star, they were simply rebutting your position. You stood a banner, called a rally for your troops, and then cried foul when someone attacked. Think about that, you actually laid out a dare, whether or not you realize it.

Now, I want to be VERY clear. The *ONLY* reason I interjected when I did was to calm down the heating rhetoric. I chimed in only when it seemed Bandit was about to lose his cool. My warning was to all concerned, not just Bandit. I did not chime in because I disagree with anybody, I do not work that way. I would hope you have known me long enough to realize that, and I am somewhat surprized and dismayed any of you would even suggest such a thing. If you will look, that post of mine was not addressed to anyone specific, there is not even a salutation. In short, it was to everybody, and it was meant to nip things in the bud! I will not accept flame wars, if you wish to begin playing those games, I highly recommend going somewhere that intolerance is the rule. If you have been around here long enough, or read through the old threads, including the one on "Fundamentalist Christianity", you would see that I do not suffer intolerance well, against anybody, from anybody.

However, what I have seen here is an attempt at intelligent, if not altogether polite, discussion of the fundamentals that certain Christians hold to. Quite frankly, I saw no intended belligerence, and it was only when the conversation began to degrade to that point that I chimed in. If my goal was to end this conversation, I would have done so much sooner. But, believe it or not, I respect where you are coming from. I was there once too. After much learning, and prayer, and appeals to God for understanding and wisdom, over many years, have I come to where I am now. And I still question me.

This is Brian's house. We are guests. The only thing Brian has asked is that we respect each other. Look at the Code of Conduct if you need to refresh your memory. I do not think that is much to ask of a guest.

Long ago I heard it said that a man only resorts to cursing and violence to make his point when he has nothing more intelligent to say. Of course, intellect will not get a person to heaven, a caring heart that puts love into action does. But intellect can also mislead a caring heart. And the only way to respectfully deal with intellect is with other or more intellect.

As for threads getting off topic, sometimes that happens. There are no real issues in the world at large that do not affect, or are affected by, other issues. That is the nature of reality. I wish I could remember where, but one of my favorites here was when a number of us argued over what kind of cheese the moon was made of, and mutual calling of each other "heretics" because of our disagreements! :D It was all in good fun and well worth the laugh, but definitely not on topic.

Because this is a place for interfaith dialogue, one cannot expect to post something and not have it questioned. Keep in mind, anything posted should always be considered an invitation to everybody. There is no privacy, favoritism or discrimination here, or at least there should not be. I would ask, if we cannot get along as Christians amongst each other, how will we respond when we are questioned over the exact same issues by a Jew or Muslim? Or a Hindu or Jain or Buddhist? Or Pagan? Or Agnostic or Atheist? Is our natural response to dismiss, denounce, ignore and belittle? How can intolerance be interpreted as shining our light? Isn't intolerance more like hiding our light under a basket?

Look, I think very highly of the lot of you. You have all been really good sports. I think that once we calm down and come back with fresher heads and a new perspective, we can actually learn from this experience. At least, that is my hope and prayer. :)

P.S., for Bandit: Dogma is not a dirty word...:)
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hmm.....GOD at work here I feel asking those that feel a negative emotion to recognise the core issue and seek out the root cause.....within.

Glory be to GOD in the evidence of our experience.

For when we are whole it matters not what anyone else says we do not take it personally, when we are healed outside influences do not trigger anything negative from within.

Pure light emanates pure light so maybe it is time to address the grey areas.

"The more the dark shadows draw close to you the larger your Christ light becomes".

Love beyond measure

Its not easy walking between the worlds Ciel but I have a good teacher in Jesus Christ.

Truly blessed !

being love

I suppose to one that has not followed dialogue between certain individuals you would not see the culmination of attacks and disrespect so my err was scolding someone on one thread when its been many threads that have caused it. That of course creates confusion to the people that are just reading a thread called The Fundamentals of Christianity. I could have titled the thread called Why should we be tolerant of Christian Fundamentalists.. OR Not all Christian Fundamentalists are hypocrites and Warmongers... But I didnt. Thank you for all your patience.. Juantoo3 and once again my apologies to people that dont know what the heck is going on.
Kindest Regards, Faithfulservant!
Faithfulservant said:
I suppose to one that has not followed dialogue between certain individuals you would not see the culmination of attacks and disrespect so my err was scolding someone on one thread when its been many threads that have caused it. That of course creates confusion to the people that are just reading a thread called The Fundamentals of Christianity. I could have titled the thread called Why should we be tolerant of Christian Fundamentalists.. OR Not all Christian Fundamentalists are hypocrites and Warmongers... But I didnt. Thank you for all your patience.. Juantoo3 and once again my apologies to people that dont know what the heck is going on.
You are right, I did not catch the gist from elsewhere. But I have seen it before, so I do understand a little about your frustration. I guess in the spirit of "be kind to your enemies...", I expect more from Christians. I am being a little biased, but I think it is important for us as Christians to set the example, to lead the way as it were.

I had a thought. It may not work, but if you and the rest are up to it here is my suggestion:

Perhaps we could explore others' perceptions, good and bad, of Christians and Christianity.

Let me explain. Do you remember the Serenity prayer? I think it is attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, but that is unimportant here and now. As I recall, it goes something like: "Lord, let me accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." It is in this spirit I would like to see this discussion continued. Of course, that is up to you. ;)

For example, I see a lot of people automatically assume that Christians are fundamentalists, and by that they mean closed-minded and not open to other points of view. To which you have seen me many times state that Christians are not the only ones capable of this type of thinking. This represents acceptance, to a degree, but based on the individual, not the Christian faith in its entirety. And by being able to communicate with those who disagree with you, always respectfully regardless (unless the disrespect aimed at you is blatant), demonstrates in a real way courage to change the things that can be changed, either you, them or both. And the whole exercise is an example of the wisdom to know the difference.

Many people from all walks of life have had bad experiences with Christians and Christianity. So, to a degree some inappropriate attitude is expected. However, and this is mainly directed to other participants who might view this as an opportunity to be disrespectful, those experiences are undoubtedly from limited exposure to unwise individuals who do not represent the truth and beauty found in our faith.

I might add, it is not altogether helpful to simply list Bible verses to support your position. It would be a great help to others who might not be familiar with the Bible and Christianity if you also included a context, what the verse(s) mean applied to the situation, and your personal interpretation of what it all means.

You and Bandit both, and I could name several others here, have been generally great sports, and it is difficult to put up with intolerant behavior from equally unwise individuals of other faiths who likewise do not represent their faiths. My goal and intent is to establish a tolerant and respectful dialogue between faiths. Acceptance is not mandatory, that is not even a consideration. But being able to disagree in a respectful manner is.

I expect some difficulty from time to time, but I am certain you are capable of handling it, if you are up to the task. Should you choose to accept, I hope that God will guide the endeavor. :)

As a moderator, I feel it is only right if I play spectator and referee, rather than participant, although I might add two cents from time to time. I want you to know though, that I will be away soon for a short time, and will not be able to participate directly at all. Brian is aware, and I am certain he has made other arrangements.

Best of wishes to you, and God bless.

Point taken Juantoo.. Im aware of the prejudiceness of the world in regards to Christianity and I usually am successful in letting it blow over me.. You will however notice that when I feel attacked or I feel unsure of how to get my point across I will use scriptures as my defense because its truly what I believe and its truly how I feel. My faith defines who I am and the Word is the tool that I use to define that faith. My reasoning is biblical.. and I hold by it.. So when you see me or other people like me do this its simply because its better to say it that way then what our human nature wants to say which is usually a lot more negative.

Please return quickly to us and I appreciate your gentleness in your moderation.

Frustration is created by impatience, so let us pray for more patience and love so that we may meet on the bridge of peace instead of people feeling they need to fight a corner in armour. For GOD is our heart, mind and spirit and GOD's love needs no defence.

Out of the darkness comes the light, the more the dark shadows draw close to you the larger your Christ light becomes.

Dear Juantoo

As far as I am aware this prayer as not been confirmed to be from St Francis although I must admit it does feel like him. I posted his full prayer about understanding.

"Lord, let me accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Anon

Love beyond measure

Sorry for bumping this but I thought it a necessary balance for the anti fundamentalist thread and this was a great discussion at the time.. maybe we can add more to it.. Thanks FS
oh i remember this. back when i first joined here.

i do not have good memories of this place from that time.
Why Bandit I kinda miss ole SS!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

And I mean that in all honesty some of the post that made me dig the deepest and think the most involved SS.
Faithfulservant said:
I felt compelled to post this topic because I wanted to point out that in any religion there are always extremes.. Reading the following list that forms the basics for Fundamentalism in Christianity.. I fall under this catergory. I believe each and every single one of these things without a shadow of a doubt. I have seen some bashing and stereotyping of Fundamentalist Christians on this board and I would like to ask for a bit more tolerance that I have come to expect from this site. I am curious as to how many people that participate on this forum believe these things and could be considered Fundamentalists.

The five "fundamentals" of Christian belief that were enumerated in a series of 12 paperback volumes containing scholarly essays on the Bible that appeared between 1910 and 1915, entitled The Fundamentals. Those included:
  1. Biblical inerrancy
  2. The divinity of Jesus
  3. The Virgin Birth
  4. The belief that Jesus died to redeem humankind
  5. An expectation of the Second Coming, or physical return, of Jesus Christ to initiate his thousand-year rule of the Earth, which came to be known as the Millennium.
Again Faithful Servant I see this as informative...Whether it is the exact definition of what is Fundamentalist, I can't say. The thread itself determines that the Christians here had a variety of issues with these five tenents. If it is what it means to be fundamentalist...proves that I am not one.