Faithfulservant said:
I felt compelled to post this topic because I wanted to point out that in any religion there are always extremes.. Reading the following list that forms the basics for Fundamentalism in Christianity.. I fall under this catergory. I believe each and every single one of these things without a shadow of a doubt. I have seen some bashing and stereotyping of Fundamentalist Christians on this board and I would like to ask for a bit more tolerance that I have come to expect from this site. I am curious as to how many people that participate on this forum believe these things and could be considered Fundamentalists.
The five "fundamentals" of Christian belief that were enumerated in a series of 12 paperback volumes containing scholarly essays on the Bible that appeared between 1910 and 1915, entitled The Fundamentals. Those included:
- Biblical inerrancy
- The divinity of Jesus
- The Virgin Birth
- The belief that Jesus died to redeem humankind
- An expectation of the Second Coming, or physical return, of Jesus Christ to initiate his thousand-year rule of the Earth, which came to be known as the Millennium.
Hello Faithful and Bandit,
I don't know about #1., for alot of reasons (that would take all the band width of this forum to express). Bottom line I guess is that the Bible was written by man, not directly by God...not like the 10 commandments given to Moses, see what I'm getting at? God never told man to write the Bible either. He did tell certain people to "write these things you see down", but He never said, "collect all, bind it and call it the Book of God". Nor did God appoint certain "scholars" to get together and decide what went into this great book and what did not. Nor did God warn man not to take nor add to the "Bible", for fear of did that.
When I was a child, I thought the Bible was "written by the hand of GOD" directly. That was how I was brought up. Then as a teen, I found out the the Latin Vulgate that I'd grown up with was not the same as the King James, or the NIV, or a whole slew of other "Bibles". And there were things added, and taken out of all of them...where was the hand of GOD, punishing these people for messing with His word? Answer, maybe He didn't hand write the Bible. Maybe particular interest groups put certain warnings in to keep the masses in line and UNDER THEIR CONTROL...not God's.
So, in short, I love the book and what it teaches about man, but I'm not certain of it's "inerrancy", as to literalness.
#2 I can't explain it, and maybe that is the way it should be, but I too have been around this world, and at home. I've seen and done things, that nobody could fully appreciate,
nor might fully appreciate... (unless they lived my life...same goes for me living anothers...), but I "KNOW" Jesus is it. Those that question this, will never understand unless they receive enlightenment from Him. Those that understand this have already been touched by Him. Some of us asked for it, and some of us didn't - but got it anyway (I call them the reluctant warriors). And some, were born knowing this "truth". Them folk are truly blessed.
#3 That is an easy one. Virgin births take place even today from time to time. However, the "child" is always a female with identical DNA to the mother, a natural "clone" if you will. The miracle here is that Jesus was a male born of a virgin. That requires "faith".
#4 Once I dreamt I was there when it happened...I believe.
#5 I don't think Jesus ever broke his word to date. So, this one is only a matter of time (which is probably good for mankind, or some of them still riding the fence).
Now, you might ask how I could believe in 2 through 5 if I have doubts about 1?
#1 is a book, the rest is an act of faith...
Hey, who cares? Sailors ain't supposed to know how to read anyway...