Your belief

I seem to remember that it comes from mass.
Yes mass determines it, but still does not tell us what makes it. Spin a normal ball and put paint on it, I don't care how big the ball is, the paint will fly off of the mass, not be drawn to it. And it doesn't seem to matter what the mass is made of, the sun is suppose to be all gas, and yet it has gravity. It's OK, the greatest minds in the world can't explain it either. It's a God thing.
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The Church of England is Anglican Protestant but functions more like a Roman Catholic church which it broke apart from.
I think I know what you mean .. but what is wrong with identifying with the Catholic church?
..are they not "true Christians", either?
That might well be true .. but there is nothing to say that somehow, your "functioning" might not
be transferred to another shell.

To me, this is not convincing. There is nothing to say I won't wake up tomorrow as a giant beetle, either. But I don't find that a likely scenario, either.

I guess we have very different things we want to see in a belief we each would hold.
I'm not saying you should hold this as superior or more valid than religious, revealed Truth, just that I think it is arrived at very differently, and that I don't think it is valid to gloss over these differences.
All I am trying to state is that there is truth even when it comes to religion (I so dislike that word). I have been dealing with this for the last 39 years. Do I believe the Bible to be truth expounded to mankind from God. I have lived two different lives, the life before the Bible and God and the life after the Bible and God. I found every answer to life in the pages of the Bible. I had lived 35 years without this. It opened my eyes to truth. Yes, this is my story. If I am wrong, I just die like everyone else and rot in the dirt. But if I am correct in believing the Bible, then life just gets so much better after this world. Seems like a simple answer to me. Wait, there is a book called Pascal's Wager written by Blase Pascal, interesting concept. Every religion says that man (or women) (man meaning mankind) can be good enough to please God and be with Him one day, only Christianity says that mankind can do nothing to please God.
Yes mass determines it, but still does not tell us what makes it. Spin a normal ball and put paint on it, I don't care how big the ball is, the paint will fly off of the mass, not be drawn to it. And it doesn't seem to matter what the mass is made of, the sun is suppose to be all gas, and yet it has gravity. It's OK, the greatest minds in the world can't explain it either. It's a God thing.

Oh, the paint and the ball attract each other all right. It's just not a very strong attraction, with such small masses.

Mass is not "made of" anything like gas or paint. Rather, mass is a property of the atoms making up the gas or the paint.

You may want to refresh your understanding of physics before you go further in this direction.
I am not sure how you can believe that your parents were Christians, sorry. Going to church three or four times a year doesn't make anyone a Christian. A true Christian does not stay away from other believers. I am not trying to insult you, just trying to clarify Christianity. Christianity died long ago in Europe, just look at all the empty Churches. The Church of England is Anglican Protestant but functions more like a Roman Catholic church which it broke apart from.
No offence. Going to church just for "hatches, matches and dispatches" is I think typical in this country for many people who self-identify as Christian. They probably haven't read anything from the Bible since they left high school. When asked about their religious beliefs on the national census, or on a form, they will without hesitation tick the box "Christian."
I think I know what you mean .. but what is wrong with identifying with the Catholic church?
..are they not "true Christians", either?
The Catholic church has a lot of problems, including a Pope. It's also a works based religion, which Martin Luther just about lost his life over. I don't know who is or is not a "Christian". I prefer using Christ follower. There could be some Christians in the Catholic Church, but I don't know how they could stay there once they understood the Bible. The Church that Christ brought about was never meant to be an institution, each believer is the Church. Each believer has a personal relationship with God and needs no one to "intercede" for them. We have direct access to God through Jesus.
All I am trying to state is that there is truth even when it comes to religion (I so dislike that word). I have been dealing with this for the last 39 years. Do I believe the Bible to be truth expounded to mankind from God. I have lived two different lives, the life before the Bible and God and the life after the Bible and God. I found every answer to life in the pages of the Bible. I had lived 35 years without this. It opened my eyes to truth. Yes, this is my story. If I am wrong, I just die like everyone else and rot in the dirt. But if I am correct in believing the Bible, then life just gets so much better after this world. Seems like a simple answer to me. Wait, there is a book called Pascal's Wager written by Blase Pascal, interesting concept. Every religion says that man (or women) (man meaning mankind) can be good enough to please God and be with Him one day, only Christianity says that mankind can do nothing to please God.

That's great, and I am truly happy for you to have seen your Truth.

Let me clarify that I'm not questioning your beliefs or trying to shake your faith.

I was really just asking what you think it was that Jesus said to Pilate, what he testified to Pilate, which is obviously not recorded in that passage you quoted. It sounded to me like you knew what it was, because you wrote that people who were like Pilate do not like it.

I think it can't have been the bit about kingship over Judea, since Pilate didn't seem too bothered trying to establish whether it was true. So what was the Truth they may have discussed, and which left Pilate wondering?
You may want to refresh your understanding of physics before you go further in this direction.
Never took physics. Still, can you stand on gas, don't think so or that means I should be able to walk on helium. "The Sun is a huge ball of hydrogen and helium held together by its own gravity." From a NASA site. Yes, everything is made up of atoms except space, which is void. Mass still does not explain how the "mass" creates gravity. I read one article that states that gravity comes from "gravitons".
Here is a little bit of physics for you; "graviton, postulated quantum that is thought to be the carrier of the gravitational field. It is analogous to the well-established photon of the electromagnetic field. Gravitons, like photons, would be massless, electrically uncharged particles traveling at the speed of light. Since gravitons would apparently be identical to their antiparticles, the notion of antigravity is questionable. Gravitons have not been directly observed; as of 2016, observations of weak lensing of distant galaxies have placed the tightest bound on the graviton’s mass as being less than 6 × 10−32 electron volts." from
I may not be very educated, but I am well studied. I have been playing with the gravity issue for years.
Let me clarify that I'm not questioning your beliefs or trying to shake your faith.
Don't think that, I desire and like to be challenged. I go back, reread, restudy and so forth. This is a matter of great importance to me. BTW, I lived in Germany for a year and a half, really liked the German people.
I was really just asking what you think it was that Jesus said to Pilate, what he testified to Pilate, which is obviously not recorded in that passage you quoted. It sounded to me like you knew what it was, because you wrote that people who were like Pilate do not like it.
I believe that the Truth that Jesus is talking about here is who He is. "I am the way, the Truth and the life." (my paraphrase) Eternal life exists only in Jesus. The Truth about God. It all comes down to; how can I love my neighbor or even my enemy. How can I love mankind. The truth is that I can not, God gives me the ability to do this and it's not always easy. I have to get rid of my selfish motives.
Don't think that, I desire and like to be challenged. I go back, reread, restudy and so forth. This is a matter of great importance to me. BTW, I lived in Germany for a year and a half, really liked the German people.
That's nice! Have you been to Berlin?

Oh, and not invalidating each other's world views is part of our Code of Conduct here. I think it is a good one, it helps make this forum the nice place it is. Have a look, in case you didn't do so already. And if you already did, that's great!
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I believe that the Truth that Jesus is talking about here is who He is. "I am the way, the Truth and the life." (my paraphrase) Eternal life exists only in Jesus. The Truth about God. It all comes down to; how can I love my neighbor or even my enemy. How can I love mankind. The truth is that I can not, God gives me the ability to do this and it's not always easy. I have to get rid of my selfish motives.
I agree that living up to such simple standards as "be nice to each other" is a challenge. That's certainly true.

I'm not sure this is the truth Pilate was wondering about, when he asked his famous question.

But since this part of the dialogue between Jrsus and Pilate is not recorded, we can only speculate.
Oh, and not invalidating each other's world views is part of our Code of Conduct here. I think it is a good one, it helps make this forum the nice place it is. Have a look, in case you didn't do so already. And if you already did, that's great!
Never did get to Berlin.

I am certainly not here to argue or try to tear someone else down. I love to learn. Never was a great student when I was young. Trying to make up for it now. I just think that people are so interesting.
Is Truth an "arbitrary standard"? I ran across Blase Pascal talking about what we think and mostly it is our imagination that we live in. In other words, what we want to believe. As far as the heart, only God knows that. But we All have two sides to us, the one that we allow people to see and the hidden one that we keep behind closed doors. I am not trying to tell anyone what to believe, that would be foolish of me. But shouldn't we care about people? If there is a Heaven and Hell, and if there seems to be rational and logical answers, should we not prod people to at least search out what they have been told. Everyone believes something that someone else has told them, we all believe lies, even me.
Truth is for me all that can be proven, not an arbitraty standard at all. There is no "alternative truth". Those who deny facts and replace them by gossip are liars.

With this understanding of truth, belief is not truth. It is an assumption. I do not believe that my, or any religious belief is true because most aspects cannot be proven.

Belief is the result of faith and trust without a proof.For me, it is the faith and the trust on those who taught us how to reconcile our lives within this world to contribute for its better. I have taken my liberty to study those wise men beyond one religion. I consider it unnecessary to practise more than one religion.
I'm not sure this is the truth Pilate was wondering about, when he asked his famous question.
I agree, I believe Pilate might have believed there was no truth, that could have been why he responded the way he did. Living in the world that he was living in could not have been easy. Everyone answered to Rome. When I was in the Army, my truth did not matter, only what the military wanted.
Belief is the result of faith and trust without a proof.For me, it is the faith and the trust on those who taught us how to reconcile our lives within this world to contribute for its better. I have taken my liberty to study those wise men beyond one religion. I consider it unnecessary to practise more than one religion.
Maybe I am not understanding here, but should Faith be based on something?