What happens when God enters a life

I do not agree with the Christian teaching that Jesus, through his death, gave a flat rate redemption through his sacrifice on the cross. That doesn't fit the teaching of Jesus, as reported in the gospel writings.
Then you have not read the Gospels. I realize that I will get in trouble again for posting this:
26 And while they were eating, Jesus took some bread, and after a blessing, He broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” 27 And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you; 28 for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins.

New American Standard Bible, electronic edition. (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1986), Mt 26:26–28.
Both are linked. Read: "you shall not have any god but JHWH". Did Jesus preach polytheism? would be new to me...
correct, "no other god" No, Jesus never taught polytheism. Your problem like so many others is that you don't understand God. God has always revealed Himself to mankind in various forms, yet God has not "form", no body. Your Quran says that God formed Adam of the dust with His "hands", is that the truth? Does God have hands, is your god nothing more than a man? Most people only want God to be an advanced human, much like Job wanted, but Job found out that God did not fit into his (Job's ) box. God is God and can do whatever He pleases with whomever He pleases. Your "good works" don't matter to God since everyone's good works are just "filthy rags".
Well, so do you. It's finally a question of faith.
Yes, it is all about Faith. The word faith just means to believe in something. People believe in evolution. That is their faith. If I believe that God gave the Bible to mankind, can I believe it's not the truth and claim to have Faith in God? That is what Muslims do, they claim that Muhammad had to bring forth the true Scriptures. No where in the Bible does it state that people made "partners" to God, no where.
Maybe you refer to me saying that John does not cite Jesus literally but through his thoughts. Yes, that's the impression I have. There are some passages where this is quite evident that it cannot be a literal citation. i do not think that John would have claimed that all those long speaches are literally what Jesus said; he wrote his gospel account about 60 years later.
This is very interesting, have you thought about this? You don't understand the first thing about the Holy Spirit and Scripture being "inspired", "God breathed" Do your self a favor and send sometime reading Chapters 14,15, and 16 of the Gospel of John. Jesus is giving His disciples a farewell talk and letting them know what is coming. I know you will not understand any of it since Muslims claim that Jesus is speaking about Muhammad when He refers to the Holy Spirit.
Actually excited to see the return...and then immediately disappointed to read it.

We are obviously not a fit for anywhere thinking required is present.

Is it

Necessary and

We should require you THINK before you post. But I don't think that is a filter you have access.
Thanks for the welcome back, I add a little flavor to this boring place. Everyone going to hell and nobody caring. Want to play a little Pickleball, I will be right over! o_O
Thanks for the welcome back, I add a little flavor to this boring place. Everyone going to hell and nobody caring. Want to play a little Pickleball, I will be right over! o_O
Too much seasoning spoils the sauce.

If I were to.choose boring or insensitive hate mongers what would I choose?

What would I choose to read?

What would I choose to be?
Too much seasoning spoils the sauce.
That's a matter of opinion. I'm misunderstood more than I am understood. What you taste as "spoiled" might be just right to me or others. I have never figured out the intent of "dialogue" here. What you think is "dialogue" is not what I think as "dialogue". I have never been a politician and believe that they are useless in most cases. The truth hurts those who don't want it. When God says "repent", I have to first see my problem.
I'm misunderstood more than I am understood.
It is your words that betray you....who is typing them? Fire your editor. The responsibility of communication is the communicator.
I have never figured out the intent of "dialogue" here
This I categorize as self evident.
When God says "repent", I have to first see my problem.
Well I am not s believer in your G!d, but since you claim to be, I would suggest you question her and see how it goes (from my Bible readings, there is much scripture that indicate possible reprecussions)
Reverence and respect are interchangeable.
Matter of degree, and a distinction is useful.
Here are a couple of things that explore/flesh it out

As I was saying, treating people like they have value can be covered by the word respect. Nobody likes to be treated disrespectfully. That has been the major complaint most of us have directed back to you, one way or another.
Sometimes in life, when we complain that someone is rude or snappish with us, we may say something like "Please treat me with respect" Whereupon the rude one will snap something like "I give respect when it is EARNED. You have to EARN my respect."
I've heard that here and there as an excuse for rudeness.
It sounds almost as if, the snappish one is saying "I won't be polite to you until you have impressed me."
Arrogant, and rude.
Everyone going to hell and nobody caring
what in the earth are you talking about

Here are two theories about what you mean
One, is you think the forum is just terrible and "going to hell" colloquially (if so, why are you here)

The other is you are engaging in thinly veiled proselytizing.
You are trying to get people to see the "truth" that only respentance on the blood of Jesus Christ will keep people from going to hell.
You want to get people to see the truth and that is what you consider dialogue, and everybody's response is vexing to you.
People not responding as you think is appropriate is interpreted as "not caring about everybody going to hell" which is something you see as true.
But you hedge a bit on your wording knowing that outright proselytizing is not condoned on an interfaith forum.
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It is your words that betray you....who is typing them? Fire your editor. The responsibility of communication is the communicator.
I agree up to a point, even clear messages will be misunderstood because the hearer doesn't want to accept what is said. I believe I am clear in my communication. As Jesus said, the "message falls on deft ears."
Here are a couple of things that explore/flesh it out
That is one opinion.

Reverence is a feeling of deep respect or awe — like what you have for a president, a hero, or a favorite football player.

Reverence can be a feeling of awe, and it can also describe how you treat someone, particularly when used with the word with. To treat someone "with reverence" is to show them intense respect. Your friends may respect you for your loyalty, though they probably do not bow to you with reverence every day.

As I was saying, treating people like they have value can be covered by the word respect. Nobody likes to be treated disrespectfully. That has been the major complaint most of us have directed back to you, one way or another.

I guess that I just have a thicker skin. I am not phased by words. I know who I am and don't have a complex! People usually show if they should be respected or not by their actions or words. I don't think anyone here should "respect" me. But my kids have to honor me. Not that I think that they have to, it's God's book that says that. Respect comes from honesty.
Here are two theories about what you mean
One, is you think the forum is just terrible and "going to hell" colloquially (if so, why are you here)

The other is you are engaging in thinly veiled proselytizing.
You are trying to get people to see the "truth" that only respentance on the blood of Jesus Christ will keep people from going to hell.
You want to get people to see the truth and that is what you consider dialogue, and everybody's response is vexing to you.
People not responding as you think is appropriate is interpreted as "not caring about everybody going to hell" which is something you see as true.
But you hedge a bit on your wording knowing that outright proselytizing is not condoned on an interfaith forum.
How many times do I have to say, I can't change anyone's mind and am not trying to do so. I simply started off here asking people about what they believe and if it was possible that they could believe a lie. And everyone went berserk. It should have opened up a dialogue that would make all of us think, but no, thinking is out of the question here. To stretch the the mind, one has to be challenged. I keep forgetting, and I should know this, people are happy in their comfort zones.

There are only two camps that seem viable, either their is a Creator or it's Evolution. Most people here seem to believe in the Creator concept. If that's the case, then we believe a book or we just create our own creator from our imagination. It's always your choice with what you believe. Like I said earlier, Pascal says we live in our imagination along with Einstein, Twain, and more. Your imagination becomes your truth.

If Heaven and Hell are realities to people here, it all seems a little risky with a gamble.

vexing, no! It's your life. It's very interesting, not even moving to Jesus here. What do the Jewish Scriptures teach? Everyone wants their own made up god. "you adulterous people" that's from the Jewish Scriptures.
People usually show if they should be respected or not by their actions or words.
Ah, yes, I see.
I don't think anyone here should "respect" me.
Oh, and you are saying this due to your actions (posts) and words? That is a level of honesty and self awareness that did not expect.
But my kids have to honor me.
Oh my....have to, eh?
Creator or it's Evolution
Me thinks the either or concept was given up by many if not most believers decades ago...

Btw...ya think it is possible you are believing the lie that you claim not to be attempting in post after post to foist upon us.