What happens when God enters a life

I only read your words brother...I can't judge what you think...but can see what you write.
Your remark seemed to be slanderous. Sorry if I mis read it. I have said enough over the last 10 days for someone to get a feeling. I talk about my faults and what has changed in me. I don't exclude myself from anything I say. I have stated from the beginning, my only goal is to try to get people to think. I know this is hard for so many people. They don't want to rock their boat. I have even admitted my faults when it comes to communication. I don't beat around the bush, I get right to the point. I know everyone here lies, including me, but is everyone willing to say, "I could be believing a lie?" Like I have said before, I don't go along with the mob. If the mob is wrong, I will stand up against the mob. And most people just run within a mob.
I don't beat around the bush, I get right to the point. I know everyone here lies, including me, but is everyone willing to say, "I could be believing a lie?"
Anybody could be believing incorrect information. Sure enough
The word "lie" itself can be seen as accusatory or inflammatory, or to say "everyone here lies" as to my mind at least implies deliberate deceit.
I think one of the reason people say (and you have commented on this) things like "could be" and "perhaps" is that people know how much incorrect or simply uncertain information there is out there. People don't always "fall for it" or "believe the 'lie'" but we make assessments based on what can be incomplete, uncertain, or faulty/inaccurate information.
The word "lie" itself can be seen as accusatory or inflammatory, or to say "everyone here lies" as to my mind at least implies deliberate deceit.
I have talked about this already. I believe that it's in the context of the sentence. A statement about "everyone lies" is not the same as "you are lying". Most people don't want to believe that they lie. I am simply pushing the envelope. Everyone here has to believe that they are stating truth and so it goes in the world. Just look at politicians or world leaders. Some certainly are working from deceit, but many people are not working from deceit. I guess if one takes it as an attack, then I would question why? I am not saying your reply does not have merit, it does. If the lie is premeditated then it certainly is deceit. But if my grandson breaks something and says that he didn't. I would believe that he is just scared as to what would happen. These types of lies happen often to avoid punishment.
I think one of the reason people say (and you have commented on this) things like "could be" and "perhaps" is that people know how much incorrect or simply uncertain information there is out there. People don't always "fall for it" or "believe the 'lie'" but we make assessments based on what can be incomplete, uncertain, or faulty/inaccurate information.
When two people have different views and ideas, then communication can become complicated, take marriage, there are just about always two views. Not saying either is wrong, just different. These views, ideas and beliefs form our opinions. When the Bible says that my heart is continually evil, I can be insulted or try to figure out if this is true. I have come to believe it to be true. Yes, some people have been around the block a few more times. They learn that not everything is as it seems and can discern situations. I try to sort things out in my head, since all situations are not the same and all people are not the same. That said, people are the same in many ways. You should understand this.
Do you believe people here are not thinking
Do you feel you are succeeding
Everyone thinks! And no, I have not succeeded. And know the I can't. I have never been talking about just thinking, it's always been about believing lies and being deceived. If someone does not understand that this lies within humanity, then they just have never looked at humanity.

I can’t go on trying to get someone to see. The Bible talks several times about “eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear”, In case you don’t get this, it’s about people who will not move from their lies. God says this to people more than once, stating the condition of mankind. I will not post verses, you can look them up if you like, there are quite a few. Also, all there of the “Books”, Jewish, Christian and Islamic, are loaded with the words, deceive, deceived, lie, lies, liar. Is there a message given to mankind about being deceived, without a doubt. 3rd chapter of the Bible states; “Eve was deceived”, by the great Deceiver (Satan) who continually keeps deceiving people today.

It's ok, I understand perfectly that you can’t possibly understand without your eyes being opened and only God can do that, I know that I can’t and this little experiment has proven that.

If you want to read a really good book about mankind, I would suggest “The Everlasting Man” by G.K. Chesterton.
is everyone willing to say, "I could be believing a lie?
Are you?

Your posts are all matter of fact. Calling folks liars. Telling them their scripture is wrong ... and only yours is right.

Their interpretation is wrong, and yours is right.

You come to an interfaith discussion for that?

Funny thing is you seem to have the brain and knowledge to be welcomed here as a contributing member and maybe even a moderator someday. But your interfaith decorum and lack of respect for others opinions and attempts to elevate your opinions to universal truth counter all that.

Instead you are dancing on the line, almost challenging us to give ya the boot (again?) and causing readers and contributors to send comments about your lack of respect to moderators.

That may or may not be your goal ... but that is what you have created.
Certainly, how many more times do I have to state that, I have already said it more than a dozen times on this site. I have believed lies and I know I have believed lies. I just heard that Japan got blasted at the G7 summit for not believing marriage was between to people of the same sex. People pushing lies, trying to make them truth. I used to believe stuff like this.
Telling them their scripture is wrong...and only yours.is right.
It's all there for you to see, just open your eyes. The Bible and the Quran do not agree, the wise person understands this. Maybe they are both wrong! They don't agree. Have you even read the Quran, it's part of the Marvel mystery series. Allah does not know what to call himself and certainly loves to boast about how "merciful" he is.
lack of respect for others opinions and attempts to elevate your opinions to universal truth
"opinions", your finally get it. Is murder a "universal" truth? My opinions? I assume that you believe that there is a Creator. Is that just your opinion? Your opinion is that I "disrespect" people. Not so, I don't care what they think, all that I have every said is that there has to be truth, not my truth, not your truth, not anyone's truth. There cannot be many truths. Now opinions, there are more than enough to go around.
That may or may not be your goal...but that is what you have created.
Once again, I stated my goal from the beginning, i.e. Thinking Required. It's never been about disrespecting people. But maybe you are like Rodney Dangerfield, "I don't get no respect". Sorry if I stepped into your living room and made you feel uncomfortable. I have heard of many churches that call themselves "interfaith" and they don't stay that way very long. Long distant relationships are easy, you don't really have to engage the other person in their personal life. I am not so sure it's what I have created as much as what you have created.
Their interpretation is wrong, and yours is right.
There is a statement from the Jesse Stone movies made by Suitcase to Jesse that goes something like this. "truth is there you just have to look for it". There is a time in a person's life when they think that they know it all, and that's when they stop thinking. You have been here 18 years right?
this little experiment has proven that.
this little experiment...
your entry into the group, an experiment
Were we the control group? Was another group the control group?
What was your methodology?
What was your hypothesis?
What was your conclusion again?
That you couldn't open our eyes?