
I'm intrigued .. why are you reading the Qur'an, if you think it's all lies?
It's always good to know your opponent. It's been about 15 years since I first read it. I don't think it's all lies, there is a little accuracy when it quotes the OT stories, just a little, maybe like the names, and their was Egypt and Abraham and Noah and the Flood. The stories just don't align and it's interesting that the Quran, as far as I can see this time never says that the Books were the problem. So the stories in the Bible must be accurate.
The first time I read it, I couldn't get my head around the graphical descriptions of hell,
which were waiting for disbelievers.
I was raised as a Protestant [C of E], and we talked about heaven, and not hell.
Evidentually you never read the Bible. The Bible is full of descriptions of Hell. And they are not very pleasing. Unending torment.
Fortunately, G-d is the judge of who is what .. not you.
Yes, God is, but He gives us information in the Bible to help us tell who the believers are and who the fakes are. You deny the Deity of Christ and always have. That’s the ultimate give away that you never were a Christian.
This site is more of a research project, once again trying to understand people and what makes humanity love to believe lies.
So wunnerful to have the only person in the world who knows the truth here. And is willing to look down upon all those believers of lies disdainful. We have had a long line of those folks stop have a lot of friends in front of you and I imagine a plethora waiting to fill your shoes. Enjoy your laughs, and our mirror, allow your research to gander deeply.
I'm intrigued .. why are you reading the Qur'an, if you think it's all lies?
The first time I read it, I couldn't get my head around the graphical descriptions of hell,
which were waiting for disbelievers.
I was raised as a Protestant [C of E], and we talked about heaven, and not hell. I stopped reading it .. but I wasn't to be left alone ..
..I can continue my story, if anybody is curious.
Sure, I'd be curious.
it's interesting that the Quran, as far as I can see this time never says that the Books were the problem. So the stories in the Bible must be accurate.
Wait... I'm trying to follow the logic here... You think the Koran has a lot of lies... or is mostly lies... but it doesn't say the OT books are a problem... so the stories in the Bible must be accurate. Do I have that right?
You deny the Deity of Christ and always have. That’s the ultimate give away that you never were a Christian.
When I was younger, I didn't know what "the deity of Christ" even meant.
I sang songs like "All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all thing wise and wonderful,
the Lord God made them all".

That, I COULD comprehend .. still do.
Prayers were completed with "through Jesus Christ our Lord" and I didn't think about what that really meant.
If I wasn't a Christian, then how come I went to church every Sunday as a choir boy. :D
Sure, I'd be curious.
I'd just become a father, and I began to have relationship problems with my wife.
Jobs were hard to come by, due to the 70's oil shock, and Conservative govt. interest rate rises,
to curb inflation.

I turned towards G-d, and having come into contact with Muslims, particularly reading the OT.
I recognised the dietary laws & circumcision for example.

One early summer morning I couldn't sleep, and took a walk, and heard some religious chanting coming from a house.
I went inside, and saw loads of shoes. A man came and asked what I was doing, thinking I was there to steal.
He told me to come back at another time. He seemed angry, so I thought no more about it.

A week later, a man [neighbour] knocked on my door, and he said he'd been watching me, and knew that I was
going through some kind of spiritual experience, and invited to me to the mosque.
I said that I was a Jew, and he laughed, asking whether my mother was a Jew .. I said no, and he said that his mother was .. and I wasn't a Jew but a Muslim.

Anyhow, I agreed to go along to the mosque, and found out that it was the same place that I had stumbled on the week before.
While I was regularly reading the OT, I read "I will show you where to worship me", and found that the congregation
all had beards as the OT described, and the speech in English was about denouncing worldly wealth.
I also came across religious encyclopedias, and it felt like I had "struck gold"
.. I will pause here, as I am not trying to bore the reader. :)
I'd just become a father, and I began to have relationship problems with my wife.
Jobs were hard to come by, due to the 70's oil shock, and Conservative govt. interest rate rises,
to curb inflation.

I turned towards G-d, and having come into contact with Muslims, particularly reading the OT.
I recognised the dietary laws & circumcision for example.

One early summer morning I couldn't sleep, and took a walk, and heard some religious chanting coming from a house.
I went inside, and saw loads of shoes. A man came and asked what I was doing, thinking I was there to steal.
He told me to come back at another time. He seemed angry, so I thought no more about it.

A week later, a man [neighbour] knocked on my door, and he said he'd been watching me, and knew that I was
going through some kind of spiritual experience, and invited to me to the mosque.
I said that I was a Jew, and he laughed, asking whether my mother was a Jew .. I said no, and he said that his mother was .. and I wasn't a Jew but a Muslim.

Anyhow, I agreed to go along to the mosque, and found out that it was the same place that I had stumbled on the week before.
While I was regularly reading the OT, I read "I will show you where to worship me", and found that the congregation
all had beards as the OT described, and the speech in English was about denouncing worldly wealth.
I also came across religious encyclopedias, and it felt like I had "struck gold"
.. I will pause here, as I am not trying to bore the reader. :)
So, from earlier in this thread, it seemed you were raised C of E, but you identified Jewish?
Before converting to Islam?
Or did I get the details all tangled up? 🤔
So, from earlier in this thread, it seemed you were raised C of E, but you identified Jewish?
As I say .. I had come into contact with Muslims, and was reading the OT..
..and I suppose I didn't feel I identified with Asian culture, but I was drawing closer to G-d.
I started to bathe regularly, and was taking the OT laws seriously.
I am enjoying the read. :)
I suppose you could say that I was a "Bohemian" in my youth.
I lived in different cities, and had a backpack, long hair and beard.
The locals used to call me Jesus in Edinburgh. :)
I was 21 years old.

..and when I became a Muslim in Birmingham, England a few years later,
I became Muhammad Jesus [Isa].
Evidentually you never read the Bible. The Bible is full of descriptions of Hell. And they are not very pleasing. Unending torment.
The dump at the edge of town is constantly on fire, incinerating trash and the bodies of indigents. Meanwhile others without skills or employment are sifting thru looking for food or something they can fix and sell.

As mothers walk by and dispose of their trash they point and tell their children "listen to your elders, learn your lessons, be good kids or else you will surely spend eternity there in "Gehenna is the Greek term for the Hebrew Gai-Ben-Hinnom meaning Valley of the Son of Himmon. – It is an actual valley outside of old Jerusalem that was a smoldering garbage dump at the time of Jesus. – Is Jesus using the term only to denote a horrible place … where in antiquity there were child sacrifices …"

Jesus heard it from his mother and shared it with us.
So wunnerful to have the only person in the world who knows the truth here.
Here is your problem, you don't listen! I have said all along that we all believe lies. I have what I believe to be truth according to my research. I have open eyes, I look for lies in what I believe. Like I have said, show me lies in what I believe. I have looked for them. Take Muhammad and the Quran, there are just too many problems associated with that mess. Why would God create mankind and put him on the earth and say, have at it. No, God walked with Adam in the Garden. Adam must have had many questions, just like we still do today. So where are the answers? How am I going to live and what can I expect from life and people. The Bible has answered all these questions for me. If a person does not understand that they are lost, you can't help them. That's were this little Christian ditty comes from, "once I was lost and now I am found". As Solomon says: "a fool doesn't know he is a fool".
I was blind for 35 years of my life, thought that I was fine.
If I wasn't a Christian, then how come I went to church every Sunday as a choir boy.
Church has nothing to do with being a Christian. Churches are full of non Christians. Only God transforming the heart of a person makes a Christ follower (Christian). People read the Bible all the time who don't know God. They might know about God, but don't KNOW God. The difference is heaven or hell. Same word, different meaning.
I will show you where to worship me
Sorry, I need book, chapter and verse here. And besides you are reading a book that does not agree with the Quran, the OT. We don't have to go somewhere to worship God. Not a church, a temple, a mosque.