Somewhat returning
Starting with this a clue...
"Imitation destroys the foundation of religion, extinguishes the spirituality of the human world, transforms heavenly illumination into darkness and deprives man of the knowledge of God. It is the cause of the victory of materialism and infidelity over religion; it is the denial of Divinity and the law of revelation; it refuses Prophethood and rejects the Kingdom of God. When materialists subject imitations to the intellectual analysis of reason, they find them to be mere superstitions; therefore, they deny religion."
I would then consider the authentic effort to be one's own of heart and mind - of sincerity and honesty, To be wary of what others say - me or you or another - and instead keep to what experience and faith and insight reveal. As God sees our effort, He will not let us struggle in vain.
A person is deceived by thinking that all paths are one, it can “extinguish the spirituality of the human world, transform heavenly illumination into darkness and deprive man of the knowledge of God.” And yes, there are many paths and all but one reject the Kingdom of God. When God’s son is denied, religion itself is denied.
Being conscious of your behavior toward others and yourself is very important, but if your faith is not in Jesus Christ, you will struggle in vain. Experience, faith, and insight have revealed this to me.