On Demons


So it goes ...
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London UK
In the Tarot, the Fifteenth Arcanum, The Devil, the basic image is of two people, a man and a woman, bound in chains to a central winged figure which is usually taken to be 'the Devil' as is commonly understood.

It’s worth noting that in the demonic orders there are not only the fallen entities of the celestial hierarchies (with the exception of Seraphim) but also of entities of non-hierarchical origin, ie. entities who derive their origin not from a spiritual but a mental source.

In Tibetan mystical practice, we find the phenomenon of the conscious practice of the creation and destruction of demons, or tulpas, as they are known.

This practice derives from the occult training of the will and imagination. The training consists of three parts: the creation of tulpas through concentrated and directed imagination, then their evocation and, lastly, the freeing of consciousness from their hold on it by an act of knowledge which destroys them – through which it is realised that they are only a creation of the imagination, and therefore illusory.

The aim of this training is therefore to arrive at a disbelief in demons after having created them through the force of imagination and having confronted their terrifying apprehension.

Alexandra David-Neel, who wrote with a deep knowledge of the subject, said:
"I have questioned several lamas on this subject (of incredulity). “Incredulity comes sometimes,” answered a geshes (graduate) from Derge (a town in Kham, Eastern Tibet). “Indeed, it is one of the ultimate objects of the mystic masters, but if the disciple reaches this state of mind before the proper time he misses something which these exercises are designed to develop, that is fearlessness. Moreover, the teachers do not approve of simple incredulity, they deem it contrary to truth. The disciple must understand that gods and demons do really exist for those who believe in their existence, and that they are possessed with the power of benefitting or harming those who worship or fear them. However, very few reach incredulity in the early part of their training. Most novices actually see frightful apparitions.”

(She assumed that ‘He who does not believe in demons would never be killed by them’, but was instructed otherwise: ‘According to that it must also follow that a man who does not believe in the existence of tigers may feel confident that none of them would ever hurt him even if he were confronted by such a beast.’)

“Visualising mental formations, either voluntarily or not, is a most mysterious process. What becomes of these creations? May it not be that like children born of our flesh, these children of our mind separate their lives from ours, escape our control, and play parts of their own? Must we not also consider that we are not the only ones capable of creating such formations? And if such entities (tulpas, magical creatures) exist in the world, are we not liable to come into touch with them, either by the will of their maker or from some other cause? Could one of these causes not be that, through our mind or through our material deeds, we bring about the conditions in which these entities are capable of manifesting some kind of activity?. . .One must know how to protect oneself against the tigers to which one has given birth, as well as against those that have been begotten by others.”
(Alexandra David-Neel, Magic and Mystery in Tibet, London, 1967, pp. 146-148)

The French magician Eliphas Levi saw in demons – such as incubi and succubi – only creations of human will and imagination, projecting, individually or collectively, their content into the malleable substance of the ‘astral light’ and thus engendering demons, which are therefore engendered in Europe in exactly the same way as the Tibetan tulpas.

The art and method of ‘making idols’, forbidden by the Second Commandments, is ancient and universal. It seems that at all times and everywhere demons have been engendered.

Both Eliphas Levi and the Tibetan masters are in agreement not only with respect to the subjective and psychological origin of demons but also with respect to their objective existence. Engendered subjectively, they become forces independent of the subjective consciousness which engendered them. They are, in other words, ‘magical creations’, for magic is the objectification of that which takes its origin in subjective consciousness.

Demons that have not arrived at the stage of objectification, ie. at that of an existence separate from the psychic life of their parents, have a semi-autonomous existence which is designated in modern psychology by the term ‘psychological complex'. C. G. Jung regarded these as parasitic entities, which are to the psychic organism what, for example, cancer is to the physical organism. A psychopathological ‘complex’ is therefore a demon, when it has not come from outside but is engendered by the patient himself. In its state of gestation it is still not born, but it certainly has an almost autonomous life of its own, nourished by the psychic life of its parent. C. G. Jung said on this subject:
“It appears as an autonomous formation intruding upon consciousness... It is just as if the complex were an autonomous being capable of interfering with the intentions of the ego. Complexes do indeed behave like secondary or partial personalities possessing a mental life of their own. (C. G. Jung, Psychology and Religion; trsl. R. F. C. Hull, The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, vol. 11, London, 1958, pp. 13-14)

Such an ‘autonomous being, capable of interfering with the intentions of the ego’ and which ‘possesses a mental life of its own’ is nothing other than what antiquity understands by the term ‘demon’.

How are demons engendered? They are the misbegotten fruit of the will and the imagination, born in the psychic life of an individual. A desire that is perverse or contrary to nature, followed by the corresponding imagination, together constitute the act of generation of a demon.

As regards the Card of the Fifteenth Arcanum, the two personages, the one male and the other female, attached to the pedestal of the central personage of the card are not fallen humanity in thrall to the Devil, as one might be tempted to believe (excuse the pun). Rather, on the contrary, it is they who are the parents of the demon and they have subsequently become enslaved by their own creation. They represent perverse will and imagination (both have horns representing mental activity) contrary to nature, which have given birth to an androgynous demon, ie. to a psychic entity endowed with desire and imagination, which dominates the forces that engendered it.

With respect to generation effected collectively, known by the term egregore – is likewise the product of will and imagination, which in this case are collective.


The function of the shaman, and the sin-eater, is closely associated with this.

The role of the logismoi in Orthodox psychology is also closely associated with this process.
Nicely written, your demons are your creations. They are your unwanted emotions, what you hate and fear about your self. They are the judgments you made about your self. They are your lack of worthiness, that you believe to me true. The only cure for dilemma, is to love yourself. These creation, these children of consciousness, will not come home until they have a safe home. A home with out judgment, a home of compassion. Until then, they will kick scream and curse the god that created them. You really can't blame them, they are just being what you asked them to be. So you could say that they are just do what you asked them to do, and out of love for you they play out the part.
I don't know whether your ideas are exactly what demons are, but I have spoken to people where demons pushed them against the ceiling, pull their duvet off their bed, let a person play a piano like a professional even though this person cannot play piano.... I do not consider that imaginations... those who indulge in the occults also know that demons are real and expects obedience from their followers. At the end of the day we are either with the light or the darkness, there are no other options. I believe we should search the Truth, for there can only be one not many truths on the same subject... just my experience and thoughts... :)
I put demons and angels together...

In Unity, imagination and will are two of the 12 spiritual powers that Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore believed God gave to each person. Fillmore outlined these powers in his 1930 book, The Twelve Powers of Man, and believed that people could use these powers to create the lives they wanted...for me devoid of imaginary beings controlling things.

To me it isn't a demon whispering in my ear, but me making decisions and wanting to blame something else.

Similar to stars light years away somehow controlling my life. I like the Comedian who asks potential dates their astrological sign....if they know their sun and moon and rising signs...he doesn't date them.

Me too.
I put demons and angels together...

In Unity, imagination and will are two of the 12 spiritual powers that Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore believed God gave to each person. Fillmore outlined these powers in his 1930 book, The Twelve Powers of Man, and believed that people could use these powers to create the lives they wanted...for me devoid of imaginary beings controlling things.

To me it isn't a demon whispering in my ear, but me making decisions and wanting to blame something else.

Similar to stars light years away somehow controlling my life. I like the Comedian who asks potential dates their astrological sign....if they know their sun and moon and rising signs...he doesn't date them.

Me too.
In de Tarot bestaat het Vijftiende Arcanum, De Duivel, uit twee personen, een man en een vrouw, die met kettingen vastgebonden zijn aan een centrale gevleugelde figuur. Deze wordt doorgaans voor 'de Duivel' aangezien.

Het is opmerkelijk dat er in de demonische orden niet alleen gevallen entiteiten van de hemelse hiërarchieën zijn (met uitzondering van de serafijnen), maar ook entiteiten van niet-hiërarchische oorsprong, dat wil zeggen entiteiten die hun oorsprong niet uit een spirituele, maar uit een mentale bron ontlenen.

In de Tibetaanse mystieke praktijk vinden we het fenomeen van de bewuste beoefening van het creëren en vernietigen van demonen, of tulpa's , zoals ze worden genoemd.

Deze praktijk is afgeleid van de occulte training van de wil en de verbeelding. De training bestaat uit drie delen: de creatie van tulpa's door geconcentreerde en gerichte verbeelding, vervolgens hun evocatie en, ten slotte, de bevrijding van het bewustzijn van hun greep erop door een daad van kennis die ze vernietigt - waardoor men zich realiseert dat ze slechts een creatie van de verbeelding zijn, en daarom illusoir.

Het doel van deze training is dan ook om te komen tot een ongeloof in demonen, nadat je ze door de kracht van de verbeelding hebt gecreëerd en hun angstaanjagende angst hebt onder ogen gezien.

Alexandra David-Neel, die schreef met een diepgaande kennis van het onderwerp, zei:
"Ik heb meerdere lama's ondervraagd over dit onderwerp (van ongeloof). "Ongeloof komt soms," antwoordde een geshes (afgestudeerde) uit Derge (een stad in Kham, Oost-Tibet). "Het is inderdaad een van de ultieme doelen van de mystieke meesters, maar als de discipel deze gemoedstoestand bereikt vóór de juiste tijd, mist hij iets dat deze oefeningen zijn ontworpen om te ontwikkelen, namelijk onverschrokkenheid. Bovendien keuren de leraren eenvoudige ongeloof niet goed, ze achten het in strijd met de waarheid. De discipel moet begrijpen dat goden en demonen echt bestaan voor degenen die in hun bestaan geloven, en dat ze bezeten zijn met de macht om degenen die hen aanbidden of vrezen te bevoordelen of te schaden. Echter, zeer weinigen bereiken ongeloof in het vroege deel van hun training. De meeste beginners zien daadwerkelijk angstaanjagende verschijningen."

(Zij ging ervan uit dat 'iemand die niet in demonen gelooft, nooit door hen gedood zal worden', maar kreeg een andere instructie: 'Daaruit volgt ook dat een man die niet in het bestaan van tijgers gelooft, er vertrouwen in kan hebben dat geen van hen hem ooit kwaad zal doen, zelfs niet als hij met zo'n beest geconfronteerd wordt.')

“Het visualiseren van mentale formaties, vrijwillig of onvrijwillig, is een uiterst mysterieus proces. Wat gebeurt er met deze creaties? Zou het niet zo kunnen zijn dat deze kinderen van onze geest, net als kinderen die uit ons vlees geboren zijn, hun leven van het onze scheiden, aan onze controle ontsnappen en hun eigen rol spelen? Moeten we niet ook bedenken dat wij niet de enigen zijn die in staat zijn om zulke formaties te creëren? En als zulke entiteiten (tulpas, magische wezens) in de wereld bestaan, zijn wij dan niet geneigd om met hen in contact te komen, hetzij door de wil van hun maker of door een andere oorzaak? Zou een van deze oorzaken niet kunnen zijn dat wij, door onze geest of door onze materiële daden, de omstandigheden teweegbrengen waarin deze entiteiten in staat zijn om een of andere vorm van activiteit te manifesteren? . . Men moet weten hoe men zichzelf kan beschermen tegen de tijgers die men zelf heeft gebaard, en ook tegen die welke door anderen zijn verwekt.”
(Alexandra David-Neel, Magie en mysterie in Tibet , Londen, 1967, pp. 146-148)

De Franse magiër Eliphas Levi zag in demonen – zoals incubi en succubi – enkel creaties van de menselijke wil en verbeelding, die individueel of collectief hun inhoud projecteerden in de kneedbare substantie van het ‘astrale licht’ en zo demonen voortbrachten, die dan ook in Europa op precies dezelfde manier worden voortgebracht als de Tibetaanse tulpa’s .

De kunst en methode van 'het maken van afgoden', verboden door de Tweede Geboden, is oud en universeel. Het lijkt erop dat er te allen tijde en overal demonen zijn ontstaan.

Zowel Eliphas Levi als de Tibetaanse meesters zijn het niet alleen eens over de subjectieve en psychologische oorsprong van demonen, maar ook over hun objectieve bestaan. Subjectief voortgebracht, worden ze krachten die onafhankelijk zijn van het subjectieve bewustzijn dat hen voortbracht. Ze zijn, met andere woorden, 'magische creaties', want magie is de objectivering van datgene wat zijn oorsprong vindt in het subjectieve bewustzijn.

Demonen die nog niet in het stadium van objectivering zijn aangekomen, d.w.z. in dat van een bestaan dat losstaat van het psychische leven van hun ouders, hebben een semi-autonoom bestaan dat in de moderne psychologie wordt aangeduid met de term 'psychologisch complex'. CG Jung beschouwde deze als parasitaire entiteiten, die voor het psychische organisme zijn wat bijvoorbeeld kanker is voor het fysieke organisme. Een psychopathologisch 'complex' is daarom een demon, wanneer het niet van buitenaf is gekomen, maar door de patiënt zelf is verwekt. In zijn zwangerschapsstadium is het nog niet geboren, maar het heeft zeker een bijna autonoom eigen leven, gevoed door het psychische leven van zijn ouder. CG Jung zei hierover:
“Het verschijnt als een autonome formatie die het bewustzijn binnendringt... Het is net alsof het complex een autonoom wezen is dat in staat is om in te grijpen in de intenties van het ego. Complexen gedragen zich inderdaad als secundaire of gedeeltelijke persoonlijkheden die een eigen mentaal leven bezitten. (CG Jung, Psychology and Religion ; vertaling RFC Hull, The Collected Works of CG Jung , vol. 11, Londen, 1958, pp. 13-14)

Een dergelijk 'autonoom wezen, dat in staat is in te grijpen in de bedoelingen van het ego' en dat 'een eigen mentaal leven bezit', is niets anders dan wat de oudheid verstaat onder de term 'demon'.

Hoe worden demonen verwekt? Ze zijn de misbegoopte vrucht van de wil en de verbeelding, geboren in het psychische leven van een individu. Een verlangen dat pervers of tegengesteld is aan de natuur, gevolgd door de corresponderende verbeelding, vormen samen de daad van het genereren van een demon.

Wat betreft de Kaart van het Vijftiende Arcanum, zijn de twee personages, de ene mannelijk en de andere vrouwelijk, die aan het voetstuk van het centrale personage van de kaart zijn bevestigd, niet de gevallen mensheid die in slavernij is van de Duivel, zoals men geneigd zou kunnen zijn te geloven (excuseer de woordspeling). Integendeel, het zijn zij die de ouders van de demon zijn en die vervolgens tot slaaf zijn gemaakt door hun eigen schepping. Ze vertegenwoordigen een perverse wil en verbeelding (beide hebben horens die mentale activiteit vertegenwoordigen) die in strijd zijn met de natuur, die het leven hebben geschonken aan een androgyne demon, d.w.z. aan een psychische entiteit die is begiftigd met verlangen en verbeelding, die de krachten domineert die hem hebben voortgebracht.

Met betrekking tot de generatie die collectief tot stand komt, bekend onder de term egregore , is het eveneens het product van wil en verbeelding, die in dit geval collectief zijn.


De functie van de sjamaan en de zondeneter zijn hier nauw mee verbonden.

De rol van het logismoi in de orthodoxe psychologie is ook nauw verbonden met dit proces.

In the Tarot, the Fifteenth Arcanum, The Devil, the basic image is of two people, a man and a woman, bound in chains to a central winged figure which is usually taken to be 'the Devil' as is commonly understood.

It’s worth noting that in the demonic orders there are not only the fallen entities of the celestial hierarchies (with the exception of Seraphim) but also of entities of non-hierarchical origin, ie. entities who derive their origin not from a spiritual but a mental source.

In Tibetan mystical practice, we find the phenomenon of the conscious practice of the creation and destruction of demons, or tulpas, as they are known.

This practice derives from the occult training of the will and imagination. The training consists of three parts: the creation of tulpas through concentrated and directed imagination, then their evocation and, lastly, the freeing of consciousness from their hold on it by an act of knowledge which destroys them – through which it is realised that they are only a creation of the imagination, and therefore illusory.

The aim of this training is therefore to arrive at a disbelief in demons after having created them through the force of imagination and having confronted their terrifying apprehension.

Alexandra David-Neel, who wrote with a deep knowledge of the subject, said:
"I have questioned several lamas on this subject (of incredulity). “Incredulity comes sometimes,” answered a geshes (graduate) from Derge (a town in Kham, Eastern Tibet). “Indeed, it is one of the ultimate objects of the mystic masters, but if the disciple reaches this state of mind before the proper time he misses something which these exercises are designed to develop, that is fearlessness. Moreover, the teachers do not approve of simple incredulity, they deem it contrary to truth. The disciple must understand that gods and demons do really exist for those who believe in their existence, and that they are possessed with the power of benefitting or harming those who worship or fear them. However, very few reach incredulity in the early part of their training. Most novices actually see frightful apparitions.”

(She assumed that ‘He who does not believe in demons would never be killed by them’, but was instructed otherwise: ‘According to that it must also follow that a man who does not believe in the existence of tigers may feel confident that none of them would ever hurt him even if he were confronted by such a beast.’)

“Visualising mental formations, either voluntarily or not, is a most mysterious process. What becomes of these creations? May it not be that like children born of our flesh, these children of our mind separate their lives from ours, escape our control, and play parts of their own? Must we not also consider that we are not the only ones capable of creating such formations? And if such entities (tulpas, magical creatures) exist in the world, are we not liable to come into touch with them, either by the will of their maker or from some other cause? Could one of these causes not be that, through our mind or through our material deeds, we bring about the conditions in which these entities are capable of manifesting some kind of activity?. . .One must know how to protect oneself against the tigers to which one has given birth, as well as against those that have been begotten by others.”
(Alexandra David-Neel, Magic and Mystery in Tibet, London, 1967, pp. 146-148)

The French magician Eliphas Levi saw in demons – such as incubi and succubi – only creations of human will and imagination, projecting, individually or collectively, their content into the malleable substance of the ‘astral light’ and thus engendering demons, which are therefore engendered in Europe in exactly the same way as the Tibetan tulpas.

The art and method of ‘making idols’, forbidden by the Second Commandments, is ancient and universal. It seems that at all times and everywhere demons have been engendered.

Both Eliphas Levi and the Tibetan masters are in agreement not only with respect to the subjective and psychological origin of demons but also with respect to their objective existence. Engendered subjectively, they become forces independent of the subjective consciousness which engendered them. They are, in other words, ‘magical creations’, for magic is the objectification of that which takes its origin in subjective consciousness.

Demons that have not arrived at the stage of objectification, ie. at that of an existence separate from the psychic life of their parents, have a semi-autonomous existence which is designated in modern psychology by the term ‘psychological complex'. C. G. Jung regarded these as parasitic entities, which are to the psychic organism what, for example, cancer is to the physical organism. A psychopathological ‘complex’ is therefore a demon, when it has not come from outside but is engendered by the patient himself. In its state of gestation it is still not born, but it certainly has an almost autonomous life of its own, nourished by the psychic life of its parent. C. G. Jung said on this subject:
“It appears as an autonomous formation intruding upon consciousness... It is just as if the complex were an autonomous being capable of interfering with the intentions of the ego. Complexes do indeed behave like secondary or partial personalities possessing a mental life of their own. (C. G. Jung, Psychology and Religion; trsl. R. F. C. Hull, The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, vol. 11, London, 1958, pp. 13-14)

Such an ‘autonomous being, capable of interfering with the intentions of the ego’ and which ‘possesses a mental life of its own’ is nothing other than what antiquity understands by the term ‘demon’.

How are demons engendered? They are the misbegotten fruit of the will and the imagination, born in the psychic life of an individual. A desire that is perverse or contrary to nature, followed by the corresponding imagination, together constitute the act of generation of a demon.

As regards the Card of the Fifteenth Arcanum, the two personages, the one male and the other female, attached to the pedestal of the central personage of the card are not fallen humanity in thrall to the Devil, as one might be tempted to believe (excuse the pun). Rather, on the contrary, it is they who are the parents of the demon and they have subsequently become enslaved by their own creation. They represent perverse will and imagination (both have horns representing mental activity) contrary to nature, which have given birth to an androgynous demon, ie. to a psychic entity endowed with desire and imagination, which dominates the forces that engendered it.

With respect to generation effected collectively, known by the term egregore – is likewise the product of will and imagination, which in this case are collective.


The function of the shaman, and the sin-eater, is closely associated with this.

The role of the logismoi in Orthodox psychology is also closely associated with this process.
We must dare to 'think' a little further.
I think it is a well written piece.

Demons are not lower part but our conscience. It is a challenge.
To face our fears. It looks like something wrong we do but that is not necessary.
I suggest to look in your horoscope and elements. That's all. Do we need to be of the first ray of will and power? Is this for all Ray's?

I think the first ray people learn to deal with life and death . And powers like mind power or create your will understanding it already existed otherwise you were not able to think about it means someone calls you like alarm you like ' wake up'.
Be more playfully. Have more guts and know fear is useless. We are all one so part of that one we live in, with and outside to see as proof it exist and it is not just your imagination.
I don't know whether your ideas are exactly what demons are, but I have spoken to people where demons pushed them against the ceiling, pull their duvet off their bed, let a person play a piano like a professional even though this person cannot play piano.... I do not consider that imaginations... those who indulge in the occults also know that demons are real and expects obedience from their followers. At the end of the day we are either with the light or the darkness, there are no other options. I believe we should search the Truth, for there can only be one not many truths on the same subject... just my experience and thoughts... :)
Demons must not be considered as something lower or lower. They show us something. We must be willing to learn and overcome our fears. Smile at a demon and they leave so extreme peacefully. I think Judas turned In a demon than later he regret it.
I put demons and angels together...

In Unity, imagination and will are two of the 12 spiritual powers that Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore believed God gave to each person. Fillmore outlined these powers in his 1930 book, The Twelve Powers of Man, and believed that people could use these powers to create the lives they wanted...for me devoid of imaginary beings controlling things.

To me it isn't a demon whispering in my ear, but me making decisions and wanting to blame something else.

Similar to stars light years away somehow controlling my life. I like the Comedian who asks potential dates their astrological sign....if they know their sun and moon and rising signs...he doesn't date them.

Me too.
I forgot what made free will so important. But now I remember it so well. We can choose and have a free will.
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