From an atheists viewpoint, maybe..
I'm afraid you've been duped .. read the wrong articles .. talking to the wrong people.
The plural form of G-d, in Genesis, has nothing to do with "many gods".
@RabbiO might explain..
I suggest you do NOT just read something in English, and then think you know it all.
Tell me about it.

It reminds me of Abraham, who smashed the 'big' idol of a group of idols.
His father asked him who had done it?
..and He replied "Why don't you ask them?".
His father was not amused.
That is your BELIEF.
I have my beliefs. The thing is, you are convinced that you have facts .. but you most certainly DO NOT!
You cannot prove to me that prophets were not sent with the truth. You just CANNOT!
As I say, you THINK that you have the "facts", but you do not.
You merely have an opinion. An opinion of some writers, who claim to be experts and what have you.
Some sell lots of books.