Did Jesus come to save all the people of the world?

Yahweh kid

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What does John 6:44 mean? No one can come to me(Jesus) unless the Father who sent me draws them.... Many are not open to the Gospel, could it be that they are not part of the chosen(elect) ones? :oops: If this is so, I can understand why people do not want to believe Jesus Christ is the Savior from eternal hell....they are not drawn by the Father. 🤔
What does John 6:44 mean? No one can come to me(Jesus) unless the Father who sent me draws them.... Many are not open to the Gospel, could it be that they are not part of the chosen(elect) ones? :oops: If this is so, I can understand why people do not want to believe Jesus Christ is the Savior from eternal hell....they are not drawn by the Father. 🤔
I see that was not the purpose Jesus ame for. Jesus said "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword..."

The prayer Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, was for a future age.

Regards Tony
What does John 6:44 mean? No one can come to me(Jesus) unless the Father who sent me draws them.... Many are not open to the Gospel, could it be that they are not part of the chosen(elect) ones? :oops: If this is so, I can understand why people do not want to believe Jesus Christ is the Savior from eternal hell....they are not drawn by the Father. 🤔
You must have given the matter some thought. Why do you figure that would be so?
What does John 6:44 mean? No one can come to me(Jesus) unless the Father who sent me draws them.... Many are not open to the Gospel, could it be that they are not part of the chosen(elect) ones? :oops: If this is so, I can understand why people do not want to believe Jesus Christ is the Savior from eternal hell....they are not drawn by the Father. 🤔
Sounds like Calvanism.
You must have given the matter some thought. Why do you figure that would be so?
I believe that the Word is the Truth and it resonates with me, no other religion or faith talks about God making a way for His people (Salvation), but rather focuses on the person's life and whether the person is good enough to be rewarded with eternal life by God. This scares me, because I do not believe anyone is holy or good enough to be in God's presence, we all rebel(sin) against Him.The question is why do some feel this way and others do not? Maybe this question gets answered in John 6:44....
Sounds like Calvanism.
Yes it does. I have long been against Calvinism, thinking that we make the choice whether we want Jesus to save us or not.... but more and more I believe that we want Jesus as our Savior, because the Father draw us near and plants the seed of Truth in us. Salvation is a gift from God, why would people deny this gift(it's free)?..... Again, then you read John 6:44, Romans 8:28, Ephesians 1:4-5
and wonder......maybe that's why....
..no other religion or faith talks about God making a way for His people (Salvation), but rather focuses on the person's life and whether the person is good enough to be rewarded with eternal life by God..
Well, that does not contradict what Jesus is reported to have said..
..you know .. the sheep and the goats.

..and Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be with them, were sent by G-d, to "make a way for His people".
Not just Jesus.

This scares me, because I do not believe anyone is holy or good enough to be in God's presence, we all rebel(sin) against Him..
Quite right .. we all fall short .. we all depend on G-d's mercy .. which
is greater than His wrath.

Faith is in 2 parts .. the hope in His mercy, and the fear of His wrath.
Quite right .. we all fall short .. we all depend on G-d's mercy .. which
is greater than His wrath.
Saw some other discussion on this..whynwould a G!d create a being where 90%.don't live upto his standards...select a chosen few for a cruise to try again and the all powerful and all knowing does it again?

Is earth Her "organic chemistry"? (A weeder class, designed to knock out those not capable of later requirements so folks choose another degree path...something easier than medicine or science)
Yes it does. I have long been against Calvinism, thinking that we make the choice whether we want Jesus to save us or not.... but more and more I believe that we want Jesus as our Savior, because the Father draw us near and plants the seed of Truth in us. Salvation is a gift from God, why would people deny this gift(it's free)?..... Again, then you read John 6:44, Romans 8:28, Ephesians 1:4-5
and wonder......maybe that's why....
Limited atonement. You are forgetting John 3:16. 1 John 2:2 John 1:29 1 Timothy 2:6 2 Peter 2:1. It's also limiting what Jesus did on the cross to only a few. I do believe as God is outside of time He knew what would happen with each person and that would answer some of those scriptures but what does that result in.. ohh I don't need to follow the Great Commission because God's going to call who He calls.. why would He command us to go out into the world and share the gospel if there are only a few elect. I think this is bad doctrine my brother.
[N]o other religion or faith talks about God making a way for His people (Salvation), but rather focuses on the person's life and whether the person is good enough to be rewarded with eternal life by God.
Judaism does not posit a need for salvation, at least not in the sense nor the reason, I suspect, you mean it. Nor, given that there is no one view within Judaism regarding an afterlife, can I agree with the second part of your post.

I do, however, appreciate your responding.
Judaism does not posit a need for salvation, at least not in the sense nor the reason, I suspect, you mean it. Nor, given that there is no one view within Judaism regarding an afterlife, can I agree with the second part of your post.

I do, however, appreciate your responding.
Are there more than one Truth in Judaism? If there is only one Truth, may I ask what happens to a human soul when the flesh dies?
Well, that does not contradict what Jesus is reported to have said..
..you know .. the sheep and the goats.

..and Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be with them, were sent by G-d, to "make a way for His people".
Not just Jesus.

Quite right .. we all fall short .. we all depend on G-d's mercy .. which
is greater than His wrath.

Faith is in 2 parts .. the hope in His mercy, and the fear of His wrath.
Is there something you can do to secure your eternal Salvation?
Is earth Her "organic chemistry"?
Does it really matter what we think....Is it not way more important what God thinks? He chose Israel as His people, I am pretty sure He can choose who He wants to Save from eternal damnation, for He is sovereign.
Many Christians believe that God can foresee the future(omnipresent) and knows who will believe in Jesus Christ(Gift of Salvation) and based on this chooses who will be part of His Elect.
The Scriptures says we cannot fathom God's understanding.(Romans 11:34-36) I agree wholeheartedly. 😏
I believe this is why Jesus sent us the Counselor, to help and guide us on our spiritual journey focusing on Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
..whynwould a G!d create a being where 90%.don't live upto his standards..
..because we have been given responsibility .. responsibility to live our lives in
a manner of our choosing.
Our choices have consequences for our own souls, and for other souls.

..select a chosen few for a cruise to try again..
I don't know where that came from .. no soul will be wronged in the slightest ..
..in effect, we have the responsibility of our own intentions and deeds.

Our souls are "laid bare" .. we reap what we sow .. there IS Divine justice .. there IS Divine mercy.
Will a repentant soul be treated the same as an unrepentant one? Why should it?

While "the result" might be similar in outcome, G-d is not equivalent to an earthly King
who presides over His subjects, condemning them to torture..
..we effectively torture our own souls, through our disobedience and arrogance.
i.e. we choose to ignore His Wisdom and guidance
why would a G!d create a being where 90%.don't live upto his standards...select a chosen few for a cruise to try again and the all powerful and all knowing does it again?
Good question ...

Is earth Her "organic chemistry"? (A weeder class, designed to knock out those not capable of later requirements so folks choose another degree path...something easier than medicine or science)
I don't think so ...
Does it really matter what we think....
To some degree, yes.

Is it not way more important what God thinks?
That's a tricky one ... as we tend to think we know what God thinks ...

I am pretty sure He can choose who He wants to Save from eternal damnation, for He is sovereign.
Perhaps even everyone ...

Many Christians believe that God can foresee the future(omnipresent) and knows who will believe in Jesus Christ(Gift of Salvation) and based on this chooses who will be part of His Elect.
It's a problematic position, as discussed above.

The Scriptures says we cannot fathom God's understanding.(Romans 11:34-36) I agree wholeheartedly. 😏
Best not to sweat it, then.

I believe this is why Jesus sent us the Counselor, to help and guide us on our spiritual journey focusing on Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
And focus on what we can do ...
Yes .. it was a "no brainer" .. why would He prefer Pharaoh and co. ?

G-d chooses to help the oppressed .. they are more willing to listen. 😐
They are more willing to listen, I agree, but I do think that was not the only reason why God chose them...... It was all part of His Divine plan to set a way for Salvation. 🤔