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Deleted because im trying to be more mature. Offense is the bait of satan and i wont take the bait.
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Agreed, it does.oh the comment I was responding to of yours - "Whereas angels don't exist as we do, it is suggested that the fallen have become corrupt through and through, and when they face the purifying flame, nothing remains ... but that is just my speculation."
I thought the way you were describing angels in that comment sounded like annihilationism
Hi! Ready to be poked again?![]()
So do I.I use The Blue Letter Bible ...
It can, that's the point, and in the KJV it is not aionios is not 'eternal' in every instance ... and this is where the challenge arises.So what i found in the text provided below is that Aionios is also used to describe an everlasting God who is eternal as well as His Power His Glory the Holy Spirit etc... So it can mean eternal as listed in Strongs as used 42 times in the NT
This is all so interesting to me and im glad we are fleshing it out together. I confesd that I have in the past struggled with spiritual pride. I never assume I'm right anymore and always fall back on Paul cautioning us in Romans 14 to be convicted unto ourselves. Maybe I'm the weaker in faith in this issue and i will not call what you consider good..evil. just as you just pointed out the same for me. I appreciate your wisdom and gentleness as im studying this out and i wish everyone would be the same with each other.OK!
Let me say that my view, and the views I echo, are neither dogmatic nor definitive, but represent a sound theological position, based on study. So I'm not saying you are wrong, or I am right, but that we hold different positions on the same principle, I think, that nothing the world can do can keep us from Christ.
And, let's face it – whether aion means my 70 years, or the age of the cosmos, it's all a bit academic ... so the outcome of this is not a deal-breaker.
So do I.
It can, that's the point, and in the KJV it is not aionios is not 'eternal' in every instance ... and this is where the challenge arises.
In the era the gospels were written, aion and aionios imply a period of time, but not necessarily eternity. Aidios is the Greek for eternity in that sense, and appears only twice.
As explained here:
I know this was @Thomas but you are have a great theological exchange and it reminded me of something.@Thomas i have to ask whats the point then? Whats the point of any of it if we're all going to be saved.. whats the point of Jesus suffering on the cross? Whats the point of the law and of grace through faith. Unsaved people get a lot less hassle from the enemy thats for sure. Is satan and the fallen angels going to be saved as well? Satan was cast down because of his rebellion which is what mankind is guilty of.. open rebellion to God. For me this is a dangerous teaching comforting people with something that you cant even be 100% sure of.. and the blood on your hands if by chance you're wrong? I respect your belief but being my brother in Christ i hope you are right. God bless you and thank you for your thoughtful answer to my question.
I like the story you shared because that is how I feel. Because He deserves it. Im always bothered when His sacrifice is trivialized to the point that it doesnt matter in the end of things. It is the most important part of my faith. That was my initial response to Thomas's declaration. I now understand him better but it has not changed my feeling on the topic thus farI know this was @Thomas but you are have a great theological exchange and it reminded me of something.
I remember once hearing someone reply to a similar question - someone asked an elderly devout Christian why be Christian if everybody was saved or at least if every religion was a pathway to God or something. Or they asked why worship Christ, what is the point of that, I think is what the asker said. The person who received the question, the elderly devout Christian, seemed surprised by the question and said "Because He deserves it!"
I don't know the full extent of their theology, but I got the impression they thought Christ's sacrifice on the cross was of such effect that it impacted human destiny in this world and the next whether one believed or not. And that nothing would be the same on either side if he had not suffered and died on the cross. I wish I could have asked that person some questions but I did not have the opportunity. (I'm pretty sure it was at the church near where I lived growing up, and it was out of town visitors who were honored guests because they used to live there and be active in the church) so I didn't really know them and never saw them again.
I'm a little confused about the portion where you say Thomas would have "blood on his hands" if he were wrong. What blood? The part where you say there is something he cannot be 100% sure of -- isn't that always true of anybody's thoughts anything in the world beyond? After all there are so many things in this world (this planet, what is in it, and beyond the planet which is physical existence but beyond our physical world) that we cannot be 100% sure of or don't even know anything about yet.
How much more the world beyond?
Just some thoughts.
God makes some hard of heart and blind to see his glory.Many are not open to the Gospel, could it be that they are not part of the chosen(elect) ones?If this is so, I can understand why people do not want to believe Jesus Christ is the Savior from eternal hell....they are not drawn by the Father.
I agree with the objection: That God being loving and God sending anybody to eternal conscious torment are two ideas that do not compute. That state of affairs would make God ungood and unloving, unmerciful and unjust.I used to believe that all paths led to God because the loving God that i thought i knew could never send soneone to hell for eternity. I would speak this to people. Oh boy did i have a strong conviction against this as i studied my bible more. God is loving yes most assuredly but He is also Just. Unrepented Sin leads to death. Thats all over scripture. I cant forget that. I had to repent for saying this to people. Ohh you can stay in your sin and you will eventually find God. No ma'am. Jesus died for these people and not telling them the consequences of dying in their sin is a greater sin on me.
According to the Bible, two people won't make it to salvation. Not sure if they are the only ones. Unless somehow they get salvation while hanging out with Satan. Don't think the Beast and False Prophet are reaching salvation.That all will be saved.
The idea being that if God's love and mercy is Infinite, then no-one is beyond salvation.