Does God really exist?

Dear @'Amir Alzzalam – When you've quite finished spouting your rebuttals of the belief of others, I do hope you're going to provide bullet-proof evidence to support what you believe in, else this is simply you engaged in an exercise of sour-grapes time-wasting ...
What do I believe in that needs proof?
Dear @'Amir Alzzalam – When you've quite finished spouting your rebuttals of the belief of others, I do hope you're going to provide bullet-proof evidence to support what you believe in, else this is simply you engaged in an exercise of sour-grapes time-wasting ...
How does my providing "bullet-proof evidence" of my 'beliefs' have anything to do with my opinions and criticisms of other Beliefs? If you're hoping to invalidate me because of whether I can provide proof of my Beliefs or not then that is just sloppy reasoning on your part. If I am wasting your precious time, I suggest you skip over my comments and posts from now on.
The observer effect is a longstanding quantum theory, based on seeing a pattern of quanta (discrete packets or globs of energy? Not sure if a quanta is objective or theoretical only. Photons are objective, as far as I know) acting like particles instead of waves when observed by humans or by human instruments. Suggests that someone believes that human consciousness affects subatomic units,
Also, random numbers generating computers are reported to become less random when large numbers of people are using them.
The observer effect is a longstanding quantum theory, based on seeing a pattern of quanta (discrete packets or globs of energy? Not sure if a quanta is objective or theoretical only. Photons are objective, as far as I know) acting like particles instead of waves when observed by humans or by human instruments. Suggests that someone believes that human consciousness affects subatomic units,
The evidence that human consciousness affects these units....? So if all humans died, would the subatomic units cease to exist as well? Or will they survive as long as rats can observe them?
If you have proof they aren't then the world would like to know this proof and you would stand to become world famous and very wealthy . . . what are you waiting for?
I didn't say they did exist. I can't prove it with empirical evidence. But I know how you like to "debate". If you make a negative claim, then you never have to prove it. If anyone who disagrees with you makes a negative claim, they have to prove it.
You're a real glutton for punishment I see . . . very well

Show me ONE THING that is Perfect . . . there isn't any

Life is more rational, free, and fulfilling without belief in God or adherence to religion, encouraging others to embrace critical thinking and reject religious control.
  1. Lack of Evidence: Belief in God often lacks proof, relying instead on personal experiences, upbringing, or societal norms. Such anecdotal evidence is deemed insufficient and unrepeatable under scrutiny. No persuasive evidence for God's existence has been presented.
  2. Logical Inconsistencies: Arguments attempting to logically prove God's existence, including those from theologians and philosophers, fail to provide conclusive evidence. At best, they suggest God as a possible explanation but not a definitive truth.
  3. The Problem of Suffering: The existence of unnecessary suffering challenges the notion of a benevolent and loving God. The suffering of innocents, devout believers, and widespread natural and human-made tragedies undermines the concept of an all-good deity.
  4. Lack of Necessity: Humanity does not require God for morality or functioning. Moral codes and societal laws exist independently of religious frameworks. Many thrive and live ethically without religious belief.
  5. Improved Life Without God: Religion often imposes restrictive and harmful practices. A life free from religious constraints allows individuals to live by their own moral judgments, unburdened by outdated or oppressive doctrines.
That's opinion. Not evidence. So right now God doesn't exist, or you claim this to be true. So how can you prove that life would be worse with a god? That is my point. Feel free to prove your claim. You've failed miserably so far.
e.g. Opposites imply Duality, and Duality is an illusion of objective reality. Darkness isn't the antithesis of Light, nor is it the absence of Light. Instead, Darkness predates Light, serving as the nurturing space where Light takes form. Without Darkness, Light cannot exist; it is the foundation upon which Light unfolds. There is no Duality, there is only the illusion of Duality.
Philosophy. Not evidence. It's amazing how there is such a great divide between your definition of "evidence" when it comes to those who disagree with you and the definition you have for "evidence" when your beliefs are concerned.
What do I believe in that needs proof?
You basically asked this already. You haven't given one iota of evidence for any of your beliefs. I do believe that means this case is closed. You are simply someone who likes criticizing others but just hates being called out for hypocrisy. Firmly established now.
How does my providing "bullet-proof evidence" of my 'beliefs' have anything to do with my opinions and criticisms of other Beliefs? If you're hoping to invalidate me because of whether I can provide proof of my Beliefs or not then that is just sloppy reasoning on your part. If I am wasting your precious time, I suggest you skip over my comments and posts from now on.
Stop calling out people for their beliefs and they won't call you out for yours. It... is... that... simple!!! Or maybe every time you post something about your "inner self" we'll just let you know that there isn't one iota of evidence that such a thing exists. It makes sense to you. Or you could take your own advice and just move along when you read something you don't agree with.
Hey, this was a little funny, wasn't it?
Adding some levity
Not leavening, not levitation.
Just levity.
Lighter than air.
The irony for this is that I started craving wine when I was going through his empty claims. I'll have to wait a few more months to do some wine-tasting. Since my wife loves wine, and she obviously is abstaining while pregnant, I am following suit. Perhaps my inner self is craving wine? Or perhaps Dionysius is my inner deity?
The evidence that human consciousness affects these units....? So if all humans died, would the subatomic units cease to exist as well? Or will they survive as long as rats can observe them?
It's always explained like that, but that's of course actually the view of the experimental physicist.
In fact, it needs an interaction to be observed, and if any interaction took place the particle as well as it's sibling behave in a determined way, whereas it seems to have a behaviour that can only be described my a probabilistic formula before it interacts. However, it's impossible to prove that it is not determined from the beginning because you can't observe it without any interaction...
Let me guess. He left us again. He did this the last time I cornered him on his hypocritical attitude towards other beliefs.