Hello Everyone ,
Different Divergent Views , Opinions and Believes Exist in the world today . Some Believe that Demons are Spiritual Evil Personalities that were Driven by Arch Angel Micheal from om Heaven into this World, Otherwise known as Fallen Angels .
When a Man Had a Terrible Nightmare it's demons that Made a Visit to Him during Sleep,When Man experience any Evil Thing like being Attacked with Strange Sickness That defies Medical Approach it's Demons that are Responsible.
When Some Rituals are done to Attack someone through Voodoo it's the Demons that are Summoned to Make the Voodoo and Spells to Work.
Some Believe that these Demons has Effective Spiritual Powers to make the wish or the Spiritualists that Summon them Granted if they are well Appeased.
Do You Believe in the Existence of Demons ?