Honor thy Father and thy Mother

I was a problem child, dad was an alcoholic and we fought verbally on many occasions...
Why should I honor him? What for this commandment?
He was an example to me as how not to parent...I give him credit for that.
Lost both (after all, I am 82+). They were human and they were lovely. Problems were from my side.
Humans make mistakes. If not honor him, at least forgive him. Don't carry a heavy bag.
He did teach you something by his example.
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But I think you see my point.
I do wonder why you never abandoned Christianity altogether, and looked more into Judaism?

Your outlook on Christianity – Unity apart – is largely negative, whereas you always seem to show a positive regard for Judaism ... just wonderin'
I do wonder why you never abandoned Christianity altogether, and looked more into Judaism?

Your outlook on Christianity – Unity apart – is largely negative, whereas you always seem to show a positive regard for Judaism ... just wonderin'
I am afraid that has mostly to due with the vocal American Christians of which I am surrounded by millions of hypocritical statements. The saying "I like your Christ, wish Christians were more like him." In all its variations comes to mind.

It would be different if I saw different examples and they weren't so prevalent.

Take leviticus for example...the Christians that claim I cherry pick have a field day with that Jewish book.

As for Unity and New Thought...it is those teachings I lean toward, but don't accept fully. I have said before the use of the word G!d still turns my stomach and detracts my thoughts from the rest of service. What I like is Butch, the way he thinks, the motivational, inspirational, logic of his message and the way I can put to use in my life is what attracts me.

For those who don't know what I mean, this is an example...
And don’t have any kids yourself.
That is a dangerous advice, against nature. Whatever, you must have kids (whether you raise them or not - someone else will do it).
Was that not what God said? 8 billion now.
"And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; swarm in the earth, and multiply therein."
Oh my! Yeah, just keep spitting them out that is quite the culture...
Tolstoy, story about how orphans grew up and why 'angels smiled'. Read it some 65 years ago, can't remember the name.
The dying father was worried about their future. But Tolstoy made them grown up by grace of God.
Yeah, those cultures that do not reproduce will wane.

The Swiss people don't have many children nowadays (average 1.8 children per woman), but about half of the population have come to Switzerland from elsewhere (also my family is 0% native Swiss), and the population is growing fast (1% per year). Of course, people bring aspects from other cultures, but the Swiss culture is not perishing.
The work of fiction...just about every orphan house from decades.past now has stories of physical and sexual abuse...houses of "God" especially.
True, but they survive. Of course, what Tolstoy wrote is finction.
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The Swiss people don't have many children nowadays (average 1.8 children per woman), but about half of the population have come to Switzerland from elsewhere (also my family is 0% native Swiss), and the population is growing fast (1% per year). Of course, people bring aspects from other cultures, but the Swiss culture is not perishing.
1% is dangerous. It results in a nation of old people, like in Japan. New people bring their own culture which may clash with the original culture. Then, it is Chrlie Hebdo.

2024 Population Pyramids - Japan, India, Switzerland.
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Yeah, those cultures that do not reproduce will wane.
It doesn't logically follow that each individual must have children.
Which is what I thought you were implying.
Having children with the explicit idea someone else can raise them? What the hey?
Sounds irresponsible. Poor planning in many if not most cases where someone does this, and certainly if done on a mass scale.
Everybody have kids? And expect - whom to raise them?
People already raising their own kids? Take in a few more?
I was wondering if you were being ironic?
That is not the main thrust of my posts, which is 'need to maintain a balanced population pyramid', and the problems associated with migratios from other cultures.
1% is dangerous. It results in a nation of old people, like in Japan. New people bring their own culture which may clash with the original culture. Then, it is Chrlie Hebdo.

2024 Population Pyramids - Japan, India, Switzerland.
1% net growth per year is 10.5% in 10 years and 64.4% in 50 years. The space per inhabitant is becoming smaller over the years, and land are rising. The number of inhabitants need not grow.
Most immigrants come at the age between 20 and 27.
That is a dangerous advice, against nature.

Whatever, you must have kids (whether you raise them or not - someone else will do it).
This is where I thought you might have been ironic - if taken straight it's really lame and irresponsible advice.

Was that not what God said? 8 billion now.
"And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; swarm in the earth, and multiply therein."
Genesis 9 JPS Tanakh 1917
Well, but that's not what you believe, right?

That is not the main thrust of my posts, which is 'need to maintain a balanced population pyramid', and the problems associated with migratios from other cultures.
What? In light of the other post I quoted, it has me scratching my head.
Yeah, I was being ironic, but IMHO, a birth rate of more than 2.1 (more than just replacement) should be maintained, otherwise societies do not survive.
Yeah again, I do not believe that but do not also favor stagnation in population. Migrations from other cultures may lead to conflicts.
I do wonder why you never abandoned Christianity altogether, and looked more into Judaism?

Your outlook on Christianity – Unity apart – is largely negative, whereas you always seem to show a positive regard for Judaism ... just wonderin'
To further explain, I like the words and teachings purported to be of Jesus. Beatitudes and Book of Thomas...for much of the rest of the Bible for me to hold on I prefer the new thought understanding particularly Unity's resonates most.

I'm inclined to believe from 13 to 30 he did some traveling and ran into followers of eastern religions be they Hindu or Bhuddist, I don't know that he made it as far as India...but I think he ran into a number that made it west...

But why do I have issues with Christianity? Mostly due to the vocal practitioners and preachers.